Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Dakota Johnson you made your Hollywood bed now sleep in it and enjoy having your huge ass paycheque!

As I read the latest headlines that I ran across online I found one that made me shake my head and say "say what? Fuck off little Princess." It looks like Dakota Johnson is having an issue with the Fifty Shades sequel. Supposedly she is having to do a lot of oh my god "simulated sex." No, in the Fifty Shades Darker movie? Really, lots of fake sex, eh? You don't say so? Nah, I would never have guest accepting the role of Anastasia Steele would include lots of fake humping! (Rolls eyes and headpalms.) 

Now, she is talking about how "tedious" it is to be doing simulated sex for seven hours straight. You are an actress playing Anastasia Fucking Steele! ANASTASIA STEELE! I REPEAT ANASTASIA STEELE! What the fuck did you think you would be doing half the time? Did you even read the fucking script or the novels they were based on? Especially; ESPECIALLY Darker! Did you not read Fifty Shades Darker? 

Dakota Johnson hard work in this world is often tedious. The average Joe and Janet knows very well how tedious work can be. You chose this line of work. You chose this role. You are a grown ass woman that could have turned down the role of Ana and given it to someone else. You are not a little fucking girl! You are a grown ass woman that has made grown ass free willed choices. You chose to play Anastasia Steele. No one put a gun to your head. 

You are a shining example of a special snowflake and also a complete moron. That is like someone accepting to play James Bond then freaking out that they are Gay and now need to simulate sex with a woman. It is freaking out about a very crucial part of the character you chose to play. Once again chose with free will and no gun to your head. As an established Hollywood Starlet chose to play Anastasia Steele/Gray and you got what you chose. A movie series containing ongoing faked sex scenes. 

She has made her Fifty Shades bed and now she has to sleep in every little kinky layer of it. She can complain she has freedom of expression to do so. However, she would be amiss to think that anyone waiting for the release of the movies has an ounce of empathy about her "tedious" days getting to dry hump Jamie Dornan. Oh and I am sure all of the endless men dying as I type in the literal dead-end jobs that only men seem to care to do are giving a big fuck you as well. 

The average Joe and Janet does not care about your "simulating sex woes." We are too worried about being able to afford food and rent to think about such a minute discomfort as to dry sex it up with Jamie Dornan for hours. Some of us might even find it a massive wet dream to get to rub up against Jamie for hours and moan in his ears for the camera. Quit whining about needing to do your job! Suck it up buttercup!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Self-actualization, positive psychology, and embracing your manhood.

I was doing a bit of research on self-respect and self-actualization in your life. As well as on positive psychology in general to help deal with my occasional down spells. As well as to see simple ways of dealing with momentary anxiety issues and my issues with social isolation.  I was not looking for it to become an article on masculinity for my manhood blog. 

Well at least I was not going to make it about masculinity in general. Only to find an interesting list of links that included "Positive masculinity models." It was only really one study, so, I did not take it at face value. Than I found a study that said high masculinity was correlated with self-actualization in men and also with self-esteem in general. In additions to showing that masculinity in high doses could be good for depression and anxiety in men. It was interesting to say the least. 

Again, these are only a few studies and not enough for anything concrete on the matter as such. I do know that it has long been known that testosterone is the major natural male anti-depressant. To the point that therapists used too use testosterone boosts as a form of therapy along with other methods to help men cope. Which made me wonder if the hate on masculinity and the constant pressure that in order to be fully human one needs to embrace a "feminine" side could be part of the issues with the high male suicide levels. Can you imagine being a man with a masculine brain and to be told if you emote in a masculine way it is toxic? 

You are a man, trying to live in a world filled with post-feminist rhetoric and misandry. Then when you have issues and need to be able to deal with it in a way in accordance with your male brain you have no where to go. You are told you need to be like a female brain or not be human. Not be able to take any therapy that is relevant to a masculine brain and way of dealing with depression. It could definitely make you even more down to the point of being anxious and clinically depressed. If you have your testosterone lowered from being squashed and losing in life. Then your depression is worse because of it. 

