Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Being a Man in Motion is good for your being, being a person of value and a little bit on "needing" women/others.

Earlier I went for a walk through University Avenue late at night in the silence of a dead Charlottetown. It was an excellent idea and I recommend that you exercise regularly to help keep the anxiety away. Walking is great for destressing as well as to keep you in s state of confident calm. 

If you are ever wanting a way to help getting into your zone, mojo as some would say or state as others would call it start being a man in motion. 
There is nothing better to help control your hormones and keep the testosterone flowing at a good rate in your body. Feel like your testicle juice is out of sync? Go for a power walk on the town. 

It is not only us men and our testosterone which is highly affected by movement and exercise. Women also can help their estrogen balance with getting enough exercise and working out as well. Your body being healthy in general means you will have a healthy hormonal balance. It is extra important for men to keep healthy testosterone levels though. It is well known that testosterone to the male brain is like the natural anti-depressant. By maintaining healthy testosterone levels we can keep ourselves from going into massive depressions. 

Being a man in motion and moving will help you keep those levels healthy and not imbalanced. Getting regular exercise is very, very important for men because of this. To an even greater degree than most people tend to realize. Ever feel like throwing all your papers off your desk and roaring like a King Gorilla? Get off your man-ass and onto your feet instead. Start to move, even if only around your room and that desire from anxiety will go away. 

Being in motion is so integral having a male brain and being a man. We evolved as a being that moved just to survive. Our bodies are used to using that movement  for various things. We were the hunters, the warriors and the protectors of the tribe and family. While exercise is important for all of us; there is an argument it is even more vital to men and healthy hormone production due to our evolved male psychology/biology. Exercise all the time, move all the time! Just get off your ass and move! 

If you are the regular Joe simply go for walks whenever you can. Move whenever you can. If you are an athletic type take up a sport. Or join the gym. Join an exercise group or club. The reason for exercising is not to woo ladies with an amazing body. It is to take care of yourself and live a long lasting, flourishing life pursuing the values you desire in life. Any women that notice your body is simply an affect of you already being healthy and thus showing you have good genes. Like anything else to do with women they are not the centre of your manworld you are! 

Move for yourself; keep good hygiene for yourself and live for yourself. Unless you are already in some per-established arrangement with a woman your life revolves around you. You are the centre of your manworld and that is how it needs to stay. Women are an affect of being the best person you can be and being a person that shows they understand their value. That you believe in yourself and have the confidence to be congruent; be the real you. Remember this is your life and you only have one. Lengthen it as much as possible. 

People such as PUA's that make life all about pussy are doing everything backwards. It all starts with you. Yes, the I your eyes see in the mirror. Before you can even so much as approach the opposite or same sex person you find attractive you need to be attracted to yourself. I know that sounds cocky and sort of egotistical, but, it is true. If you do not want to date you why should a woman or another man? If you cannot love yourself than you will never be happy even with a plethora of vagina or cock in your bed. 

It is you that you need to contend with when you try to go to sleep at night. You that you need to look at till the day you die. Women and other men will come and go; unless you find someone "really special." When they leave you will be left with yourself. Do you love the man that will be left alone? Or will you weep poor me for your worth came from the other person? You need to know you are worthy. You are the King of your world. You need to know you are enough! You are worthy of love! You need to know you are worthy of sex to really be confident to try for it (ETHICALLY!). 

It is OK, and NATURAL for you to desire flesh on flesh (with latex) with other human beings. Women or men. However, if you do not think you are worthy than anything you do will come off as some fake ass little boy "faking it" till he gets some. It can be seen a mile away and all it will do is make women or men be totally uninterested in the least. There is a difference between self-loathing and admitting you can be vulnerable/are human. 

Men should be free to be able to be vulnerable and to ask for help. That does not mean that these same men should loath the person they are. It will just make things worse. Men you need to love yourself first! You need to look in the mirror and say I am not rich; not perfect looking and might not even have any game, but, fuck me I accept me and love what it is; it is what it is. Then work on getting help and tell your story knowing you are a good person and your vulnerability can be a form of strength and growth.   

I needed to go deep within to realize the wounds I had put inside myself over the years. I am working on repairing them all. However, I am not doing it for others. I am not doing it for you my readers. I am not doing it for the next woman or man I date, have in my bed or both. Nor my family, nor "society," nor my friends. Nor any other individual I am doing it for me, for the I in the eyes of the mirror. Why? I AM WORTH IT! I AM OF VALUE! I AM ENOUGH! I CAN COMMAND RESPECT AND EARN IT! I AM A GREAT PERSON! I DESERVE TO TREAT MYSELF WELL!

I am working on always maintaining my eyes on my value in all situations. There is no reason to fear what I might do; for I am a good person. In every situation there is a silver lining. There is a life lesson. All failure is simply learning to not repeat a mistake. I can present value of some kind to others in any situation because I am of value. I am made of value for we all have something we can bring to the table. No matter how seemingly small. Everything I do makes an impact. All I can do is make sure I make positive ones by providing value to others in that impact. 

All men can provide values to themselves first. Then once you are right with you it goes outward. You can start providing value for others. Whether friends or lovers, whether men or women. Simply live a life with the good and positive intentions of finding your inner value. Then with that same intention work outward to providing value for others. Whether a wonderful night of dancing at a club to cut the boredom of the every day. Or an amazing sexual adventure in your bed or elsewhere. Or simply a smile when others days are down. Or grabbing a cup of Joe at a coffee shop. 

It all starts within yourself though before it goes anywhere else. You need to realize you have Inner Value as a man; as a human being. Then from there work on how to best dispense and put into action those values towards other people. Not just because others demand them though. You need to do it because you want to do it. You need to provide value to others and they provide value to you in return. It is a mutual exchange of value for value. Mutually good intention value exchange value for value. This is the way to be a value man. This is the way to be a person of value. 

Guess what though? We all can be this person. This value man in our own ways and women also provide values back. This is a mutual exchange this is not highway robbery. Women have values, but, so do men. Women are not scum and neither are men. No matter how much feminist bullshit gets pushed in your face. A lot of women need to work on getting over their Hypergamy and stop being insane nutcase harpies; I agree. However, I think once more women over come this we will be living in a world where both sexes exchange value for value. 

Remember, when you look in the mirror men. You are enough! You are worthy! You are of value! You just need to do the inner work and find that value; that diamond in the rough. Then present those values to the world outside of yourself and wait for the response. Wait for the exchange of value back to you. It can happen it. It will happen you just need to realize you deserve it and are worthy of receiving it back!