Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Monday, July 11, 2016

Continuing the warning about the "Alpha" bullshit online including on YouTube and its very dangerous affects on men.

Recently I did an article on here about the bullshit that passes for being Alpha Male among most of the Interwebz. I stated that the most Alpha thing any man can do is to just be whom they are and do it with self-respect/self-belief and with confidence. 

That to follow others and what they do like a Mantra was akin to being a walking moist robot and not to be acting humanly towards oneself. That to follow other men and what they say you need to do to be attractive to women was ridiculous. I further went on to denounce patterns, or techniques. In other words the entire "game" community and the hogwash it spouts about this or that.

This was a call to any of my readers that they did not need to "follow" some guide some other man puts forth online. Nor some "export" puts forth that claims to be some "Maleness" or "Alpha Guru." A call for all men to realize they are enough and they are worthy. They are humans and not utilitarian robots for some world to use as a tool. That includes to be used to repeat and spread BS told to them by some "PUA Guru," or whatnot. In fact, it was a warning of the opposite view being quite dangerous. 

If you treat yourself as some moist robot that just goes out and repeats what others do. You are not really being yourself. Thus you are being a fake and frankly this is irrational and dangerous. It is also self-destroying for it means being a second-hander and not an independent thinking adult human. You are not being your true self. Not being the real man you are if you are just following others rules for dating or rules for picking-up. Or rules to be "Alpha." Instead of just being whom you are and doing it with the right mindset. The right attitude towards life and others. 

This is why the vast majority of Interwebz Alpha-stuff is complete hogwash. It is trying to tell you that you need to be something other than the man that you are. That you should change to what others want. Whether the men that run the blog or change to cater to women. Either way it is dangerous BS and also self-defeating. A woman can tell if you are faking and are doing a routine. You frankly will either A) look silly and be laughed at or B) look like a complete creep maybe even a predator. 

This goes not just for aiming for relationships or sex as a PUA would talk about. This is about everything you do in life in general. Another person can tell if you are faking and putting on an act. It comes across quite easily and will not get you anywhere other than looking like a douche. This is all wrong and totally backwards. Completely and utterly backwards advice which won't even unlock someone's "Inner Alpha" as advertised. In fact, if such a saying means anything it will do the total opposite. 

I contend that if an "Alpha" is anything it is a man just being himself with everyone around them. Not faking himself or reality in anyway. Living totally in reality around him and acting accordingly. What is the best thing or worst thing to do? Figure it out and act, speak accordingly. However, do not "act" as in act like something and be fake. I mean act as in to take action and speak as in to say what is appropriate and on your mind in the context. Also, do not be a douche I cannot say that enough! (PUA's are the fanboys of true manliness.)

Yet, if you look online all over even on YouTube you will find BS. From the standard PUA tips crap to complete Pseudo-Science bullshit like "Alpha Male Subliminal Mind Reprogramming." (Pro Tip anyone claiming that listening to a repeated recording is "reprogramming you" is scamming you!) You will find all kinds of videos for gullible following men. For sheep that want to just soak up anything that claims it will get them pussy. It is frankly quite irritating to see such shit be associated with Alpha anything. 

Further more the entire concentration of "Alpha Male" as this label or box that you must meet for a woman to find you appealing is also very, very annoying. It makes men seem like they need to be this or that to be a man. That simply by being a biological male that is an adult, having gone through puberty and had that rush of testosterone is not a man. That being a man requires more than that and that "masculinity" is a performance or an "act" men put on. Instead of being a natural and instinctive thing from ones evolutionary psychology. Instead of being within every biological male with a masculine brain. Which pushes men to feel they need to do more than just "be" to "be masculine." 

Which is very dangerous as most men; the majority of men have masculine brains. Thus most men are masculine by nature. This does not mean that every woman will have their panties drop the moment you enter the room. That is not what masculinity is; it is simply a byproduct of being confidently yourself for women that swoon for that attribute. Nor would even that guarantee walking into a room means you will get women wanting you to fuck around. Or to be in a relationship with you; that is a gross misunderstanding of evolutionary psychology. 

This is one of the problems with the whole "Alpha Male" movement within men's periodicals in general. So much of it is presented as if this is all about women. Not only that, but, the placebo that it will make you get any woman you want is incredibly dangerous for people. Being confident does not mean that all the women around you will be interested sexually in you or romantically. It just does not mean that. On top of that it makes being a man about others and their needs. As opposed to what you desire to achieve in life. What you want from a relationship and so forth. 

The truth is that life is not about what women want. Nor what other men want, but, what you individually want and what makes you happy in the long term. What is good for you on this Earth in the long term and not about putting others before yourself. Life is not about being a sacrificial animal to the slaughter nor a human wallet. This is where MGTOW has one up on most all Alpha sites out there. The best thing for a man that wants to live his life is to say "fuck women" unless they treat them right. 

I do not think men need to not interact with women ever, but, MGTOW has a good point. About life of men not being about women and modern masculinity not being about them either. I contend that a modern Alpha Male puts sex, and companionship as something lower than taking care of themselves. Making sure they are healthy, happy and whole just as they are without women. That we men need to love ourselves as healthy, whole people with worth without women present at all. If you are a man whom is not a douche and you are on a dessert Island you are enough and worthy. Women be damned. 

By douche I do not mean someone that is not to women's tastes. I mean someone whom is OK with coercion. I mean someone that is not a nice person regardless of being a man. Someone whom if they had a vagina would also just as much be a vile, evil, scumbag. Luckily, most men are not like this and most men are worthy and enough; nay more than enough in some circumstances. Men need to stop looking at outside second-handed sources for validity of their manhood, masculinity or "Alpha." Instead they need to look inside. This goes for all men regardless of orientation. This is not about acting "straight." 