We than wonder why we have such a high rate of men killing themselves. When we tell them men only have two worthy ways of living. Either by fighting their male nature to be more like women and human. Or to be a utility and a wallet for women as opposed to just be men. We tell young men especially these sorts of narratives with things like "toxic masculinity." A bullshit term designed to denigrate men. So, they have nowhere to turn to for a masculine safe therapy which could be best done by helping these men embrace their sexual identity and gender. Sex Role Identity/Inventory is very big in people that are able to get over depression. So, embracing manhood without being a utility ot wallet might just be a help to stop the high rate of male depression. 

Forget about being the Perfect Man and work on being perfectly you

Sometimes us men can get wrapped up in the perfection that trying to be our best could cause. Sometimes we start to think that if we are alone it is because we are not perfect enough and maybe we deserve to be alone. After all we are not the perfect man; the man all women want and swoon over. The man that never misses a beat and a man that makes those tingles go off just by speaking. We think maybe there is something wrong with us after all. Maybe we are not perfected enough; not man enough and not truly masculine.

I have caught myself in this trap at times. Assuming my self-identity is wrong if all women do not see it. If all women cannot see our manhood being fully formed yet it might mean it is not. Maybe we are not walking right, talking right, standing right, sitting right enough to attract the "feminine" psychology within a woman. I have found myself asking if this is the case in the past. If I am not man enough for the women I find sexually and emotionally desirable whom I feel that way about me in return.

However, I have had reinforcement lately of me being man enough by several people in my life. They say I am man enough and I am not a defective man. They say I am masculine enough; that I am man enough and that I am fine just the way I am. In fact, that I am a wonderful person. I am beautiful they say and to keep my chin up. That I will find someone someday and not to worry. That there is someone out there for me. That women in the world can find me worthy of love and/or casually fun lust. That I have such an impact on the world around me in such a positive way.

One can get so into trying to be the perfect man they would want they forget to just enjoy being whom they are. They can forget to just chilax and enjoy life while we have it. Yet, we only have one life to live and really we should enjoy it while we can. Time passes so fast I find as I get older. Someday my time will be all gone and I will not have the chance to enjoy that life anymore. I need to stop worrying about being a perfect man and get back to just enjoy being me as I am.

I do not have to be Mr. Right I need to be Mr. Congruent and genuine. Any woman that is of value will see me as Mr. right with me being true to me. I am a man of value; I am more than enough as I am. It would be wrong to fake anything. It is also not about women; I would be perfectly happy finding the love of my life in a man to this day. It is about me accepting no one is perfect we are all just upright, walking naked Apes. Highly evolved chimps and there is no perfect in nature there is no design just natural selections.

No one is perfect; not other humans and also not me. I am simply a walking, upright naked ape and nothing more. Neither is anyone else I see around me. All of us need to stop holding people to a standard of perfection and most of all ourselves to a standard of perfection. That does not mean we let rampant immorality go without be called out. That does not mean stopping the work to be the best we can and to be rationally ideal. We can be realistic and work towards a progression of being our best as well.

However, working towards our best version of whom we are/can be and trying to be perfect are completely different things. It means forgiving ourselves and others for not being that perfect man or woman that we would want. All people; men and women are naked, upright walking apes and none of us will ever be all perfect and all amazing all the time. We can be beautiful, we can be wonderful and we can even be an Alpha-Beast if we are. However, we will never be perfect as that level of perfection is not even human.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Being a Man in Motion is good for your being, being a person of value and a little bit on "needing" women/others.

Earlier I went for a walk through University Avenue late at night in the silence of a dead Charlottetown. It was an excellent idea and I recommend that you exercise regularly to help keep the anxiety away. Walking is great for destressing as well as to keep you in s state of confident calm. 

If you are ever wanting a way to help getting into your zone, mojo as some would say or state as others would call it start being a man in motion. 
There is nothing better to help control your hormones and keep the testosterone flowing at a good rate in your body. Feel like your testicle juice is out of sync? Go for a power walk on the town. 

