Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Saturday, November 12, 2016

I agree with Trump on removal of anti-discrimination provisions.

Time for people to freak about a controversial view of mine, but, I shall chime in on it anyways. If Trump indeed is for removal of anti-discrimination provisions from the law books I would be someone that supported such a measure. Such laws are immoral and go against the very idea of freedom of association or disassociation which are based on voluntarism in a constitutional Republic. Being able to control ones property externally is a corollary to controlling the property in your person. Legislating that away is immoral and also a breach of the zero-aggression principle/preserving peaceful relations.

We all have the right to control whom is or is not on the property we own and control. Whether that is selling gay wedding cakes from a religious point of view or not allowing anti-gay people inside your gay bar on the other end of things. If I do not want to let members of the KKK dine in my eating establishment that should be legal. It is not under anti-discrimination law because I need to let anyone into my business. It is for this reason that I am against all, I repeat ALL anti-discrimination laws on the books and would advise Trump to tare them up myself if I was advising him.

Let people that discriminate be punished by social ostracization and things like boycotts. Let them go bankrupt and hit where it hurts the pocketbook. Let them hit rock bottom and need to work up again. Let them reap what they sew and no initiation of force needed. We do not need anti-discrimination laws for another reason too due to the fact such laws only pass if people do not believe in discrimination to begin with. Or such laws would not be passed and followed by most people. The majority of people in 2016 would not discriminate against people; not just LGBT people just in general.

As long as the Government treats everyone equally under the law and The State does not discriminate the private citizen should be left free to associate or disassociate with whom they wish on a voluntary basis. This means anti-discrimination laws need to go and should be tossed out. As John Stossel has said before not wanting The state intervening does not equal condoning behavior. It only means that the State is not involved. With absence of The State it does not say anything about absence of non-governmental private organizations to deal with issues of discrimination either. The State has no place in social engineering relations between people though.