Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, August 28, 2016

No matter if the glass is half full or half empty you can keep refilling it. Embracing a Benevolent Universe calms the nerves!

There is a well known saying about glasses and how full or empty they are. However, this is way to simple for our real lives. No one can be up all the time and no one should need to be. We are all only human after all and we all have bad days. As well as bad moods at times it is normal.

What we should all be reminded of is those bad times are temporary and that all glasses can be refilled by the drinker. As the drinker of the waters called life we are always able to pour more into our glass at anytime. Continuously refillable by us the drinker that is drinking it in.

It is always within us as the drinker to change the amount of water in our glass. There is no limit to how often we can get back up from bad moods and bad times. There is no limit to how much we can pour back in at any given time. As the drinker we are in control and through will power as the Rational Animal we can do cognitive work to make our mindset more based on growth. Based on a positive life is a journey mindset.

It is never to late to embrace the universe as being benevolent and not our enemy. That any sane rational person is not wanting your life to suck. We can learn to trust people that we are able to learn to trust and not need to worry about being hurt. Sometimes being hurt a lot makes one feel like they cannot trust, but, we can always learn to trust again. Not everyone is out to get us.

Among Rational and integrated beings there is no conflicts of interest and there is no malevolence. This is not to say there is no evil in this world we are surrounded in it. Yet, to see life in a paranoid mist which says that everyone is out to get you is no better than trusting everyone is. When I say a benevolent Universe I am not talking about some New Thought/New Age "The Secret," stuff. I mean a rational idea of benevolence.

I do not think that your thinking something makes the Universe give it to you. Nor do I believe that if I love something enough the Universe will hand it to me on a silver platter. Yet, one should believe that one can act to obtain their values and obtain them without a universe out to get them. That one is able to trade value for value and to get the good stuff in life. Not nessecarely material things, but, the good thing general. 

That one can act to and gain their values in life is key to not being deterred from acting to obtain said value. For if one is unstable due to fear and unable to act nothing can get done. Things do not just materialize into existence from the ether like Mana from a Garden of Eden. We need to think first and then act to obtain/keep the things we value in life. Whatever those maybe for any particular person. We need in that sense a benevolent view of the universe as not being our enemy.

When combining this with a proper mindset/attitude if you will wonders can happen. Not as miracles from some Universe that grants wishes like as if a genie. No, but, from our own actions based on our rational thinking and feeling what we want. Then going for what we want in the most proper way to be able to obtain those values long term. The universe is not out to get you quit thinking it is.