It is not only us men and our testosterone which is highly affected by movement and exercise. Women also can help their estrogen balance with getting enough exercise and working out as well. Your body being healthy in general means you will have a healthy hormonal balance. It is extra important for men to keep healthy testosterone levels though. It is well known that testosterone to the male brain is like the natural anti-depressant. By maintaining healthy testosterone levels we can keep ourselves from going into massive depressions. 

Being a man in motion and moving will help you keep those levels healthy and not imbalanced. Getting regular exercise is very, very important for men because of this. To an even greater degree than most people tend to realize. Ever feel like throwing all your papers off your desk and roaring like a King Gorilla? Get off your man-ass and onto your feet instead. Start to move, even if only around your room and that desire from anxiety will go away. 

Being in motion is so integral having a male brain and being a man. We evolved as a being that moved just to survive. Our bodies are used to using that movement  for various things. We were the hunters, the warriors and the protectors of the tribe and family. While exercise is important for all of us; there is an argument it is even more vital to men and healthy hormone production due to our evolved male psychology/biology. Exercise all the time, move all the time! Just get off your ass and move! 

If you are the regular Joe simply go for walks whenever you can. Move whenever you can. If you are an athletic type take up a sport. Or join the gym. Join an exercise group or club. The reason for exercising is not to woo ladies with an amazing body. It is to take care of yourself and live a long lasting, flourishing life pursuing the values you desire in life. Any women that notice your body is simply an affect of you already being healthy and thus showing you have good genes. Like anything else to do with women they are not the centre of your manworld you are! 

Move for yourself; keep good hygiene for yourself and live for yourself. Unless you are already in some per-established arrangement with a woman your life revolves around you. You are the centre of your manworld and that is how it needs to stay. Women are an affect of being the best person you can be and being a person that shows they understand their value. That you believe in yourself and have the confidence to be congruent; be the real you. Remember this is your life and you only have one. Lengthen it as much as possible. 

People such as PUA's that make life all about pussy are doing everything backwards. It all starts with you. Yes, the I your eyes see in the mirror. Before you can even so much as approach the opposite or same sex person you find attractive you need to be attracted to yourself. I know that sounds cocky and sort of egotistical, but, it is true. If you do not want to date you why should a woman or another man? If you cannot love yourself than you will never be happy even with a plethora of vagina or cock in your bed. 

It is you that you need to contend with when you try to go to sleep at night. You that you need to look at till the day you die. Women and other men will come and go; unless you find someone "really special." When they leave you will be left with yourself. Do you love the man that will be left alone? Or will you weep poor me for your worth came from the other person? You need to know you are worthy. You are the King of your world. You need to know you are enough! You are worthy of love! You need to know you are worthy of sex to really be confident to try for it (ETHICALLY!). 

It is OK, and NATURAL for you to desire flesh on flesh (with latex) with other human beings. Women or men. However, if you do not think you are worthy than anything you do will come off as some fake ass little boy "faking it" till he gets some. It can be seen a mile away and all it will do is make women or men be totally uninterested in the least. There is a difference between self-loathing and admitting you can be vulnerable/are human. 

Men should be free to be able to be vulnerable and to ask for help. That does not mean that these same men should loath the person they are. It will just make things worse. Men you need to love yourself first! You need to look in the mirror and say I am not rich; not perfect looking and might not even have any game, but, fuck me I accept me and love what it is; it is what it is. Then work on getting help and tell your story knowing you are a good person and your vulnerability can be a form of strength and growth.   

I needed to go deep within to realize the wounds I had put inside myself over the years. I am working on repairing them all. However, I am not doing it for others. I am not doing it for you my readers. I am not doing it for the next woman or man I date, have in my bed or both. Nor my family, nor "society," nor my friends. Nor any other individual I am doing it for me, for the I in the eyes of the mirror. Why? I AM WORTH IT! I AM OF VALUE! I AM ENOUGH! I CAN COMMAND RESPECT AND EARN IT! I AM A GREAT PERSON! I DESERVE TO TREAT MYSELF WELL!

I am working on always maintaining my eyes on my value in all situations. There is no reason to fear what I might do; for I am a good person. In every situation there is a silver lining. There is a life lesson. All failure is simply learning to not repeat a mistake. I can present value of some kind to others in any situation because I am of value. I am made of value for we all have something we can bring to the table. No matter how seemingly small. Everything I do makes an impact. All I can do is make sure I make positive ones by providing value to others in that impact. 

