Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Fuck you #TransLivesMatter!!!! ALL LIVES MATTER!!! ALL LIVES!!!

This habit of making collective groups lives matter over individual lives is starting to become sickening. First it was #BlackLivesMatter and the real world rioting insanity with even killing of cops. Now there is a movement to make #TransLivesMatter starting with this month being Trans Awareness Month. Or should I say last month was it is over now. This is bullshit! This is bullshit!

Individuals human lives matter and it does not matter your orientation, or gender. People do not get to have their deaths matter more because they died having Gender Identity Dysphoria and transitioning for it. Just like Black Lives Matter is bullshit this too is bullshit. All lives matter and not just a select few of the human species. It is horrid to think that anyone would collectivize away individual rights to life.

All lives matter and it does not matter your particular little group you are in. Trans people do not get special magical superiority over the rest of us simply because they have been killed. If you add up the total amount of transgendered people killed VS the amount of the majority killed in the USA it pales in comparison due to how small the actual amount of trans humans is in general. All lives matter people all of them and yes trans people dying is not nice, but, this is the real world where murder exists towards all individuals regardless of gender or gender identity.

There will never be a world where no gays, no lesbians, no straights, no anyone does not get killed. We live in a world with ability to die at the hands of another person this is real life. It is statistically rarer than ever these days, but, it will always happen. We will never live in a heaven on Earth where death and destruction does not exist it is impossible for we are in the real world. Fuck you #TransLivesMattter; all of our lives matter and you do not get to be special snowflakes because you are Trans.