Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Men need to reclaim their masculine pride

Tonight after work I did some searching for the hell of it for "I am Masculine." and" Masculine pride." I did not see a single really positive article nor one single image that was for "pride" in just being a man. Not unless you are a Kinsey 10 Homosexual man that is. I feel no ill will towards those men with not a single tingle towards women in their man parts, but, that is a very narrow demographic of men to be proud. 

There is no reason that you should need to be "gay" to have pride in your actions and deeds as a man. Your orientation is meaningless when it comes to "true pride." True pride does not come from whom you fuck or marry, or date. It comes from being a good person and self-confidence/respect. It does not come from whom you penetrate and their junk. Although for the majority of men that will be women. 

Men as a whole need to be able to be proud of themselves and their manhood. To be a man is a great thing and manhood/manliness/masculinity should be celebrated. We need as much masculinity as we can muster. If we had only femininity and nothing, but, femininity this world would be in chaos. If the world was left in women's hands alone the world would still be in mud-huts is an often quoted quip by Camille Paglia. 

She calls herself a dicident feminist, but, is pretty much an anti-feminist in the modern sense. She is also for equality under the law for all; as is any Men's Rights Advocate as well. She is, however, correct and all you need to do is look at how much of our world depends on men working themselves; sometimes to their very death. In order for civilizations to exists masculinity had to be there and help push forward the world. Led the way as it were. Masculinity was the hunter and femininity the gatherer for a reason. 

Men and women are genetically different, psychologically different, physiologically different and just plain biologically different. Even those Kinsey 10 Homosexual men are still men and not women. They are too different from women as well. Gay men have been celebrating their pride for ages and it is time all men celebrate being a man. Most men are good; the majority in fact. So, most men can be proud of something. Any man that goes to a hard days work and is not a lazy bum should be proud!

We need a sweeping masculine/male pride among the men of the West. Men need to be able to be proud of themselves for all that we do to make this world move. Even when men work with women to do something their contribution should be celebrated and applauded. Men help make this world run and thank goodness for that. The world would be a huge honey pot if everything was all women all the time. The world would be like a horrid Lifetime afternoon movie.

We need a mix of lots of men, manliness and masculinity or chaos would ensue. Female Hypergamy without any masculine psychology to counter and also co-operate with it would make this world insane. We need both and to call masculinity toxic; trying to remove it will destroy this culture if radical feminists get their ways. Masculinity was never toxic and it was always a force for positive, civilizing, cooperation, productivity, competition and merit based progress. Masculinity is something to be proud of!

Walk tall, walk with confidence and poise, with pride in yourself as a good man. 9.5/10 times any man reading this article will be a good man we all are in our own way. Only those few insane and mentally deteriorated men do evil things. Stay strong, stay proud and confident. Keep self-respect and self-love. You are good, men are good, males are good, and masculinity is good! (Manly women of honor you are great too. PS: This site is for men and their self-respect I am not forgetting about you! Fist bumps all around manly women!)