All men can provide values to themselves first. Then once you are right with you it goes outward. You can start providing value for others. Whether friends or lovers, whether men or women. Simply live a life with the good and positive intentions of finding your inner value. Then with that same intention work outward to providing value for others. Whether a wonderful night of dancing at a club to cut the boredom of the every day. Or an amazing sexual adventure in your bed or elsewhere. Or simply a smile when others days are down. Or grabbing a cup of Joe at a coffee shop. 

It all starts within yourself though before it goes anywhere else. You need to realize you have Inner Value as a man; as a human being. Then from there work on how to best dispense and put into action those values towards other people. Not just because others demand them though. You need to do it because you want to do it. You need to provide value to others and they provide value to you in return. It is a mutual exchange of value for value. Mutually good intention value exchange value for value. This is the way to be a value man. This is the way to be a person of value. 

Guess what though? We all can be this person. This value man in our own ways and women also provide values back. This is a mutual exchange this is not highway robbery. Women have values, but, so do men. Women are not scum and neither are men. No matter how much feminist bullshit gets pushed in your face. A lot of women need to work on getting over their Hypergamy and stop being insane nutcase harpies; I agree. However, I think once more women over come this we will be living in a world where both sexes exchange value for value. 

Remember, when you look in the mirror men. You are enough! You are worthy! You are of value! You just need to do the inner work and find that value; that diamond in the rough. Then present those values to the world outside of yourself and wait for the response. Wait for the exchange of value back to you. It can happen it. It will happen you just need to realize you deserve it and are worthy of receiving it back!


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Friendship requires honour, loyalty and courage. It also requires earning respect! :) Once you have my respect you have it!

You are enough! You are worthy and of value! I am enough, worthy and of value! The world is filled with value men that people are blind to!

I am enough and I am of value! I deserve a high value woman! So do you! We all deserve a woman that treats us right!

I am of value and I am enough! I will navigate this world the best I can and in doing so find a decent ending!

Women need to not be treating good men like shit if they want their men to be good!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Crying is not a bad thing, but, there is a time, place and context.

Your Manliness/Masculinity/Alpha-Beast is not squashed by desiring other men for a mate!

OK, maybe not the thugs, or punks, but, yeah the uniforms and masculinity in general. :P

Howard Roark in Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

From the courtroom summation of Howard Roark in Fountainhead. A powerful presentation.

Life itself is the Ultimate Value in a Human's life! Do not squander the most important value; which lets you have all the others!

You are the tiger, the lion, the CEO, the boss, the Alpha-Beast of your life! Remove the haters and replace them with people of value!

The Alpha Question --- Is it all BS or somewhat true? Or all True?

Lately I have been coming across a lot of random videos showing up in my Youtube recommendations about "Traits of the Alpha Male." Why they keep coming up in my YouTube I was not sure and I decided to dive into see what sort of stuff they were selling to their viewers. What type of BS were these people peddling? "Alpha Male Traits. eh?

I jumped into it prepared to be filled with shits and giggles moments. Prepared to be experiencing the worst of the worst of BS from self-help peddlers to the members of the male species. Only to find that some of it was not half bad to be honest. Although the question is for me are these qualities anything to even do with being an "Alpha Male?"

I mean to be honest I meet the metric for a number of these qualities. Does that mean I am some super secret hyper-masculine Alpha Male inside just waiting to "come out?" That I am as "manly as they come inside?" Does this mean I as at least on site says could "unlock the Beast?" Am I Alpha already even? Why the fuck was this all over my You-fucking-Tube!?

There are some people out there in the manosphere that deny that Alpha Males even exist. Instead The Art of Manliness in the previous link says Alpha Males are a myth. However, they use the term Alpha Male as just another name for dominating and being a bad boy douche. Whereas technically that is not what an Alpha Male is. Not by definition at least. One can be the head of a human pack and leader without being a douche.

