Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Monday, November 14, 2016

A little bit on my views on the War on Terror.

I think Trump actually had a good idea when he said in his campaign we should stop all immigration from Countries affiliated with groups and ideologies in league with Radical Islam. Not permanently, but, until we have a much better vetting and screening process. As a freedom person I bet you expected me to be a pussy when it comes to the whole War on Terror, but, I am not a pacifist. NAP is not pacifism and I fully consider Islam a real threat governments need to be fighting.

We have been in a War with Islam within the West since the Iranian Hostage situation with the US in the 1970's. That is really when this all began not on 9/11. 9/11 was just one of the most horrendous moments in it. This is an old war really, but, it was not talked much about until 9./11 and it got its own name. The war on Terror, which is a ridiculous name. It is in fact the War with Islam and it always has been. My views are contrary to many libertarians on this issue and the nature of this threat. It is a serious threat akin to the Nazis and WWII and we are not hardly even fighting. We are laying down letting the threat take us out little by little.

We need to do to the various Radical Islam ideology what we did back then. We need to eliminate the threat and yes that means lots of people will lose their life, but, the threat needs to be taken out completely, so, peace can come back. We need to do to Terrorists and their funding sources what we did to the Nazis. Take them out; first give the ultimatum and then no follow through we eliminate them. Yes, that means we need to give Iran an ultimate and then act on it if they do not stop funding terrorist groups. Yes, I mean threaten to attack and do so if they do not comply. Iraq was the wrong target it was not responsible for the terrorist threat, but, Iran is a major cause of it.

We also need to do the same thing with Saudi Arabia; give them an ultimatum to stop supporting Radical Islamic terrorism. If they do not comply well we also go after them too. Those are the real big funding sources of terrorism as well as where most of the propaganda comes from. It was not Iraq that the USA should have gone after. Afghanistan can be seen as a just retaliation to 9/11 to remove a threat. However, the hijackers were all Saudi's after all. In my opinion The West has not been too harsh on fighting Islam, but, not defending itself strong enough. Not being serious enough about eliminating the threat at its true sources. We also need to work on internal Radicals on a more serious level as well.

Yes, you heard me right we are not fighting the war strong enough. This is because we are not fighting wisely we keep choosing bad targets that do not need to be taken out. While over looking all of the legitimate targets we should be working towards dealing with and eliminating. We have been too altruistic and made it into a "War for spreading democracy." Into a "World Police," and it is not is it is a matter of self-defense against legitimate threat which needs to be eliminated. We should not care about spreading anything. We should only care about keeping The West and the citizens in the West safe from a threat. Doing what needs to be done to do that no matter how messy that might be in the process. We need to defend the innocent against these Radical killing machines at all costs.

I am not a warhawk that is wanting War for the sake of war. Not at all, but, Islamic Jihad is too much of a real and ever present threat akin to the Nazis that I cannot take a do nothing position like so many libertarians take. Once the threat is eliminated we will be able to have peace. However, you cannot have peace when we are in this situation that we are in right now. We need to eliminate the threats and be serious about it now, so, that we can have the peaceful Global Capitalist world all freedom lovers want for the future. Hell, once we eliminate the threats then maybe we can have those Open Borders libertarians love so much. However, not while we have a serious threat we have not yet eliminated.