Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
No, Donald Trump Flag burning should NOT be criminalized! It is called Freedom of Speech!
Sorry, Mr. President, but, burning flags is defended by this little concept called freedom of speech and expression. It is defended by the 1st Amendment right you as a Republican nominee is supposed to defend under the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America. You do not get to throw a fucking hissy fit when you are offended by speech. You are acting no better than the rioters whom are rioting you if you think it is OK to go after the free speech of people that want to say something you disagree with.
You do not get to dictate the removal of the cornerstone of the Republic because you are an elected Republican president. It is your elected duty as a Republican to defend the 1st amendment of the constitution just like all of the other bills of rights. You made an entire campaign on being against political correctness and what do you end up doing? Being just as afraid of being offended as the Social Justice Warriors. You are claiming to be a Republican and you dare consider yourself an Alpha Male.
Alpha Males do not care what other people are doing as long as they keep their hands to themselves. They do not try and squash other peoples rights. They if anything do not give a shit what other people think. Oh, Mr. President you are being a Beta Cuck crybaby ALA a Male feminist. Whining and complaining because something offends you makes you a try hard phony not an Alpha Male. It started with your calling out the Hamilton stuff. Now it is the flag and what happens to it. For such a strong man you are sure acting like a weak little boy.
Grow some fucking skin and let your balls drop again.. if they ever did yet to begin with. You are more and more looking like a poor excuse of a leader of the Free World. You are slowly losing lots of support with this sort of stunt. Man the fuck up for fucks sake! You are like 70 fucking years old you need to act your fucking age! Not your shoe size! Words and peaceful demonstrations are not something to be afraid of. Nor are they something to interfere in!
This real and true alpha is not happy with your performance so far in your elected post. If you decide to legally act on this garbage and go after the 1st amendment you can suck on my Alpha male cock! And don't you dare spit either! I do not defend the rioters and looters, but, I do not defend you infringing on people's rights either. Mr. Trump you are now President Cuck Elect if you go through with this. Freedom of speech trumps your Trump feels you little pussy!
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Fuck you #TransLivesMatter!!!! ALL LIVES MATTER!!! ALL LIVES!!!
This habit of making collective groups lives matter over individual lives is starting to become sickening. First it was #BlackLivesMatter and the real world rioting insanity with even killing of cops. Now there is a movement to make #TransLivesMatter starting with this month being Trans Awareness Month. Or should I say last month was it is over now. This is bullshit! This is bullshit!
Individuals human lives matter and it does not matter your orientation, or gender. People do not get to have their deaths matter more because they died having Gender Identity Dysphoria and transitioning for it. Just like Black Lives Matter is bullshit this too is bullshit. All lives matter and not just a select few of the human species. It is horrid to think that anyone would collectivize away individual rights to life.
All lives matter and it does not matter your particular little group you are in. Trans people do not get special magical superiority over the rest of us simply because they have been killed. If you add up the total amount of transgendered people killed VS the amount of the majority killed in the USA it pales in comparison due to how small the actual amount of trans humans is in general. All lives matter people all of them and yes trans people dying is not nice, but, this is the real world where murder exists towards all individuals regardless of gender or gender identity.
There will never be a world where no gays, no lesbians, no straights, no anyone does not get killed. We live in a world with ability to die at the hands of another person this is real life. It is statistically rarer than ever these days, but, it will always happen. We will never live in a heaven on Earth where death and destruction does not exist it is impossible for we are in the real world. Fuck you #TransLivesMattter; all of our lives matter and you do not get to be special snowflakes because you are Trans.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
I am more Republican than President Elect Trump
Republicanism is defined as being for a Constitutional Republic with certain checks and balances. Which contains lots of ways of watching the watchers and a very narrow defined role of the government. That role being specifically and historically the national and domestic defense; cops, courts and a military. Using this definition I am a Republican and as Peter Thiel said at the Trump rallies I am proud to be one. I defend a limited government/state as the only moral one that can exist.
I also considered myself to be a lowercase libertarian (as opposed to an upper case member of any Libertarian political party.) As well as understanding of and supporting of Objectivism. These ideas are not in conflict. One can be both a Republican and a libertarian. Just like one can be an Objectivist and Republican. In fact all Objectivism is Republican as all Objectivists support a limited government which is a republic of sorts. That does not mean all Republics in this world are Constitutionally limited governments.
I am defining Republic in this description as only within the spectrum in which Republic means limited constitutional government. Trump is not one he is in favor of all kinds of government programs; such as NSA and The Patriot Act that are completely antithetical of a constitutional republic and a separation of powers with checks/balances. Not too mention he is OK with raising the minimum wage. He now supports possibly Climate Change legislation and is not repealing Obamacare after all. He is also going back on going after Hillary Clinton. He has no principles and he is showing this. Republicanism is principled defense of liberty and limited government. I would be a better Republican President than Trump and I am Canadian!