There is a huge myth that being Alpha means the same as being Macho as well. As well as being a Bad Boy jerk ass douche whom hates the world. Neither thing is actually the definition of an Alpha male at all. The truth is you can be a great guy and be an Alpha male. You can also be a great guy and be Beta or Omega Male too though. Most males are good; the majority in fact irregardless of where one is in such definitions. Someones rank does not matter what type of person they are does.

There are lots of great traits that anyone can have that are considered Alpha Traits in men. Alpha Male hate is just as bad as any other kind of Misandry. Which is just what it is a form of Misandry for those; including feminists whom hate on the Alpha's whom are not jack asses because they are Alpha. I think that a lot of the traits I uncovered are great ones to have regardless of sex/gender. I do fall into a great deal of those traits although not all of them.  

Does that mean I am not only masculine (a definition I define myself as proudly), but, in fact I am an Alpha Male? Or a majority Alpha in my own way? Maybe all men can be Alpha in their own way when in their own domain of their life? After all men in any walk of life can lead in their own way in their domain of their strengths. Are all men Alpha at something? Are all testosterone drenched brains top dog at something in their life?

Maybe and that is why some times Alpha traits cross over into traits that a lot of men you would never think to describe as such have. There are leaders in the Nerd groups for example and this could be considered the Alpha of the geeks. This is one place where I shine being a huge Video Game geek and also a Freedom Nerd. As well as being tops at economics and political sciences. With the best marks in both my economics and political science courses in High School.

Maybe I am an Alpha-Intellectual? If Alpha means tops I for sure could be defined as one. Maybe all Alpha really is; is a man whom is filled with self-love and respect. At their most confident in their domain and whom is not letting others be in charge of their manhood. What Allan Franzen calls the "Grab Your Balls Man." If you are Grabbing your Balls and not at the whim of the haters. Just being yourself the best you can be and have a cock you are Alpha Male.

Maybe instead of saying Alpha Male is a BS term as Art Of Manliness does is the totally wrong thing to do with Alpha Male definition. What one should be saying in the Manosphere is not that Alpha is a myth to the misunderstandings of it meaning a douche. The answer should be to explain some Alpha traits and ask "does this man have these traits?" "OK, haters how is he NOT Alpha!?"

Alpha Male is not a dirty word and it should be reclaimed by men as a good term. As a term that can be used to describe men in general in certain times and places; with certain traits and behaviors. Within our own given space and context we should always strive to be the best version of ourselves. We should all strive to be our own Alpha our own way. Even Beta and Omega males can be Alpha's within their own domains and niches.

Most men are good; the majority of them in fact. Regardless of your level in life in your own space and time. We need to learn to recognize men and the greatness they have. That does not mean hating women at all. It means we need to stop treating them like special snowflakes at the expense of making Males/men disposable. Which requires recognizing the greatness that is manhood in all its glory. Men and women; masculine and feminine are complementary. There never was a "war of the sexes" outside of gynoceentirc and feminist bullshit.

The Alpha is not at war with the Omega or Beta. Betas are not at war with Alpha's and Omega's. Or vice versa for that matter. Men at different levels are not at war with each other. Competition in a civilized society is through a trader principle. All men at all levels that are doing their best and working their hardest are of value. Women I like to think can be too, but, they need to get over their post-feminist BS and also overlook hypergamous instincts to be a rational animal. Once they do that women are also of value too. (PS: I have women I love in my life, but, it is emotivism VS logic.)

We all need to stop this nonsense where we do not see each other as traders of values. All actors when they are able to be logical, rational and not be blinded by delusion are of value. Even the deluded in one area of life can be reasonable in other areas and be of value. Being of value is something people can find in themselves and others. Once that is done than we can trade that value in a free/just society.Alpha it on you all!

The Top Ten Traits of the Modern Day Alpha Male | Alpha M.
The Top 7 Traits of the Modern Alpha Male | Tripp Advice


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Men need to reclaim their masculine pride

Tonight after work I did some searching for the hell of it for "I am Masculine." and" Masculine pride." I did not see a single really positive article nor one single image that was for "pride" in just being a man. Not unless you are a Kinsey 10 Homosexual man that is. I feel no ill will towards those men with not a single tingle towards women in their man parts, but, that is a very narrow demographic of men to be proud. 

