Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Learning to contain myself and to just breath
Yesterday I had a great day and one of my best ever in a real long time. I was in a real nice place and I know that I was not the only one. It was definitely a wonderful day for two. Some would say it felt too good and to watch that I keep being rational.
There are some whom would say feeling too good is a sign that my reasoning mind is not intact. To watch what I say and or do as it might be an insane evasion of reality due to my emotional state. After all when one is in too happy a mood one might not be thinking clearly. One might be letting reason slip for the fact that they do feel so at peace and nice.
The view would be that I cannot maintain a sense of realistic and rational thinking if I am being so drowned in desires. So, moved by the feelings inside of me and it could very well lead to my complete self-destruction. I actually do not think this is the case at all. I do not think being happy and being reasonable are opposites at all. I do not think that emotionally being in a good spot is unreasonable.
If I could be on cloud nine a lot I would be in a very good spot in life. This does not mean evading reality, A=A and things are what they are. However, it would be to evade reality to deny how good I felt and how right it all feels. One needs not to give up a good life as a sacrifice to living in reality. Reality requires you to know how you feel and why. Not to repress and deny ones feelings.
If I were to say A really was a B that would be a problem, but, I am not. I am very much living in reality and feeling at the same time. There is no conflict between my emotions and my reason. I love being this happy and love my life right now. This is all that matters. That I am no longer facing the world and freaking out.
I do not care what others might think. I am me and I am free. I love whom I love and I am a good man. Whom makes me this happy makes me this happy. In time things can only get better and grow from here. It will just take time and patience. Love and trust, and time. I will make this work, we will make this work. It will just take time.