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Trumps Victory is not a Victory for the Right.
I want to start by saying I am not someone whom thinks the world is
coming to an end due to Trump being elected president. At the same time
I am not a Trump demagogue whom thinks he is the best thing to happen
to America either. I am in the middle appreciating some of the ideas he
wants to go with and loathing others. I am at heart a positive and
optimistic man even in the face of The Trump leading the USA. I want to
also say I am not blind to his authoritarian side nor to the
authoritarians surrounding him. However, I have hope that the Senate,
House Republicans that did not agree with him will fight him tooth and
Even with this sense of life and optimism I am not blind to the
fact this is not a victory for the rightists among us. Trump is a
Classic Old-School Leftist anti-free trade and protectionist Democrat.
He was what a Democrat was say 20 or 30 years ago and his views on
protectionism are more in line with Hillary's rival Bernie Sanders than
any mainstream Republicans. This was a win for the Old-School fraction
of the left-wing and not a triumph for the secular, pro-reason and
capitalist right. This was not a win for Classical Liberalism,
Constitutional Republicans, Laissez-faire or libertarians, nor
While Trump ran on cutting taxes, regulations and repealing
Obamacare. He has already began to back peddle and show he really is not
concerned with making a more limited government in accordance with the
US Constitution and classical liberal principles the cornerstone of the
Right. Let alone being a fan of anything near the most Radical of the
freedom movement those whom call for stateless liberty. While I am not
an an-cap the fact that some An-Caps are supporting him boggles the mind
it really does. He has an authoritarian streak that we all need to
watch out for. Especially those whom want freedom.
He has not met any of his promises so far to cut the government
down to size and I am hoping that turns around once he begins
government. He has reneged in advance on so many promises and my hope in
him is slowly waning despite my optimism because of this. I am not
going to say he is a horrible person as some have said. I think he is
misinformed and ignorant, wrong on a lot of things, but, he is not some
evil devil. We need to be weary of him and his aids. We need to watch
the direction the government flows. I highly doubt it will be to the
genuine right, but, in a weird middle ground. Combining some elements
that will be authoritarian with other elements of certain freedoms.
I refrain any righties to stop saying we won we have not. Nor
should we join the rioting nutcases in the streets. He has won fair and
square, but, we can still give our voice to the voiceless in the
Rational, secular and capitalist right. We have not won whether it is my
fellow atheist righties or other secular believers on the right. We have
not won and we should not forget this and give into some collectivism
over Trump. Collectivism is the real enemy ideology we must fight. This
is individualism and individuals vs collectivism and collectivizing
people like some Borg. We must remember that is the real foundation to
Monday, November 14, 2016
A little bit on my views on the War on Terror.
I think Trump actually had a good idea when he said in his campaign we should stop all immigration from Countries affiliated with groups and ideologies in league with Radical Islam. Not permanently, but, until we have a much better vetting and screening process. As a freedom person I bet you expected me to be a pussy when it comes to the whole War on Terror, but, I am not a pacifist. NAP is not pacifism and I fully consider Islam a real threat governments need to be fighting.
We have been in a War with Islam within the West since the Iranian Hostage situation with the US in the 1970's. That is really when this all began not on 9/11. 9/11 was just one of the most horrendous moments in it. This is an old war really, but, it was not talked much about until 9./11 and it got its own name. The war on Terror, which is a ridiculous name. It is in fact the War with Islam and it always has been. My views are contrary to many libertarians on this issue and the nature of this threat. It is a serious threat akin to the Nazis and WWII and we are not hardly even fighting. We are laying down letting the threat take us out little by little.
We need to do to the various Radical Islam ideology what we did back then. We need to eliminate the threat and yes that means lots of people will lose their life, but, the threat needs to be taken out completely, so, peace can come back. We need to do to Terrorists and their funding sources what we did to the Nazis. Take them out; first give the ultimatum and then no follow through we eliminate them. Yes, that means we need to give Iran an ultimate and then act on it if they do not stop funding terrorist groups. Yes, I mean threaten to attack and do so if they do not comply. Iraq was the wrong target it was not responsible for the terrorist threat, but, Iran is a major cause of it.
We also need to do the same thing with Saudi Arabia; give them an ultimatum to stop supporting Radical Islamic terrorism. If they do not comply well we also go after them too. Those are the real big funding sources of terrorism as well as where most of the propaganda comes from. It was not Iraq that the USA should have gone after. Afghanistan can be seen as a just retaliation to 9/11 to remove a threat. However, the hijackers were all Saudi's after all. In my opinion The West has not been too harsh on fighting Islam, but, not defending itself strong enough. Not being serious enough about eliminating the threat at its true sources. We also need to work on internal Radicals on a more serious level as well.
