Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
No, Donald Trump Flag burning should NOT be criminalized! It is called Freedom of Speech!
Sorry, Mr. President, but, burning flags is defended by this little concept called freedom of speech and expression. It is defended by the 1st Amendment right you as a Republican nominee is supposed to defend under the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America. You do not get to throw a fucking hissy fit when you are offended by speech. You are acting no better than the rioters whom are rioting you if you think it is OK to go after the free speech of people that want to say something you disagree with.
You do not get to dictate the removal of the cornerstone of the Republic because you are an elected Republican president. It is your elected duty as a Republican to defend the 1st amendment of the constitution just like all of the other bills of rights. You made an entire campaign on being against political correctness and what do you end up doing? Being just as afraid of being offended as the Social Justice Warriors. You are claiming to be a Republican and you dare consider yourself an Alpha Male.
Alpha Males do not care what other people are doing as long as they keep their hands to themselves. They do not try and squash other peoples rights. They if anything do not give a shit what other people think. Oh, Mr. President you are being a Beta Cuck crybaby ALA a Male feminist. Whining and complaining because something offends you makes you a try hard phony not an Alpha Male. It started with your calling out the Hamilton stuff. Now it is the flag and what happens to it. For such a strong man you are sure acting like a weak little boy.
Grow some fucking skin and let your balls drop again.. if they ever did yet to begin with. You are more and more looking like a poor excuse of a leader of the Free World. You are slowly losing lots of support with this sort of stunt. Man the fuck up for fucks sake! You are like 70 fucking years old you need to act your fucking age! Not your shoe size! Words and peaceful demonstrations are not something to be afraid of. Nor are they something to interfere in!
This real and true alpha is not happy with your performance so far in your elected post. If you decide to legally act on this garbage and go after the 1st amendment you can suck on my Alpha male cock! And don't you dare spit either! I do not defend the rioters and looters, but, I do not defend you infringing on people's rights either. Mr. Trump you are now President Cuck Elect if you go through with this. Freedom of speech trumps your Trump feels you little pussy!