Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, July 29, 2016

Men Stop Trying to be any Woman's ideal and concentrate on being the best you!

One of the worst things someone as a man of mature age can do is to try and be the ideal of female psychology. Trying to match the ideal that women want in their evolutionary psychology is quite harmful to men. It makes one think one is never good enough if they do not meet her Hypergamous pre-modern society ideals one is not "perfected" enough.

This is a very dangerous outlook for men to make and it makes one forget how great of a man one really can be. Simply by being the best person they can be. Regardless of if those traits or qualities makes the panties drop or not. One is worthy as a man even if he is completely celibate or if one is into other dudes as partners. Women do not make men worth anything.

If a man concentrates on what women want they do a disservice to themselves and are not concentrating on being the best person they can be. Not to mention a lot of women have crazy expectations that want a man that does not exist outside of dime store Romance Erotica. Men need to make themselves their own mental point of origin. They need to concentrate on themselves and what is best for them to be the man they can be. To be the best person they can be. To be the best person you can be is what being the best man you can be is.

This is the most masculine thing a man can do when it comes to women. Just simply not giving two fucks and being as Allen Franzen calls it a "Grab Your Balls Man." A man that puts himself and his development/refinement as a person #1 and sex/women/relationships far from #1. Of course the GYB Man can be in a very loving relationship. Of course they can protect and provide for those of whom they find to be their ultimate values in life. However, they do not sacrifice their own best interests for the sake of others. They do not sacrifice; if they protect and provide it is in their best interest not a sacrifice as they are protecting/providing for those they love free of coercion or pressure.

The point is that a GYB man puts themselves and what is best for them first. Self-respect and interests VS self-destruction and humans acting like utilities to be used by others. Also, men need to stop trying to reach for some illusion called "perfect in all things." This does not mean a man cannot work on moral and philosophical perfection in the sense of understanding and following their moral code at all times. It means that one cannot become a "perfect person," as a "perfect person" is an illusion.

A GYB Man is one that is not thirsty for the vagina ride, but, put it as very low on their series of values they are after. They are not ashamed to have it happen and embrace sex with women, but, it is not their life and currency. By trying to do what women want or caring what they want men are simply becoming analytical and anxious wrecks. Overthinking their entire being and making themselves live a much harder life than they need to be living. A man into dudes also should not be obsessed with other men's main vein either.

Men of any orientation need to work on taking care of themselves first and about whether a perspective partner wants to take them to bed last. All men and people in general need to be living to fulfill their own happiness in life and rational self-interest. Not be human utilities or wallets. Not be acting like sacrificial animals on the alter of some higher cause. Any cause that is truly high is a cause you have self-interest in, you have passion in, it is a mental value and/or you have the heart for.

Instead of worrying about meeting some pre-conceived ideal man archtype. Work on being the best person you can be. Look into what happiness you want to pursue and be reasonable about it. Be rational about it, but, also be optimistic as well. Do what you can do at whatever ability you have to the best of your ability. Take life by the horns and ride that bull of life. We only have one life and then we become plant food. So, make the most of it while you can and do it before it is too late! Enjoy life while you have it as life is too short to not do what makes you rationally happy.