Yes, you heard me right we are not fighting the war strong enough. This is because we are not fighting wisely we keep choosing bad targets that do not need to be taken out. While over looking all of the legitimate targets we should be working towards dealing with and eliminating. We have been too altruistic and made it into a "War for spreading democracy." Into a "World Police," and it is not is it is a matter of self-defense against legitimate threat which needs to be eliminated. We should not care about spreading anything. We should only care about keeping The West and the citizens in the West safe from a threat. Doing what needs to be done to do that no matter how messy that might be in the process. We need to defend the innocent against these Radical killing machines at all costs.
I am not a warhawk that is wanting War for the sake of war. Not at all, but, Islamic Jihad is too much of a real and ever present threat akin to the Nazis that I cannot take a do nothing position like so many libertarians take. Once the threat is eliminated we will be able to have peace. However, you cannot have peace when we are in this situation that we are in right now. We need to eliminate the threats and be serious about it now, so, that we can have the peaceful Global Capitalist world all freedom lovers want for the future. Hell, once we eliminate the threats then maybe we can have those Open Borders libertarians love so much. However, not while we have a serious threat we have not yet eliminated.
Saturday, November 12, 2016
What I agree on with the new Vice President Mike Pence
As I found myself researching more into the new VP Mike Pence I found some interesting things. Some of which was a little out there, but, other things were not so insane. Other things in fact I totally agreed with. The idea of privatizing Social Security absolutely I support. The fact that anti-discrimination laws are anti-religious liberty I agree with and would support a full repeal of all discrimination laws over the private sector. The idea of cutting taxing and regulations I agree with. The ending of Common Core I totally support.
The fact that hate crime laws are "thought crime" laws I completely agree with and would not have passed the Matthew Sheppard Act. Murder is murder, theft is theft you do not get charged more or should not based on the victim being GBLT. All crimes are acts of hate regardless of whom the target is and there is no need to have a separate level of crime based on if you harbor hateful ideas or not. It is the act of committing the crime that is charged and not that you are hating the victim or not. The existence of charter, home and other private schools are a must for a free society.
The idea of having money follow the person and being able to go to a charter or private school is a step in the right direction. I would go even further and not have any tax funded or state ran schools. We should have a free market in education with constant competition pushing the schools to achieve better and better quality education. There are a number of things mentioned on his Wiki that I do agree with. Hell, he even is pro-free trade and trade agreements. It is when you get to his views on GBLT folks that it begins to get a little darker.
He signed a bill related to funding going to conversion therapy for homosexuals. Which was not very nice to find out about, but, still it was for consenting adults that I saw. It was also not forced on the GBLT people in the area it was funding of a voluntary thing. He also was against same-sex marriage as well civil unions. He does also support pro-life views as well. Which depending on your opinion on abortion could be quite a road block. Myself I am very pro-life once the fetus gets to viability and from that point on I do think there needs to be a law against obtaining abortions outside of health of the mother or rape/molestation.
He also passed a bill wherein you cannot get an abortion if it is due to not wanting the race, sex, disability or orientation of the fetus. Which I also completely agree with; self-defense is not defined as defending against having the wrong type of baby. Wherein I disagree with him again is the issue of GBLT stuff and the fact he supported "don't ask don't tell." He also supported the Iraq War which I was not a fan of in anyway. We shall need to wait and see what things are like.
I agree with Trump on removal of anti-discrimination provisions.
Time for people to freak about a controversial view of mine, but, I shall chime in on it anyways. If Trump indeed is for removal of anti-discrimination provisions from the law books I would be someone that supported such a measure. Such laws are immoral and go against the very idea of freedom of association or disassociation which are based on voluntarism in a constitutional Republic. Being able to control ones property externally is a corollary to controlling the property in your person. Legislating that away is immoral and also a breach of the zero-aggression principle/preserving peaceful relations.
We all have the right to control whom is or is not on the property we own and control. Whether that is selling gay wedding cakes from a religious point of view or not allowing anti-gay people inside your gay bar on the other end of things. If I do not want to let members of the KKK dine in my eating establishment that should be legal. It is not under anti-discrimination law because I need to let anyone into my business. It is for this reason that I am against all, I repeat ALL anti-discrimination laws on the books and would advise Trump to tare them up myself if I was advising him.
Let people that discriminate be punished by social ostracization and things like boycotts. Let them go bankrupt and hit where it hurts the pocketbook. Let them hit rock bottom and need to work up again. Let them reap what they sew and no initiation of force needed. We do not need anti-discrimination laws for another reason too due to the fact such laws only pass if people do not believe in discrimination to begin with. Or such laws would not be passed and followed by most people. The majority of people in 2016 would not discriminate against people; not just LGBT people just in general.
As long as the Government treats everyone equally under the law and The State does not discriminate the private citizen should be left free to associate or disassociate with whom they wish on a voluntary basis. This means anti-discrimination laws need to go and should be tossed out. As John Stossel has said before not wanting The state intervening does not equal condoning behavior. It only means that the State is not involved. With absence of The State it does not say anything about absence of non-governmental private organizations to deal with issues of discrimination either. The State has no place in social engineering relations between people though.
