Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Some more on traditionalism

I wanted to make sure that no misunderstandings were formed by my defense of some forms of traditionalism in my last article. I am not saying every single tradition that exists is good on its face of it. Neither am I saying one can dismiss something because it is a tradition. There are different traditions and some are not good.

For example; the tradition that men are disposable and thus their health physical or mental is not a matter of concern. This is one tradition we can let go of in my opinion.

However, there is a saying about not throwing the baby out with the bathwater. In an effort to modernize some things from the past many people think we need to give up on it all. Thinking it is all social construction. That there could not possibly be a biological and very human basis for the traditional aspects of manhood and womanhood.

This is a mistake and we are seeing evolutionary psychology disprove this social constructionist myths of gender. Ones gender is an innate thing in owns brain chemistry and is not some social construction. A good deal of the traditional manhood and womanhood is innate in our species. It is something at the core of whom we are as people; men are men and women are women.

This does not mean one needs to exclude homosexuals for instance. Men that love and sleep with men are still men; even if representation of them and stereotypes would have you seem it be otherwise. One does not need to be straight to be a real man and masculine. A lot more of the gay population is a lot more typical guys than most would realize. "Community" and "lifestyle" is not the same as the being.

I am a prime example of this truth being a bisexual male. Whom no one would even guess has fallen in love with and had sex with other men. While I am not a homosexual I am still evidence that one can differ in this regard from the traditional male role while still fitting many others. The same can be said for women. Whom are not all the stereotypical butch type.

Traditional masculine roles which are based on biology include protection and provision. It is not a social construct that makes so many men heroes saving the day in real life or their dreams. It is a very real desire to be the remains of the soldier, warrior, and the defender of the tribe. Which distills into more modern defense of one's loved ones and not just a "collectivist tribe."

This is also why one gets so many "damsel in distress" story lines and arch-types throughout human history. Men are literally programmed in their wet wear to step in to help women and children. As well as to fight to defend those whom are psychologically put into the "in group," which replaces our ancestors tribes. It is also why so many men will jump on the feminist band wagon and be white knights.

The desire to protect needs to be meted with reason, rationality and evidence of need for protection. As well as whether said individual has the ability to defend themselves. As does the desire to provide for someone else also need this tapering. For men can literally be manipulated into giving and giving using this innate tendency.

Similarly monogamy has biological roots as well. Monogamy is the way for a species to know whom has which children. Not all people are monogamous, but, that does not mean that there is no biological component to those whom are. Particularly with women; monogamy guarantees familial ties to the children. As well as insuring a woman's protection via their man.

This too can be dangerous if you are monogamous in a world of people that simply want cheap thrills. It can mean that one gets attached to someone whom simply wanted a night of fun. So, it is best often times to guard ones emotions in this day and age from being harmed. Pair bonding is a well known phenomenon in our species.

Traditions of femininity based on mothering natures are also based in biology as well. Just like men's masculine nature has natural fathering within it. There is a natural different, but, complimentary nature to both genders. Of course, there is also human universal in both genders as well.

The point is that traditionalism and traditions are not the same thing. One can see the value in some traditions without seeing value in all of them. One can also see where those do or do not come from human nature. Where they do come from human nature to try and do away with it is dangerously foolish indeed.

Although, it must be said that to consider traditionalism to be equal to some evil nefarious force is also as inane as any other collectivist view of people. Traditionalism whether or not I am one is not harmful if it is not forced onto others. The answer lies in the words, free, voluntary and consensual.