Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Atlas Society and wavering on Reason

Recently I watched a lecture done by the new CEO of The Atlas Society which is the prominent "Open" Objectivism think tank. In it she did say somethings I thought was very wise and astute. About why people reject objectivism and misunderstand Rand on various issues. Much of what was said I totally agreed with, but, one thing stung badly. One of the questions was on loving Ayn Rand and God. Being an Objectivist and being a believer in a deity? The obvious answer is no! Objectivism is an atheistic moral philosophy due to using reason as a guide and not "faith or whim wishing feelings." You cannot be a person with objectivist moral philosophy and still believe in God.

There is no way to be an Objectivist and not be also an atheist by definition. This is not something to be argued over by Open Oists and the idea that it was brought up at all was blood boiling. There can be no wavering on reason and this is especially important the more we find out about our wet wear and evolutionary psychology. Wavering on reason means giving into instincts not honed in the modern day. Which often are out to lunch with reality. This is why we need to have both reason and emotion working together not as enemies of each other. For one without the other is dead in the water. 

This is something that has been pointed out in the past when the dangers of an open view of Objectivism have been raised by the likes of "Philosophy In Action," a radio show on reason in your life. The idea that this CEO did not bitch slap the idea down right away is to show they had some merit to their arguments. You do not need to agree or be an objectivist to understand it to be a Closed philosophy and not something open to be added to. It is meant to be part of all great and true philosophy not the whole truth and nothing, but, the truth over all else. Objectivism is Objectivism, A is A, and reality is reality. No deities can be combined with any other part of Objectivism or it is no longer Objectivism it is something else entirely!