Why I will fight peacefully for the right of a "community" I find toxic
I talk a lot about how toxic GBLT communities are on here and how
they are toxic. I stand by this statement and will not take what I have
said back. However, that does not mean I want these peoples rights to be
toxic curtailed by The State in fact far from it. The best way to learn
to be more moral is to reap what you sew and not to have force
initiated on you. These people will get what is coming to them naturally
and one does not use force because one has a disagreement even over
concretes. Unless that concrete is the initiation of force itself.
The toxic community should have its own ability to live as it sees
fit no matter how toxic that is. People whom are Kinsey 5-7's have the
same individual rights as people not on the scale or at the Straight end
like me. I do not wish harm on said individuals which is why I want to
point out that the world is not crumbling. Trump will not be repealing
Marriage rights or anything of the sort. In addition, even if he did want to he cannot it is a Supreme Court Ruling. The USA system does not work that way.
Everyone has individual rights and own themselves, anything else is
to condone slavery. So, toxic people have the right to be toxic. They
also have the need to face consequences and reap what they sew they do
not get protected from themselves. If Mr. Pence decided to initiate
force against the community I would be the first to step in line to
defend them. I might not agree with the type of people you are and your
mindset. I might not agree with your behavior and exclusivity, but, I
sure as hell will fight for your right to exist on this Earth.
Individual rights are just that INDIVIDUAL rights.
You can Stump the Trump and riots are not peaceful protests.
Once again I am writing about this fated election of Donald J. Trump and the response is insane. I mean insane and crazy! People claim Trump is crazy, but, the response to his election is even more insane. Riots are not peaceful protests and it is peaceful protests that are protected under the natural right of self-expression. Not the act of going around and putting other people's lives or property in danger by initiating violence or threatening it. Which is exactly what these rioters are doing in response to the election. Regardless of your views on Trump and Pence none of that excuses harming others or their property.
That does not include blocking traffic and literally holding people
captive on the sidewalks. That does not include threatening to use
violence against Trump and his administration. That does not include
talking about casualties like this is another Civil War within the USA.
Obama has peacefully transitioned with a handshake to the Trump elect.
While I think Obama is a corrupt douche he at least is not being a vile
scum when it comes to the transition of power. These people that are
rioting I have 0 respect for. These people that are looting, settings
things on fire and threatening to harm Trump supporters are vile, scum.
They might not be bad people deep inside, but, their ideology is evil
and has tuned their mindset to vile acts of negative expressions.
You can stump the Trump and it does not require you to threaten
violence against him or his supporters. Nor does it require using
violence or threats thereof towards peoples property. Nor does it
require blocking streets and turning the USA into a war zone. Congress,
the Senate and the House can stump him on anything that his fellow
Republicans and remaining house Democrats do not agree on pursuing. One
does not need to resort to violence against innocents. In fact, it is
never moral to use violence against innocents. Violence and threats of
are only moral as a form of self-defense against an initiated threat of
the same manor.
What the Leftists and other extremist Progressives are doing right
now is showing how shallow and immoral their views are. They seem nice
and flowery on the outside, but, all they know is coercion and forcing
people to do their bidding. Even if the Country voted for a view counter
to theirs they cannot take it and need people to fall into line. This
is insane, it is immoral and it is not something that I think should be
happening. Nor is it something the Police should be letting happen. We
have riot police for a reason use them to help the innocent against the
violent thugs infesting the US streets and show mercy only on those whom
will not continue their violence.
Friday, November 11, 2016
If I were Trumps Advisor after his election.
Today I was told by my best friend that I should have been a personal assistance and advisor to Trump. That way I would have really helped Make America Great Again. It had be me thinking what would I advise Trump of if I was his assistance. So, I decided I would make an article based on what I would tell him and which direction I would want him to be going in with his presidency.
The first line of duty would be to set him straight on his trade policies. Instead of removing NAFTA or TPP to stop "globalization." We should in fact do the opposite and work towards even more free trade and globalization with the rest of the world. We need to work on extending a Global Capitalism's reach into every single under-developed Country. We need to make sure we are trading with other Countries, so, that the under-developed Countries can develop and get out of poverty. The #1 removal of poverty is creating wealth. Extending free trade to the world is the #1 poverty killer. PS: Outsourcing does not remove American's jobs it shuffles the market from doing one type of job to a different one. I agree 110% with Hillary Lair and Con Clinton on this what we need is a completely Open Global Market with goods crossing borders.
The second line of duty would be to make sure that Trump makes good in repealing Obamacare. It needs to go it needs to be abolished, dismantled and torn apart. The answer is as Trump said in the debates all about opening the market and having proper competition for the insurance industry. In order to make them need to provide better insurance or suffer the market forces that will inflict upon them like Karma's Bitch. We need to abolish ALL State involvement in the health care sector! We need to completely "liberalize" the entire market and set market forces on it. So, that the best medical products and health care rises to the top and the worst is destroyed in a beautiful "creative destruction."
