Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

I am perfect just as I am I need to know this and live it! No matter what life throws at me!

The last few posts have been mainly on the romantic and on the want for love/companionship, so forth, but, I have kept them as positive as possible. The truth is one needs to be happy being without that companionship as well. It is something I have had to do for some time. One cannot let their happiness depend on other people. For some times you just have yourself and you need to learn to enjoy being on your own as well.

For we will not always have others around and if you cannot bear being alone that is not a good thing. One needs to be able to be by themselves and love themselves enough to be happy with ones life. After all I could be dead and rotting in the ground. I could be homeless without a roof over my head or food in my stomach. I could be laying on an operating table half dead and be barely alive. My life could be so much worse.

I do love myself and I have been single for ages now. I do love myself even if no one else is around. I do not need a companion to enjoy life because I enjoy myself. That does not mean I do not want a woman I very much do. However, I know that I need to be able to enjoy my alone time. As well as my time without a companion. Until the time that companion comes about. We all do and none of us should require a companion to love ourselves.

Self-love comes first as we need to know that we are worthy and enough before we can let down the walls to let love into our hearts. If I do not love myself when I am single and not taken I will never love myself if I become taken by another. Ones status of relations does not determine a man's worth. A good man is a good man regardless of status in their life. A good man alone is still a good man. A good man with a good woman is also a good man. For good men are good men regardless of status.

I am one hell of a good man! I am me and I am free! I am Christopher Matthew Murphy! Whether single or not I am still great and perfect just as I am! The right woman will see that and be attracted how good of a man I am. I love myself as I am even with all my human flaws; no embracing them for we are only walking 5th Apes at the end of the day and life is too short to be unhappy alone or with others!