There is no reason that you should need to be "gay" to have pride in your actions and deeds as a man. Your orientation is meaningless when it comes to "true pride." True pride does not come from whom you fuck or marry, or date. It comes from being a good person and self-confidence/respect. It does not come from whom you penetrate and their junk. Although for the majority of men that will be women. 

Men as a whole need to be able to be proud of themselves and their manhood. To be a man is a great thing and manhood/manliness/masculinity should be celebrated. We need as much masculinity as we can muster. If we had only femininity and nothing, but, femininity this world would be in chaos. If the world was left in women's hands alone the world would still be in mud-huts is an often quoted quip by Camille Paglia. 

She calls herself a dicident feminist, but, is pretty much an anti-feminist in the modern sense. She is also for equality under the law for all; as is any Men's Rights Advocate as well. She is, however, correct and all you need to do is look at how much of our world depends on men working themselves; sometimes to their very death. In order for civilizations to exists masculinity had to be there and help push forward the world. Led the way as it were. Masculinity was the hunter and femininity the gatherer for a reason. 

Men and women are genetically different, psychologically different, physiologically different and just plain biologically different. Even those Kinsey 10 Homosexual men are still men and not women. They are too different from women as well. Gay men have been celebrating their pride for ages and it is time all men celebrate being a man. Most men are good; the majority in fact. So, most men can be proud of something. Any man that goes to a hard days work and is not a lazy bum should be proud!

We need a sweeping masculine/male pride among the men of the West. Men need to be able to be proud of themselves for all that we do to make this world move. Even when men work with women to do something their contribution should be celebrated and applauded. Men help make this world run and thank goodness for that. The world would be a huge honey pot if everything was all women all the time. The world would be like a horrid Lifetime afternoon movie.

We need a mix of lots of men, manliness and masculinity or chaos would ensue. Female Hypergamy without any masculine psychology to counter and also co-operate with it would make this world insane. We need both and to call masculinity toxic; trying to remove it will destroy this culture if radical feminists get their ways. Masculinity was never toxic and it was always a force for positive, civilizing, cooperation, productivity, competition and merit based progress. Masculinity is something to be proud of!

Walk tall, walk with confidence and poise, with pride in yourself as a good man. 9.5/10 times any man reading this article will be a good man we all are in our own way. Only those few insane and mentally deteriorated men do evil things. Stay strong, stay proud and confident. Keep self-respect and self-love. You are good, men are good, males are good, and masculinity is good! (Manly women of honor you are great too. PS: This site is for men and their self-respect I am not forgetting about you! Fist bumps all around manly women!) 


Women that start Drama about so-called "not real men" or not finding "a good man", but, then go with shitheads quit whinning!

Women in this world need to Woman up and treat their men right! All their men; friends or lovers!

Character is the most important thing you have people! All people!

Many a woman gives two shits about men if they are not perfect. You deserve more than that men!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Just put your feet down and walk on

The last couple of days I have not been feeling too well and my anxiety has been on high alert. Add to that a lack of sleep and a virus of some kind. Which equals out to me being somewhat depressed as a result. Earlier I had gone out to DQ for a Blizzard and as I did for some reason my eyes went down to my shadow below me. From there my eyes moved to my walk in my shadow below me. 

I have no idea why my eyes were drawn to the way I was walking as I never really give any though to my movements or body language in general. As I walked I kept going back to what I saw in the shadows on the sidewalk underneath me. I decided to take the Blizzard with me to go for a walk and get some air for myself. 

As I walked I kept peaking at my movements in that shadow. I wanted to see what my walk was like from an outsider looking at me walking down the sidewalk of University Avenue. It is sort of hard to put into words my thought process as I continued to check out my own shadow. My own motion and my own steps on the sidewalk below me. 

I am not used too looking at myself from an external point of view. Sometimes I will hear myself speak, but, I never watch how I move around. I was not sure what I was even watching really. They were legs, they were moving and I was moving forward in motion. I had functioning limbs and they were working as intended. I mean what else would I see looking down at my shadow?

