Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Self-actualization, positive psychology, and embracing your manhood.

I was doing a bit of research on self-respect and self-actualization in your life. As well as on positive psychology in general to help deal with my occasional down spells. As well as to see simple ways of dealing with momentary anxiety issues and my issues with social isolation.  I was not looking for it to become an article on masculinity for my manhood blog. 

Well at least I was not going to make it about masculinity in general. Only to find an interesting list of links that included "Positive masculinity models." It was only really one study, so, I did not take it at face value. Than I found a study that said high masculinity was correlated with self-actualization in men and also with self-esteem in general. In additions to showing that masculinity in high doses could be good for depression and anxiety in men. It was interesting to say the least. 

Again, these are only a few studies and not enough for anything concrete on the matter as such. I do know that it has long been known that testosterone is the major natural male anti-depressant. To the point that therapists used too use testosterone boosts as a form of therapy along with other methods to help men cope. Which made me wonder if the hate on masculinity and the constant pressure that in order to be fully human one needs to embrace a "feminine" side could be part of the issues with the high male suicide levels. Can you imagine being a man with a masculine brain and to be told if you emote in a masculine way it is toxic? 

You are a man, trying to live in a world filled with post-feminist rhetoric and misandry. Then when you have issues and need to be able to deal with it in a way in accordance with your male brain you have no where to go. You are told you need to be like a female brain or not be human. Not be able to take any therapy that is relevant to a masculine brain and way of dealing with depression. It could definitely make you even more down to the point of being anxious and clinically depressed. If you have your testosterone lowered from being squashed and losing in life. Then your depression is worse because of it. 

We than wonder why we have such a high rate of men killing themselves. When we tell them men only have two worthy ways of living. Either by fighting their male nature to be more like women and human. Or to be a utility and a wallet for women as opposed to just be men. We tell young men especially these sorts of narratives with things like "toxic masculinity." A bullshit term designed to denigrate men. So, they have nowhere to turn to for a masculine safe therapy which could be best done by helping these men embrace their sexual identity and gender. Sex Role Identity/Inventory is very big in people that are able to get over depression. So, embracing manhood without being a utility ot wallet might just be a help to stop the high rate of male depression.