Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Saturday, November 12, 2016

What I agree on with the new Vice President Mike Pence

As I found myself researching more into the new VP Mike Pence I found some interesting things. Some of which was a little out there, but, other things were not so insane. Other things in fact I totally agreed with. The idea of privatizing Social Security absolutely I support. The fact that anti-discrimination laws are anti-religious liberty I agree with and would support a full repeal of all discrimination laws over the private sector. The idea of cutting taxing and regulations I agree with. The ending of Common Core I totally support.

The fact that hate crime laws are "thought crime" laws I completely agree with and would not have passed the Matthew Sheppard Act. Murder is murder, theft is theft you do not get charged more or should not based on the victim being GBLT. All crimes are acts of hate regardless of whom the target is and there is no need to have a separate level of crime based on if you harbor hateful ideas or not. It is the act of committing the crime that is charged and not that you are hating the victim or not. The existence of charter, home and other private schools are a must for a free society.

The idea of having money follow the person and being able to go to a charter or private school is a step in the right direction. I would go even further and not have any tax funded or state ran schools. We should have a free market in education with constant competition pushing the schools to achieve better and better quality education. There are a number of things mentioned on his Wiki that I do agree with. Hell, he even is pro-free trade and trade agreements. It is when you get to his views on GBLT folks that it begins to get a little darker.

He signed a bill related to funding going to conversion therapy for homosexuals. Which was not very nice to find out about, but, still it was for consenting adults that I saw. It was also not forced on the GBLT people in the area it was funding of a voluntary thing. He also was against same-sex marriage as well civil unions. He does also support pro-life views as well. Which depending on your opinion on abortion could be quite a road block. Myself I am very pro-life once the fetus gets to viability and from that point on I do think there needs to be a law against obtaining abortions outside of health of the mother or rape/molestation.

He also passed a bill wherein you cannot get an abortion if it is due to not wanting the race, sex, disability or orientation of the fetus. Which I also completely agree with; self-defense is not defined as defending against having the wrong type of baby. Wherein I disagree with him again is the issue of GBLT stuff and the fact he supported "don't ask don't tell." He also supported the Iraq War which I was not a fan of in anyway. We shall need to wait and see what things are like.