The third line of duty is to broaden Trumps tax cuts. Not just corporate taxes need to be slashed, but, the income tax totally abolished. No one should be having their money taken from their paycheck to make the Government run. Any taxes that still existed under my watch would need to be as close to a Voluntary User transactions as possible. So, ALL taxes that are not "voluntary" or close to voluntary need to be removed from the books. A very low say 4 or 5% consumption tax or sales tax would work to be close enough to user fees for me to be satisfied. We need to remove the Initiation of force from peaceful peoples lives in every way possible. Voluntarism, cooperation, charity and good will toward men will replace State initiated force for running the Country. Also, abolish the federal reserve and any state control over currencies. People should be able to use any currencies they want and we should have a free market in money lending not a rigged so-called market.
Fourth and following along the same lines is broaden his regulation cuts. We need to slash and burn the 1000's of pages of regulations which burden people's lives and are nothing, but, the initiation of force on peaceful people. This is immoral and unacceptable for a way of using a governing body over a geographical area. Regulations need to be removed from every sector and every market. Peaceful, voluntarism and Market forces, as well as Private Non-Governmental groups should be the "regulators" of market actors. Not the State, which causes more issues by intervening than not intervening would cause by far.
Fifth on the agenda would be to start a path of legalizing all victim-less crimes and sorting out whom was really innocent from people whom used real criminal actions in their vices. This means prostitution/sex work, personal drug use of any kind and using your body in anyway including suicide would be completely legal. As long as in order to do these vices no initiation of coercion was used and it was being done by adults. The most perverse sexual lifestyle and most nasty BDSM should be allowed provided no coercion was used and the participants are wanting/willing adults. Let free people harming none do what they wish.
Sixth, and far from most least he needs to stick to the Constitution. He needs to make sure he defends the right to bear arms, the right to free expression, the separation between Church and State. The entire bill of rights needs to be honored.
Seventh he should not back down on his fight against Radical Islam. Too few politicians have the guts to talk about the Islamic Threat and he needs to keep hammering it home. As well as take swift, but, decisive action to in fact eliminate ISIS as well as any similar threats. He needs to make good on his promise to defend the West against these sorts of forces that are anti-freedom and anti-mind.
Eighth on the list goes along with the fifth on the list. Make sure Sir Pence just sort of sits around and or does Trumps bidding. Make sure he does not get to chime in on matters of sexual deviancy. Keep being the man that let Caitlyn Jenner use the female bathroom at Trump Towers.
So, there is my list of what I would say and the direction I would take Trump in. I would take him in the Genuine Constitutional Republic direction. He is after all the Republican Party president and he should put forth a platform. A policy that is in fact Republican and is in fact of The Right. Not some mushy middle of the road bullshit. He needs to rail against Cronyism wherever it maybe and show the world what a Real Capitalist President, a real Republican president can be. With liberty for all and treading on none.
Monday, November 7, 2016
The # rule of living the good life and being happy is being yourself completely.
William Shakespeare famously said in Hamlet, "to thine own self be true." Like much of great classic literature in the English cannon these words are powerful and meaningful in the real world as well. Sometimes men (and women too) start feeling like they need to somehow change themselves as if they are not great people just as they are. They feel that others will judge them even if there is nothing wrong with them. That if they do not meet some ideal with the check list ticked off they are useless and not worthy.
I want to say right here and now that is an unhealthy mindset to have. The most important acceptance is self-acceptance. Just as self-love helps fuel external love in so many ways as well. Anyone whom really wants to be your friend; let alone wants to take the midnight express to O land will accept you for whom you are. If you need to deceive yourself or put on an act to get some or get friendship, or get love it is not worth it. It is living a lie and you are infecting your mind with a falsehood of whom you are.
Never lie to your own brain that is very dangerous. Always be truthful about whom you are with yourself and then the others around you. For I have a secret for you... odds are you are fine just as you are. I have gone through rejection quite a bit in my life, but, I have come to learn not to blame myself for any of it. Whether it was so-called friends that left me or lovers that all of a sudden my "manhood spear" was not good enough for anymore. I have come to realize over time in the end I do not need them.
Only the people that know me, the actual Christopher, the real Chris and love me are worth being in my life. People are not worth trying to hold on to that never really wanted me to begin with. I am better, we all are better being by ourselves than with fakers. Fakers are those two-faced bitches, cunts and bastards that make like they care when they do not. Or they care only for the superficial not for the really important thing you as a person. I love myself just as I am; I am perfect just as I am and I am all the man the right people need.