If a man looks inside and gets in touch with his nature as a man he will see that he is all man. When he becomes mindful he can become aware that he is already masculine enough. Because he is by his very nature by his very DNA/Brain make-up masculine. For he is a biological and psychological; physiological male. Masculinity at its most primal and instinctual is coursing through his mind and veins in a little hormone called testosterone. Which is the masculine hormone! You are masculine enough for you are a man! It courses through your life blood. Regardless of whether you fit every single box in a check list somewhere of every single trait like markings on a jar. 

This also means that in every man... YES every man! Regardless of whether they stick their penis in a vagina, another man's anus or both at a level of primate psychology and instincts in all men! Deep inside they are all masculine, manly and have an Inner Alpha Beast. It does not come out in ways one might think though. Some PUA stuff about Alpha Male traits is true, but, it is only part of the story. Also, non-PUA sites that talk about them are also only part of the truer and larger picture. An Alpha Male is NOT what you think it is! Not at all! 

For one human Alpha Males are way different from Alpha's in other species. Lots of information about alpha's does not take into account the differences between Alpha male humans and other animals. There are Alpha Male Traits, but, they are not what you think they are. Well, at least not totally and people whom you would might never "label" Alpha could be and probably are human "Alpha Males." One of the things that is mistaken as "Alpha Male" is being a douche as explained above. It is about being an asshole and such nonsense. Frankly this is just ludicrous and complete BS. 

One often mistakes Machismo for masculinity and being an asshole mucho macho type as being Alpha, but, this is just not the case. Maybe if you think we are hyenas or something, but, not if you realize we are Primates and that Primates are different then hyenas or other species. Frankly someone would not get into places in this world they wanted to go and be able to thrive if they acted like other species alpha's. It is why people can see through them and often laugh or end up throwing their drinks on them at bars. 

Let us start by the realization that there are certain attributes which can get a man into good places. These places include, but, are not guided by other people's bedrooms. These same traits can make men excel in work, and in life in general. However, let us also add to that these same things in women can do the same things. It can get them up the ladder of success. However, often due to biological and genetic differences women do not as often show them. More than likely due to a lack of the hormone testosterone. 

Let us also zone in onto the fact that as this is due to biology men could "tap" into this in their life, but, that does not mean all men are a collective that does have or even is easily able to gain all these attributes. Lots of things differ between individual men which can factor into these things. Including how traumatized the man is from being victim to external threats that have done harm to the man. Some of these traits do vary widely between individual men and not all men show every single one of them. 

For example; not everyone whom is a man wants to lead or be in a leadership position. Even if they are capable of leading or could conjure up an assertive attitude. At least if they are not predetermined by their innate personality to be more submissive. (Which also does happen sometimes.) So, even though assertiveness is an Alpha human trait other just as innate things as the man's masculinity can affect how he expresses it. 

I think people should take a look at Alpha M.'s video on the Modern Alpha Male as a good starting point on how one can be Alpha and not even know it. I know when I looked and found out that on my good days, on my best days I was falling into being Alpha I was really shocked. Me? An Alpha fucking male? Yep, I am according to his criteria. I am one Awesome Alpha Beast of a man according to him! :) 

The idea that an Alpha Male is a douche that orders everyone around him around. Or that he is the idiot jerk that does not treat others justly. Or that he is Mucho Macho jock guy all of that is complete BS. One could be Alpha and be a jock, but, you are not Alpha because you are a jock. Hell, one could be an Alpha and treat others horribly. It is not the fact that the man is alpha that makes him a dick it is his individual person. One is not the reason for the other this is not some collective everyone is an individual. 

However, one could be a complete Nerded out gaming guru with a Gaming Room and be alpha male. One could be the most unknowing alpha ever and still be one. Which is why the entire idea that men's worth comes from if he is or others see he is an alpha is absurd. All men that are good people are more than enough and worthy of all the great things life has to offer. Even if they are as Beta as fuck they are still a man! Men are humans and good humans are worthy! That is true justice! As well as a truly benevolent view of mankind and life on this planet. 

In the end the whole Alpha VS Beta battles on the Interwebz come down to bullshit. For one person's Beta as fuck might just be behind closed with their partner as Alpha As Fuck in other areas. For example; a "nice guy," could go totally Christian Grey Dominating on their partner in private. Safe, sane and consensual of course. Just because one does not swagger around or walk around firing off "Alpha radar" at people does not mean they are not very manly or "Alpha" in other ways. It just could be that every single man is someone's Alpha. They hold the respect of the Alpha male with someone somewhere within their life. 

After all just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder it is very possible that Alpha-Maleness is in the eyes of those whom see that in the person. A person could go their entire lives and not see what the people in their life that think the world of them see. A great man, a Alpha beast and the world being their oyster within their own little part of the world. Some times we are beautiful and are "the ideal man," the "alpha beast," the "great guy." Just as we are, but, we are too blind to ourselves to see. This is why I worry about the push to do this or that to be alpha. The push that men need to "prove their masculinity and manliness." As part of trying to make men better. 

Men are good as they are, they do not need to change and they do not need to "get better." Most men are good people and are not bad people. They might not be perfect, but, there is no perfect. However, they can be perfectly whom they are and whom their primal instincts intend them to be. Which is beautiful for masculinity in its most rawest form is the most beautiful thing. Which includes protecting and providing for those WHOM those individual men DEEM just in having from them. Not all other altruistically, but, those justified as being respected enough. The male of our species is a beautiful thing and it needs to be appreciated once more. Male Suicide rates are the most in your face evidence that men need to be told how beautiful they are just as they are.