Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Libertarians are at civil war and it all goes back to the importance of moral philsophy and ideas.

I came across an article last night with detailed how John McAfee and Daryl W. Perry were refusing to vote for Gary Johnson for president. This has caused quite a stir in the Libertarian Party in the US. It has caused these folks to be trashed and denounced for hurting the cause. For caring more about themselves than the "movement." For themselves than the spreading of liberty. Something I find quite ironic considering that all the Libertarian Party is supposed to require is agreeing with the philosophy of libertarianism. The last time I checked libertarianism was an individualistic philosophy. 

Of course; this could be seen as something foreshadowed in the debates for the presidential nominee for the party. As Gary Johnson was the most middle of the road person out of all of the choices. His VP is so moderate he is hardly libertarian really and he is only slightly more libertarian leaning. Gary Johnson is s better choice than Trump or Hillary for sure, but, he lacks a grounding in the philosophy that is concrete and not just abstract. For example; his views on not letting bakers refuse gay wedding cakes is authoritarian and not libertarian.

Objectivists often argue that without a concrete grounding libertarians let in too much unprincipled people in the name of a big tent. While there is staunch venom that will sometimes come from objectivists towards anyone that even uses the label libertarian they sometimes do have a point. Even if said individual objectivists make the rest of the objectivists look dogmatic. The argument is that politics without moral philosophy first leads to an abstraction that is too open to the point of being useless. Too much of a big tent lets anyone in at all and not just actual liberty folks.

The truth is that libertarianism has a moral viewpoint a philosophy if you will despite them often claiming there is not. Their need to distance themselves from objectivists in having an actual philosophy or ideology makes them back off even the most important core of a freedom philosophy. Whether you are an objectivist, libertarian, or a radical for capitalism. All of them are housed on the same concrete. That is the non-initiation of coercion, force, zero aggression principle. Which is a moral philosophy! It is an ideology in the best and most wonderful definition of the word.

The thing that links all Capitalists together is the NAP/NIFP/NICP/ZAP or "as long as you harm none the government leaves you alone." This is due to us all needing to be able to think for ourselves and make decisions free of coercion from others on our mind or our body. Or we are not free we are serfs, we are slaves and we are chattel. It is because we own our minds and bodies that we get to own our external property as well. Gary Johnson is no libertarian and neither is his VP. He is an ex-Republican that simply switched parties while continuing to be in the uncentered center, the muddled middle and half poison moderate.

For those whom did not know consider this my coming out on this Manhood blog as me being on The Right. I am hell of not a moderate, in the middle nor the uncentered center. I am of The Right, and I am right. I have the right view to a moral society to leave peaceful people alone. The Right is "the right" view for a truly prosperous, free and civilized society. Theocracy and Fascism which is often considered on the right is in fact both extreme Left ideologies which do not honor people's private use, obtaining and maintaining of their own property. One in the name of a fake idol called God and the other a false idol called Government or The State.

Libertarians abandoning being of The Right makes them no longer libertarian as they are no longer for liberty as they are no longer part of the broader Freedom Philosophy. Gary Johnson is better than Trump or Hillary, but, he is still not "the right" choice. Austin Peterson as much as I am not a fan is much more within the freedom philosophy. OK, I am going to say it, there is no left libertarian, there is no moderate libertarian, there is no center libertarian. You leave The Right and you are not libertarian you are not for liberty you are for small amounts of poison seeping into a healthy body of philosophy and only The Left wins. Only the State wins.

You are of The Right or you are just wrong; dead wrong and economically ignorant. There is nothing else, but, The right that is right. You do not need to be a libertarian, or an objectivist or a radical for capitalism. However, you are of The Right if you think all peaceful people should be left alone. You are of The Right and right morally if you are for leaving people alone whom are not harming others. You cannot want to admit it, but, pro-peace is pro-The Right. OK, there I said it, I am of the Right.
I am not ashamed in fact I am proud of my rightness. If you have issues with that fuck off!

If you need more understanding of The Right vs The Left I recommend a few things to check out;

Here is the thing though I am not going to be dick to you if you are more leftist than me. I will not respect your political or economical or even your morals possibly, but, I will not treat you like an ass. I am after all, all about being a man of value and the right will do better to show we are for trading value for value by living that way. Show people what capitalists are really like by living as a person whom is great. Be a capitalist trading value for value using the trader principle. Show people how wonderful capitalism and voluntarily ran life is VS authoritarianism is. Lead by example and not crushing people like a bully. Be the Great Guy Alpha Beast and not the small scared bully!