We all need to learn to love ourselves just as we are. Men especially with all the expectations put on us as men need to realize how great we are. How worthy of the right people we are and how unneeded the fakers are. Having 100 friends that all will leave at the drop of a hat is not a healthy way of living. It is more healthy to have a few great true friends than 100s of fakers. It is better to go through life with a few amazing lovers that rocked your world and wanted to be rocked by the real you. Than to have 100's of fakers that fuck you and leave as soon as the single wrong thing is said or done.
If there were rules I would mention to any other men out there rule # 1 would be just be yourself. That I think is the most manly thing to do. To just be yourself regardless of how many friends or lovers it gets you. It is more important to be true to yourself and just be you than to change to make friends or lovers. Rule#2 would be to stick to your guns when you being you is called out as not good enough. Just keeping doing you your way; be your own man. Now that is manly to me! Fuck negativity and live in the positive. Fuck unreasonable expectations just push on.
When I say be yourself I mean just that. No matter what type of man you are just be it. No matter what archetype you might conform to just be you! A liberated masculinity is about being yourself and it not being any less than other men's. We are not all identical men we are all unique and our own men. You like video games as an adult? That is cool! Gamers are cool! Also, hells yes they can be manly as fuck! Like the odd stage play? That does not make you any less masculine dude! Love pink? Then rock it and fuck those that knock it! You are not effete for loving a certain color.
Do you actually like the odd romance story? Guess what, still masculine! There is a definite meaning behind being effeminate and none of these match it. There is a definite meaning behind being manly and none of this removes that. There is a definite definition to being a man and none of this defiles that in a person. Do you occasionally cross your legs? Oh well, so what? You could cross your legs and sound like a quarterback when you speak. Hell, you could be a quarterback for all anyone else knows.
A liberated masculinity is just that; embracing that you are masculine that is beautiful and that you can be yourself while being masculine. It is not as feminists would like men being like women or men feminizing themselves. It is a man neither sacrificing his masculinity and manliness, nor sacrificing the little things that make him him to the fact he is masculine. It is an non-sacrificial view. One does not become emasculated by being an individual while being a man. For example; the non-feminine and masculine musical lover. (Yes, they do exist.) He would not feel the need to tame his swagger to his knowing all the songs from Cats or Phantom Of The Opera. Nor does he sacrifice his love for musical theater to the fact he has a swagger not a mince.
It is an individualistic masculinity that is neither sacrificing the masculine in a man nor sacrifices their personal loves and interests to their broader masculine identity. You can be masculine and know every show tune off by heart. There is a difference between loving a musical and emasculating yourself. This does not mean any man that loves a musical is masculine. Of course not there are lots of men that like musicals that are in fact effeminate to the point of being like a purse with balls. This does not mean because you like musicals you become that though. I am not arguing all men are masculine or manly; they are not. I am arguing that you do not lose your manly card because of personal interests.
Nor am I arguing here that men whom are not manly and masculine should be somehow shamed to be something they are not. Anymore than I think us masculine and manly men should be pushed to be more effete. Liberated masculinity is about accepting ourselves; we are the men that are naturally masculine. The men that have masculinity as part of the very core of our gender identity and expression. Men such as ourselves need to be liberated from both our own inner insecurities and also the pressures of the outside world that say "masculinity is fragile, or masculinity is toxic." It is manliness and masculinity unleashed in all its positive glory on the world. In a liberated and positive state of living a joyous life of amazing moments and memories; built on value.
You could also be a masculine man that would not be caught dead doing a single non-stereotypical thing. Not having a single preferences or interest outside of the most stereotypical idea of being a man. Guess what that too is beautiful, amazing and a positive force in this world. You too can be a liberated man even if you are stereotypical. This is not about whether you do or do not. It is about unleashing the beauty of masculinity on the world confidently and filled with self-love. Filled with self-acceptance that a "perfect ideal man" is an illusion and in fact "you are a perfect man as you are." You do not need to meet some checklist of being this or that to be a good man, a great man and a perfect man just as you are.
Masculinity and manliness is beautiful; it is in so many men and repressed needs to come out in a positive and good way. A liberated way that does not mean men trying to be perfect and treating themselves like a utility. Like I always says we are men and not machines. We need to be able to recognize our humanity and not think that means to cut off our balls and be like women. Just be yourself that is what it all comes down to. If you have even the smallest inkling of a masculine side let it out, do not repress it and just be yourself. For you are beautiful! You are amazing.. You are perfect just the way you are and you need to know this. Masculinity is beautiful and it is good! It is in fact perfect!! Completely perfect! Love life, enjoy life, and enjoy being a man! You are an amazing outcome of evolution! Recognize it! Love it! Embrace it! Be it!
