Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Monday, July 18, 2016

In Defense of all bisexual males that desire to be with women

I tend not to have anything to do with the broader GBLT community nor with the "Organized Pride" in years a dogs age now. One of things that drove me away was my treatment as detailed in one of my first posts on this page. I was treated terribly by "community," and the broader what I call "Big-Pride." Due to the fact that anyone that is for liberty for all, but, on the Right not left is considered cancerous. Thus "Big" as in big and Authoritarian Pride.

I was treated horribly because of being two things that were hated. One was being an open-out of the Closet Right-Libertarian. The other was being a bisexual male and actually doing things like dancing with women at a GBLT dance. Not in a platonic way, but, in a she as all over me way. In a she wanted me to fuck the shit out of her and I embraced it dirty way. This was then bullied about during bathroom breaks, but, if it was me and another man grinding/dirtying it up I would be cheered on for doing so in public.

This is a seious pattern I have seen not only happen to me, but, a good deal of bisexual men. Oh, it is all good we go both ways, but, heaven forbid you go out in the town as a single bloke where you happen to find a woman is turning your gears for the night and not another man. Heaven forbid you end up inadvertently seducing a lady not a man at the pub. Or go home from a GBLT event to make out passionately with a woman how dare you! Do you not know you are siding with the enemy! Get that pussy desire under control you bi men! Nurture the cock desire! How dare you love/lust so much for women!

Of course the biggest sin is a man that falls head over heels in long term love with a woman. Whom ends up having a long term ongoing relationship with a woman. Who might even heaven forbid end up marrying and having children with a woman. Even if they still have desires for men. If you end up with a woman while going both ways you have killed "community," and you must have no pride in yourself.. You are "trying to be straight and giving into heteronormativity." All of this shit comes towards bisexual men with a strong opposite sex desire.

I would like to say fuck you to the people that have done this to me and also to others like me. I am a bisexual male that was convinced that I was gay, but, was not for years. I am a bisexual male that for all of those years had tingles for the women in my life and repressed all of it. I am a bisexual male who's first inklings of sexual attraction was for the opposite sex. My realization of going both ways came when I was 18, and not before. I am a bisexual male whom at the age of 29 desires to be with a woman that respects me and treats me right. This does not mean I do not like men I do that will never go away.

However, there is a huge majority of the GBLT that does not understand a fucking thing about being bisexual as a man or a woman. Numerous bisexuals of both sexes/genders can tell you that bisexual is not the same as lifetime 50/50 split both ways. Lots of bi men and women are 60 or 70 one and 20 or 30 the other. Although there are bisexuals that are 50/50 split lots of them are not. I am one of those people. I am a bisexual man whom is finding my opposite sex attraction is the more predominant one. Which explains why I kept wanting to kiss, pet and when really drunk fuck the shit out of my girlfriends when I called myself "gay."

There is also the reality of "sexual fluidity" within people with "bisexual attractions." Just because you are into more 50/50 at one time does not mean your "orientation" cannot be "re-orientated" over time fluidity is real in numerous peoples sexual identity. This is not some SJW, far-left PC BS. It is a very real thing that occurs in the human sexuality of non-heterosexuals. Stats show the majority of non-heterosexual people are Bisexual and have a form of sexual fluidity. Also, a very good chunk of people with fluidity do flow towards the opposite sex at some point. Studies also show it is outside of the bisexual/fluid individuals control.

One does not have control over if their brain responds sexually and emotionally to someone of the opposite sex in their life after years of liking the same, nor the opposite way around. There is just something about this opposite sex person that they like and their fire is lit. No different than hetero or homo people not desiring every single person they see and having years of a dry spell. Only to see one person that revs their engine hard and desire builds they have not felt in years. This is the same thing to a bisexuals brain. Expect it has two sexes that are included in that desire or lack thereof.

It also is not in control of the bisexual individual if there brain just prefers one much more to the other the older they get. Being cultivated in one way or the other includes numerous causes and once it happens it is said and done. Bisexual males are facing this the worst though. Bisexual women on the whole are actually accepted fine. Bisexual males are not as much and this is not me playing the victim it is the sad truth. The worst for this is straight women and gay men. Neither seem to like bisexual men all that well. Gay men and straight women both treat it like working for the other team.

Straight women automatically seem to have a view of "he is really gay in disguise," and gay men think that "he is really just trying to play straight, the bugger.. the traitor." It is made all the worse by the GBLT community and organized Pride. Their ideas based on ironically exclusion of bisexual people whom are into the opposite sex more. Whether it is males or females if you are bi and date mostly the opposite sex you are a traitor. As if sexuality is not an individual human trait, but, a sports team or a nation. A collectivist thing and not an individual thing. Yet, that is complete bullshit.

So, get this through all of your small minded, ironically bigot heads. Bisexual males can predominantly like women and it does not make them any less bisexual. It also does not make them any less fit for female companionship you straight ladies. I defend bisexuality that is strongly pulled towards desire for women. I also strongly defend masculine bisexuals and homosexuals as well as not being "straight acting or using a beard." I do not want to get derailed from the topic, but, men are men regardless of where they stick it.