Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Are reason and emotion really in conflict? Or are they actually different parts of a mindful whole?

There is an oft pondered question when it comes to the human experience and that is reason or emotion, which do you listen to? This is a question many people find themselves facing at different times in their lives. Which do you listen to and when? Or should you listen to either one? Or both of them?

Reason and emotion are often considered to be in a never-ending conflict where never the two will meet. I would like to say that I do not think this is correct. In fact, emotion and reason are not enemies at all and to pit them against each other is a big mistake. Both reason without emotion and emotion without reason is no good.

We need both reason and emotion; for different things, but, we need them both. We all have emotions we are all human and we cannot get passed having them. That does not mean they need to rule our life though. Nor does having reason as a guide mean repressing and thus not feeling, nor acting on ones emotions. To argue that because one is reasonable they will never feel emotions or act on them is inane.

Just as it would be silly to let emotions rule you and never to act in a reasonable fashion. This too would be a ludicrous way to live your life. However, some times reasonable people can get upset over just being human and feeling something. They freak out inside because they think that there is a conflict between being a non-delusional reasonable person and feeling things.

There is not; I repeat there is no conflict here only a misunderstanding. We are all evolved 5th apes and that means we will have emotions of evolved 5th apes. This means we will have the instincts of 5th apes and that also means we can feel deeply, but, also be rational. The answer is not to repress ones feelings. It is about balancing reason and emotions. Or mind and heart as some would say.

I for example; I care deeply for another, but, I am not irrational. I do not act in an irrational or unreasonable way. I maintain my reasonableness, my reason and my rationality. I maintain a balance at all times between my heart and mind as they say. Or my cognitive parts of my brain and my emotional ones. Nor do they act unreasonably with me either.

It is a mindful balance between your reason and your emotions. A harmony between reason and feeling that is required for a balanced life. You can both live with your head and your heart. You do not need to sacrifice reason to emotion. Nor emotions to your reason. You can live with both in balance and in harmony. Like two individuals can.

It is time that we toss off the idea that heart and head are enemies. That reason and emotions are enemies. One needs to understand that balancing both are important. Both are important to us as human beings. Reason is the guide through our cognitive faculties. Emotions are also important to us and also valuable in our whole as an integrated being.

Emotions can be like instant calculators letting us know what gives pleasure or pain. What makes us happy or makes us horrendous. A rational animal can have reasonable emotions as well. Toss off the idea that to follow your heart is anti-reason or that following reason is anti-heart. It is all within the context of things and within balance in a truly rational animal.

Do not get angry at your heart or your head. Think about if it seems to be reasonable to feel or think the way you do. Some times following your heart is also following your mind. Some times following your mind is also following your heart. Emotion and reason are bosom buddies and not enemies. We need different things for different contexts, different times. Quit with the war inside and love both! They are true Soulmates heart and head, head and heart. It is all your Mind, your only true Soul and part of you! It is a whole embrace them both within reason.