Friday, November 4, 2016
The Atlas Society and wavering on Reason
Recently I watched a lecture done by the new CEO of The Atlas Society which is the prominent "Open" Objectivism think tank. In it she did say somethings I thought was very wise and astute. About why people reject objectivism and misunderstand Rand on various issues. Much of what was said I totally agreed with, but, one thing stung badly. One of the questions was on loving Ayn Rand and God. Being an Objectivist and being a believer in a deity? The obvious answer is no! Objectivism is an atheistic moral philosophy due to using reason as a guide and not "faith or whim wishing feelings." You cannot be a person with objectivist moral philosophy and still believe in God.
is no way to be an Objectivist and not be also an atheist by
definition. This is not something to be argued over by Open Oists and
the idea that it was brought up at all was blood boiling. There can be
no wavering on reason and this is especially important the more we find
out about our wet wear and evolutionary psychology. Wavering on reason
means giving into instincts not honed in the modern day. Which often are
out to lunch with reality. This is why we need to have both reason and
emotion working together not as enemies of each other. For one without
the other is dead in the water.
This is
something that has been pointed out in the past when the dangers of an
open view of Objectivism have been raised by the likes of "Philosophy In Action," a radio show on reason in your life. The idea that this CEO
did not bitch slap the idea down right away is to show they had some
merit to their arguments. You do not need to agree or be an objectivist
to understand it to be a Closed philosophy and not something open to be
added to. It is meant to be part of all great and true philosophy not
the whole truth and nothing, but, the truth over all else. Objectivism
is Objectivism, A is A, and reality is reality. No deities can be
combined with any other part of Objectivism or it is no longer
Objectivism it is something else entirely!
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Libertarians are at civil war and it all goes back to the importance of moral philsophy and ideas.
Objectivists often argue that without a concrete grounding libertarians let in too much unprincipled people in the name of a big tent. While there is staunch venom that will sometimes come from objectivists towards anyone that even uses the label libertarian they sometimes do have a point. Even if said individual objectivists make the rest of the objectivists look dogmatic. The argument is that politics without moral philosophy first leads to an abstraction that is too open to the point of being useless. Too much of a big tent lets anyone in at all and not just actual liberty folks.
The truth is that libertarianism has a moral viewpoint a philosophy if you will despite them often claiming there is not. Their need to distance themselves from objectivists in having an actual philosophy or ideology makes them back off even the most important core of a freedom philosophy. Whether you are an objectivist, libertarian, or a radical for capitalism. All of them are housed on the same concrete. That is the non-initiation of coercion, force, zero aggression principle. Which is a moral philosophy! It is an ideology in the best and most wonderful definition of the word.
The thing that links all Capitalists together is the NAP/NIFP/NICP/ZAP or "as long as you harm none the government leaves you alone." This is due to us all needing to be able to think for ourselves and make decisions free of coercion from others on our mind or our body. Or we are not free we are serfs, we are slaves and we are chattel. It is because we own our minds and bodies that we get to own our external property as well. Gary Johnson is no libertarian and neither is his VP. He is an ex-Republican that simply switched parties while continuing to be in the uncentered center, the muddled middle and half poison moderate.
For those whom did not know consider this my coming out on this Manhood blog as me being on The Right. I am hell of not a moderate, in the middle nor the uncentered center. I am of The Right, and I am right. I have the right view to a moral society to leave peaceful people alone. The Right is "the right" view for a truly prosperous, free and civilized society. Theocracy and Fascism which is often considered on the right is in fact both extreme Left ideologies which do not honor people's private use, obtaining and maintaining of their own property. One in the name of a fake idol called God and the other a false idol called Government or The State.
Libertarians abandoning being of The Right makes them no longer libertarian as they are no longer for liberty as they are no longer part of the broader Freedom Philosophy. Gary Johnson is better than Trump or Hillary, but, he is still not "the right" choice. Austin Peterson as much as I am not a fan is much more within the freedom philosophy. OK, I am going to say it, there is no left libertarian, there is no moderate libertarian, there is no center libertarian. You leave The Right and you are not libertarian you are not for liberty you are for small amounts of poison seeping into a healthy body of philosophy and only The Left wins. Only the State wins.
You are of The Right or you are just wrong; dead wrong and economically ignorant. There is nothing else, but, The right that is right. You do not need to be a libertarian, or an objectivist or a radical for capitalism. However, you are of The Right if you think all peaceful people should be left alone. You are of The Right and right morally if you are for leaving people alone whom are not harming others. You cannot want to admit it, but, pro-peace is pro-The Right. OK, there I said it, I am of the Right.
I am not ashamed in fact I am proud of my rightness. If you have issues with that fuck off!
If you need more understanding of The Right vs The Left I recommend a few things to check out;
Here is the thing though I am not going to be dick to you if you are more leftist than me. I will not respect your political or economical or even your morals possibly, but, I will not treat you like an ass. I am after all, all about being a man of value and the right will do better to show we are for trading value for value by living that way. Show people what capitalists are really like by living as a person whom is great. Be a capitalist trading value for value using the trader principle. Show people how wonderful capitalism and voluntarily ran life is VS authoritarianism is. Lead by example and not crushing people like a bully. Be the Great Guy Alpha Beast and not the small scared bully!
