Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Friday, April 15, 2016

The Alpha Question --- Is it all BS or somewhat true? Or all True?

Lately I have been coming across a lot of random videos showing up in my Youtube recommendations about "Traits of the Alpha Male." Why they keep coming up in my YouTube I was not sure and I decided to dive into see what sort of stuff they were selling to their viewers. What type of BS were these people peddling? "Alpha Male Traits. eh?

I jumped into it prepared to be filled with shits and giggles moments. Prepared to be experiencing the worst of the worst of BS from self-help peddlers to the members of the male species. Only to find that some of it was not half bad to be honest. Although the question is for me are these qualities anything to even do with being an "Alpha Male?"

I mean to be honest I meet the metric for a number of these qualities. Does that mean I am some super secret hyper-masculine Alpha Male inside just waiting to "come out?" That I am as "manly as they come inside?" Does this mean I as at least on site says could "unlock the Beast?" Am I Alpha already even? Why the fuck was this all over my You-fucking-Tube!?

There are some people out there in the manosphere that deny that Alpha Males even exist. Instead The Art of Manliness in the previous link says Alpha Males are a myth. However, they use the term Alpha Male as just another name for dominating and being a bad boy douche. Whereas technically that is not what an Alpha Male is. Not by definition at least. One can be the head of a human pack and leader without being a douche.

There is a huge myth that being Alpha means the same as being Macho as well. As well as being a Bad Boy jerk ass douche whom hates the world. Neither thing is actually the definition of an Alpha male at all. The truth is you can be a great guy and be an Alpha male. You can also be a great guy and be Beta or Omega Male too though. Most males are good; the majority in fact irregardless of where one is in such definitions. Someones rank does not matter what type of person they are does.

There are lots of great traits that anyone can have that are considered Alpha Traits in men. Alpha Male hate is just as bad as any other kind of Misandry. Which is just what it is a form of Misandry for those; including feminists whom hate on the Alpha's whom are not jack asses because they are Alpha. I think that a lot of the traits I uncovered are great ones to have regardless of sex/gender. I do fall into a great deal of those traits although not all of them.  

Does that mean I am not only masculine (a definition I define myself as proudly), but, in fact I am an Alpha Male? Or a majority Alpha in my own way? Maybe all men can be Alpha in their own way when in their own domain of their life? After all men in any walk of life can lead in their own way in their domain of their strengths. Are all men Alpha at something? Are all testosterone drenched brains top dog at something in their life?

Maybe and that is why some times Alpha traits cross over into traits that a lot of men you would never think to describe as such have. There are leaders in the Nerd groups for example and this could be considered the Alpha of the geeks. This is one place where I shine being a huge Video Game geek and also a Freedom Nerd. As well as being tops at economics and political sciences. With the best marks in both my economics and political science courses in High School.

Maybe I am an Alpha-Intellectual? If Alpha means tops I for sure could be defined as one. Maybe all Alpha really is; is a man whom is filled with self-love and respect. At their most confident in their domain and whom is not letting others be in charge of their manhood. What Allan Franzen calls the "Grab Your Balls Man." If you are Grabbing your Balls and not at the whim of the haters. Just being yourself the best you can be and have a cock you are Alpha Male.

Maybe instead of saying Alpha Male is a BS term as Art Of Manliness does is the totally wrong thing to do with Alpha Male definition. What one should be saying in the Manosphere is not that Alpha is a myth to the misunderstandings of it meaning a douche. The answer should be to explain some Alpha traits and ask "does this man have these traits?" "OK, haters how is he NOT Alpha!?"

Alpha Male is not a dirty word and it should be reclaimed by men as a good term. As a term that can be used to describe men in general in certain times and places; with certain traits and behaviors. Within our own given space and context we should always strive to be the best version of ourselves. We should all strive to be our own Alpha our own way. Even Beta and Omega males can be Alpha's within their own domains and niches.

Most men are good; the majority of them in fact. Regardless of your level in life in your own space and time. We need to learn to recognize men and the greatness they have. That does not mean hating women at all. It means we need to stop treating them like special snowflakes at the expense of making Males/men disposable. Which requires recognizing the greatness that is manhood in all its glory. Men and women; masculine and feminine are complementary. There never was a "war of the sexes" outside of gynoceentirc and feminist bullshit.

The Alpha is not at war with the Omega or Beta. Betas are not at war with Alpha's and Omega's. Or vice versa for that matter. Men at different levels are not at war with each other. Competition in a civilized society is through a trader principle. All men at all levels that are doing their best and working their hardest are of value. Women I like to think can be too, but, they need to get over their post-feminist BS and also overlook hypergamous instincts to be a rational animal. Once they do that women are also of value too. (PS: I have women I love in my life, but, it is emotivism VS logic.)

We all need to stop this nonsense where we do not see each other as traders of values. All actors when they are able to be logical, rational and not be blinded by delusion are of value. Even the deluded in one area of life can be reasonable in other areas and be of value. Being of value is something people can find in themselves and others. Once that is done than we can trade that value in a free/just society.Alpha it on you all!

The Top Ten Traits of the Modern Day Alpha Male | Alpha M.
The Top 7 Traits of the Modern Alpha Male | Tripp Advice