Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Forget about being the Perfect Man and work on being perfectly you

Sometimes us men can get wrapped up in the perfection that trying to be our best could cause. Sometimes we start to think that if we are alone it is because we are not perfect enough and maybe we deserve to be alone. After all we are not the perfect man; the man all women want and swoon over. The man that never misses a beat and a man that makes those tingles go off just by speaking. We think maybe there is something wrong with us after all. Maybe we are not perfected enough; not man enough and not truly masculine.

I have caught myself in this trap at times. Assuming my self-identity is wrong if all women do not see it. If all women cannot see our manhood being fully formed yet it might mean it is not. Maybe we are not walking right, talking right, standing right, sitting right enough to attract the "feminine" psychology within a woman. I have found myself asking if this is the case in the past. If I am not man enough for the women I find sexually and emotionally desirable whom I feel that way about me in return.

However, I have had reinforcement lately of me being man enough by several people in my life. They say I am man enough and I am not a defective man. They say I am masculine enough; that I am man enough and that I am fine just the way I am. In fact, that I am a wonderful person. I am beautiful they say and to keep my chin up. That I will find someone someday and not to worry. That there is someone out there for me. That women in the world can find me worthy of love and/or casually fun lust. That I have such an impact on the world around me in such a positive way.

One can get so into trying to be the perfect man they would want they forget to just enjoy being whom they are. They can forget to just chilax and enjoy life while we have it. Yet, we only have one life to live and really we should enjoy it while we can. Time passes so fast I find as I get older. Someday my time will be all gone and I will not have the chance to enjoy that life anymore. I need to stop worrying about being a perfect man and get back to just enjoy being me as I am.

I do not have to be Mr. Right I need to be Mr. Congruent and genuine. Any woman that is of value will see me as Mr. right with me being true to me. I am a man of value; I am more than enough as I am. It would be wrong to fake anything. It is also not about women; I would be perfectly happy finding the love of my life in a man to this day. It is about me accepting no one is perfect we are all just upright, walking naked Apes. Highly evolved chimps and there is no perfect in nature there is no design just natural selections.

No one is perfect; not other humans and also not me. I am simply a walking, upright naked ape and nothing more. Neither is anyone else I see around me. All of us need to stop holding people to a standard of perfection and most of all ourselves to a standard of perfection. That does not mean we let rampant immorality go without be called out. That does not mean stopping the work to be the best we can and to be rationally ideal. We can be realistic and work towards a progression of being our best as well.

However, working towards our best version of whom we are/can be and trying to be perfect are completely different things. It means forgiving ourselves and others for not being that perfect man or woman that we would want. All people; men and women are naked, upright walking apes and none of us will ever be all perfect and all amazing all the time. We can be beautiful, we can be wonderful and we can even be an Alpha-Beast if we are. However, we will never be perfect as that level of perfection is not even human.