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Contra the transtrenders: Sorry, not sorry there really are only 2 genders and toddler style breakdowns do not change the truth!
I decided I just had to chime in on this whole trans-trending bullshit that is going on lately. I have had about enough of these people whom have no idea about biology or psychology 101 for animals spouting their bullshit. No, I do not care whom I make cry or whom I cause to be "triggered." You are either male or female, that is it there is only 2 genders. You either have a male body/brain combination, or a female body/brain combination or a serious mental/medical condition called Gender Dysphoria. Those are the three things that exist only those 3. There is no third or fourth genders; that is a person with a serious, very serious medical/mental condition and not a new gender.
or transgender-ism is a serious, and I mean serious medical/mental
health issue. It is not someone whom wants to wear dresses when they
have a penis. It is someone whom literally is Dysphoric of their body
based on their gender. It is a DSM-5 recognized Mental Health Issue, it
is not "normal." OK, it is a very serious condition for those whom have
it. The entire premise of it relies on their only being 2 genders as
well. For if there were not then a transsexual, trans-gendered person
would not need to transition or take hormones. For there would be no
need to do either thing.
Sorry, but, anyone
whom claims to be Non-Binary as in neither male nor female is full of
shit. There is no such thing as having no gender. You have one; we all
do. For most people; the vast majority that is aligned with your
genitalia. If you do not identify you have a mental/medical condition
you are not a new gender. This could be actual gender dysphoria or some
other gender identity related disorder that might not be the same thing,
but, have similar symptoms. It could be something that needs
transitioning. Or it could be purely something that needs lots of
intensive therapy. Both things happen and it could go either way.
if you claim to not be either gender and ALSO as these bastards are
doing claim NOT to have gender dysphoria you are full of shit. Or you
have some other GID, Gender-Identity Disorder or Discordance and just do
not want to admit it. You are either one of two things; also having a
serious mental/medical issue and denying it causing you harm. Or you are
lying and you are just delusional. Yes, some people are just delusional
and these people are them. Gender is not a spectrum OK! It just is not.
It is binary like a computer's memory it is male or female.. it is
binary. You can express that in many different ways, but, expression is
not the same as gender identity! Although the two can be linked!
do not care how "triggered" you are from human biology this is just the
facts of nature. Men (discounting Gender Dysphoric people) have penises
and women vaginas. This is tied together in most men and women with
different brains, differences in hormones and their flow, and so much
more. It is tied to a lot of things and it is not socially constructed
it is biologically constructed. Even the cultural aspects are the
results of biological decisions that kept our species going and exist
for a reason. Evolutionary Psychology explains it all; both the nature
and nurture aspects worked together to keep our species alive.
is where gender roles come from as well; they are not invented by the
patriarchy or some nonsense. They are evolutionary constructs and can be
seen even in the smallest of children. For example newborn male babies
look at things not people. While newborn females look at people; this is
biological and physiological occurring way before any cultural
influences. Female babies exposed to abnormal levels of hormones also do
this like baby boys do. The vice versa same for newborn baby boys with
abnormal hormones in the womb. Indicating proof positive there is two
hardwired genders; even if there are many individuals that differ within
the same gender. There are only two; hardwired genders and not a
If you express yourself differently
that is not the same as having a different gender. That is not the same
thing as not being male or female. That is not same thing as being a
non-binary douche. That is what you are a douche that wants to be a
special snowflake because just being a person of an actual gender that
is different in some manor you need to trash your own gender. To the
point of claim to be no gender because to admit you are male or female,
but, oh my god an individual is just too fucking old fashioned and
conservative for you. Too traditionalist or even "oppressive." You
people make me sick! Actual gender identity issues are a serious matter
and you make all trans people look like they are just whiny babies. Not
suffering an actual mental health issue.
are not a Ze, or a Zirk these are not real words nor are they "gender
pronouns." We have two pronouns that are real, "him, and "her," or "he,"
or "she." They, them, zirk, zeeg, arl, erk, and whatever the fuck else
you make up is just that made up trash. It should not be taken as
seriously at all. On top of it stop demanding people use proper pronouns
when you do not even use real pronouns. How is someone supposed to know
when you are biologically one gender or another that you are a "ze?" It
is bullshit, complete, total and utter. Quit whining about being
misgendered because someone properly identifies your actual gender that
you have.
There is nothing other than men and
women; women and men. Whether CIS and concordant like most humans or
Trans and discordant. There are only two things you can be,
psychologically, biologically, reproductive, chromosomal, there are two.
Male or female and nothing else! You might be unique, but, you are not a
new gender. You probably are not all that unique either you are
probably more typical to a man or woman than you even realize. You are
just an individual and not a label; which is not a bad thing. Men exist,
women exist and that is it! You are one of them! Quit being a douche.
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