I kept having this nagging feeling in the back of my head as I watched myself walk. I was not sure what that feeling was though. All of a sudden I noticed a couple cross the street in front of me. One a woman and the other a man. I for some reason was drawn to look at the couple. Then back down to my shadow.

First I looked at the woman and then at my shadow, my walk. Then I quickly checked out the man she was with and then looked back down at how I moved in my shadow. As I did so I went back and forth quickly between the couple and myself. I kept doing it back and forth looking over everything. Looking over how my legs moved and looking at my hip area specifically. 

As I did so I saw I was in fact walking fairly similar to the ladies man whom had her by his arm. I looked back at my shadow and then back at him in the distance. I looked back and forth really quickly trying to take in each motion. I switched to the lady for a moment and then back to my motions/my shadow.

My walk is what it is. I never really watched myself walk before and it made for an interesting night of introspection. I ended up going home and finishing my Blizzard while beginning to work on this article. Now here I am heading off to bed after putting into words how my night went. Hopefully my anxiety does not flare up again and tonight I can get some sleep. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Realizing ones value and worth requires objectivity

Often in this world we often find it hard to find our worth and our truest form of self-respect. As opposed to some narcissistic self-help overblown self-esteem of the special snowflake variety. The variety people within my age range tends to be. Real self-respect comes from realizing your objective self-worth and keeping your eye on it. Keeping your eye on being objective enough in your outlook and keeping an eye on your objective value.

Too often so-called self-help rely on boosting someone's self-esteem to a portion so high they think they are Superman or Superwoman. The self-help types often do their thing by making someone think self-esteem is caused by nothing. That you do not need to work hard to gain a sense of pride. That pride comes from nothing and not from being a good person. Or from not having any character at all or integrity or anything. You do not need to be a Superman or Woman to have pride. Nor to have value.

One needs to realize their worth based on the facts of reality. That does not mean one gets down on themselves and hates themselves. Nor should you think of yourself as not being of any worth or of no value. As long as you are a good person and not an immoral shit hole you have worth and value. So, this means a lot more people have worth and value than are admitting or tapping into. So many men are men of value, but, are just not up on tapping into that. They do not see their value and their worth to themselves let alone others.

So many people think that seeing themselves as objective think they need to overlook having value and worth. They think that referring to value or worth must be based on some Voodoo bullshit. It is not as to have true value comes from the objective and not the subjective whims. If you are a person of value you have it; even if you do not see it and feel like a waste of space/breath. Your subjective emotional landscape does not change your value for the better or worse. Being of objective value gives you value and most of us can be/are capable of being men of value.

One can be both rational and be in-tune with being of value and worth. They are not opposites and real self-respect does not come from being told you are special. It is much more of importance to be aware of your objective worth and value. Building up a fake sense of self-esteem and overblown "uniqueness" is not the same as recognizing/giving ones self respect. In fact, in some ways self-respect and self-esteem are total opposites. I say it is better to have objective self-respect than fake self-esteem.

One needs to introspect and realize ones true worth/value within their world. They need to make themselves their own mental point of origin for a while and think about what they are worth. Too many people do not do this and come off thinking they have no worth or value at all. Nor is this determined by what women nor other men want. Your value and worth is your value even if others of either sex are blind to it. The value is there for those with eyes to see it. Value and worth can be overlooked by those whom are blind to men of value/worth. Blind people will never see it.

Do not get down on yourself if other men or women cannot see your value or worth. You do have it and as Alex Social says. You are enough and you are of value. Whether you agree or not with his history in the PUA/Seduction Industry his advice on this area is good advice for anyone. Especially men in this post-radical feminist world. Men need to understand they are of value and are enough. Without being rich, without having the biggest muscles and the perfected man at all times. Remember those words. You are enough and you are of value!

Introspect, look within and without. Look at the facts about you and what you have accomplished in life. Or what you could accomplish. Look at your philosophy and look at your virtues. Virtues bring values and go from there. Remember, once you look at everything and all the facts. You are enough and you are of value! Even if the value is not being the best at everything. There is value in that as well. You are enough and you are of value.. objectively! As Am I!