Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Realizing ones value and worth requires objectivity

Often in this world we often find it hard to find our worth and our truest form of self-respect. As opposed to some narcissistic self-help overblown self-esteem of the special snowflake variety. The variety people within my age range tends to be. Real self-respect comes from realizing your objective self-worth and keeping your eye on it. Keeping your eye on being objective enough in your outlook and keeping an eye on your objective value.

Too often so-called self-help rely on boosting someone's self-esteem to a portion so high they think they are Superman or Superwoman. The self-help types often do their thing by making someone think self-esteem is caused by nothing. That you do not need to work hard to gain a sense of pride. That pride comes from nothing and not from being a good person. Or from not having any character at all or integrity or anything. You do not need to be a Superman or Woman to have pride. Nor to have value.

One needs to realize their worth based on the facts of reality. That does not mean one gets down on themselves and hates themselves. Nor should you think of yourself as not being of any worth or of no value. As long as you are a good person and not an immoral shit hole you have worth and value. So, this means a lot more people have worth and value than are admitting or tapping into. So many men are men of value, but, are just not up on tapping into that. They do not see their value and their worth to themselves let alone others.

So many people think that seeing themselves as objective think they need to overlook having value and worth. They think that referring to value or worth must be based on some Voodoo bullshit. It is not as to have true value comes from the objective and not the subjective whims. If you are a person of value you have it; even if you do not see it and feel like a waste of space/breath. Your subjective emotional landscape does not change your value for the better or worse. Being of objective value gives you value and most of us can be/are capable of being men of value.

One can be both rational and be in-tune with being of value and worth. They are not opposites and real self-respect does not come from being told you are special. It is much more of importance to be aware of your objective worth and value. Building up a fake sense of self-esteem and overblown "uniqueness" is not the same as recognizing/giving ones self respect. In fact, in some ways self-respect and self-esteem are total opposites. I say it is better to have objective self-respect than fake self-esteem.

One needs to introspect and realize ones true worth/value within their world. They need to make themselves their own mental point of origin for a while and think about what they are worth. Too many people do not do this and come off thinking they have no worth or value at all. Nor is this determined by what women nor other men want. Your value and worth is your value even if others of either sex are blind to it. The value is there for those with eyes to see it. Value and worth can be overlooked by those whom are blind to men of value/worth. Blind people will never see it.

Do not get down on yourself if other men or women cannot see your value or worth. You do have it and as Alex Social says. You are enough and you are of value. Whether you agree or not with his history in the PUA/Seduction Industry his advice on this area is good advice for anyone. Especially men in this post-radical feminist world. Men need to understand they are of value and are enough. Without being rich, without having the biggest muscles and the perfected man at all times. Remember those words. You are enough and you are of value!

Introspect, look within and without. Look at the facts about you and what you have accomplished in life. Or what you could accomplish. Look at your philosophy and look at your virtues. Virtues bring values and go from there. Remember, once you look at everything and all the facts. You are enough and you are of value! Even if the value is not being the best at everything. There is value in that as well. You are enough and you are of value.. objectively! As Am I!