Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Manhood and masculinity exists minus women. If you call someone a cuck you promote a males as utilities view of men.
There is a growing word being used in the manosphere especially on YouTube when it comes to criticizing feminist men. It is the use of the word cuck which is short for cuckold. It basically means a man whom has his cock in a device while having to watch their female partner being banged by another man. It paints any man that is not getting women as being less of a man. A man that is not in a position where he is giving sexual pleasure to a woman he is not a man.
I find the use of such a word to be totally asinine for the manosphere. It makes it seem like men have no value when women are not involved. Do not worship at the lips of the vagina and you are not a man. Does this mean bisexual and homosexual men that do not give women pleasure are not men? That men that are going their own way (even if not associated with the MGTOW movement) are not real men? That masculinity and manhood does not exist as having its worth outside of women?
This is not helping men being looked at as more than utilities or boy toys for women's pleasure. It is not helping men be able to live their life as they see fit. As fully human men away from the need to please and do for women. Men need to be able to liberate themselves from needing to live for women. They need to learn to have themselves as their own mental point of origin. To live a life filled with their own virtues and values. To go towards their own happiness without needing to think about women as some huge hive mind they need to give a fuck about.
Men should be living for themselves and not for the need for sexual gratification or the need to be in a relationship with some woman. They need to be able to not be with women and be happy. They need to live not for women. but. for themselves and making their life the best that it can be. Men should not be called cuckold for being SJWs or feminists. As evil and I mean evil as both ideologies actually are. It does not mean people get to make it seem like men are defined by women in order to be men. Such an idea is insane and stupid. Masculinity is psychological and biological, and women can change nothing about that.
In fact, by being so concentrated on women as ones view on the world. So obsessed with pussy or needing a woman around is putting women you have not even and might never meet in charge of your happiness. As well as in charge of considering yourself a man. It is to suffer from grave shame for not meeting the requirement of getting laid or a girlfriend. It is all very men as utilities to others and it needs to stop. It is utter bullshit! Men need to stop making women the centre of their manworld and make their manworld centre on the man himself.. on them.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
I am not emasculated and weak to admit I am vulnerable right now; to seek help.
Lately I have been having issues with my anxiety and depression. I was talking with my friend about this issue and she recommended that I go to a councilor about it. To get some therapy and some professional assistance. I would not be against getting professional help with my issues. However, under one circumstance. That is that the therapist is not some feminist trained accolade. The person would need to understand and acknowledge masculinity and men's issues.
They need to not try and get me to be more like a woman to help me. They need to help me embrace myself and all that I am. To embrace and accept my manhood and also accept/embrace their help as well. They need to not attempt to emasculate my person in order to help me with my issues. They need to accept that I be both vulnerable and also masculine. I am both vulnerable and a strong man. That my admitting vulnerability can be a strength and not a weakness.
I would not want to work with anyone that tried to brainwash me into being a feminist supporting idiot. I will only work with someone that understands men and my psychology. As well as someone that is not trying to help me by changing who I am as a person. Someone that will not make up BS about how this caused that or that caused this. Or to try to link my anxiety to being an MRA or anti-feminist. Or to being a person whom is in favor of the freedom philosophy.
As long as they do not use pseudio science and BS I will be more than happy to get assistance from a professional. I just would need to find one that I did find I could trust. One that does not try to change me and one that lets me be me. If I can find someone like that and my issues continue I will get professional help.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Women need to start helping to lessen the "empathy gap."
For those unaware there is a term going around the Interwebz and the manosphere called "the empathy gap." The idea that there is a gap between women and men when it comes to empathy. That women have their own selves as a primary. They have in-group preferences towards other women, but, lack empathy for what men go through. Which is something that one can see easily in this world. Thus the growing MGTOW and broader Men's Human Rights movements.
The gap is real and one sees it a lot when they are a man. Women will seem empathetic at first, but, as soon as you need them to be the shoulder to lean on for you they will not care. They will rant about how you need to listen to their feelings and treat you like dirt. I have experienced this with pretty much any woman I have dated in the past. Tell them your needs and they do not give a fuck about you.
This is what has gotten me so considering going MGTOW and shrugging off women like the strike from "Atlas Shrugged." It is not easy, however, I like any man that likes women have to face my evolutionary psychology. That as a bisexual man I LOVE the opposite sex, LOVE in all capitals. It is not as some think MGTOW do not hate women. Many of us love women whom we have respect with and those NAWALT Unicorns when we find them.
What we find disgusting is the way most women around treat most men around. With a lack of empathy for their issues. A lack of understanding what it means to be a man and what they go through in life. A lack of caring if a man is harmed, abused, emasculated, or otherwise treated like shit by women just for being a man. A lack of caring that men are considered monsters and women their victims.
Men are not cared for when something horrible happens to them. One is not seen as fully human when you are a man. One sees it all the time; give someone a male victim and a female one only the female one will be thought of. Blame it on our Evo-Psychology that many women cling to their in group bias.Women need to start clinging to their evolved reason instead and help close the empathy gap with men. If they do not more and more men will say fuck you and just stop associating with women.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Evo-Psychology is very real and explains a lot of things. To deny it is a modern day denial of human nature itself.
"Evolutionary psychology is a theoretical approach to psychology that attempts to explain useful mental and psychological traits—such as memory, perception, or language—as adaptations, i.e., as the functional products of natural selection."
Something becomes very clear the more you hear crazy ideas. That is that there is a vast swath of the population that is simply illiterate when it comes to human nature. Some people just need to cling to the bullshit idea that humans are blank slates and that evolutionary psychology is not accurate. People whom think rightfully so that creationism is bollocks actually treat the human brain like it has no link to the way we got here. Nor to our evolved past in general.
They utterly lack any idea of a logical conclusion on this matter. If we got to where we are through means of evolution in every other area of our body why would not our brain? Where else would our brain, any instincts, mating choices and so much more be from, but, evolution and biologically driven by evolutionary pressures. Including psychological adaptations; which come from that same evolved underwriting systems in male and female natures. As well as in human nature in general.
Evolutionary Psych is a very real science and not some BS excuse to separate women and men from each other. Male and female natures are different to each other, but, they are not opposites. They evolved to be complimentary, but, different and to have different sexual roles. Which through sexual dimorphism includes a great deal of what makes up the two genders and their sex roles. Males evolved to be females protectors, providers and traits that go with those roles.
This is why most men are the way they are and females have their own evolved traits as well. This is also where Gynoentrism and hypergamy comes from. It is what drives Social Justice Warriorism and ultimately the fucked up special snowflakes; especially the women. It is in turn men's natural nature to be protective and providing that helps push through feminism in the academia and the courts. What lets feminism pass all kinds of BS lies based on BS stories. Men want to believe women due to their hard-wiring.
Women too want to believe women based on their own female natures. Evolutionary psychology does not explain everything, but, it does explain a lot. The utter disregard of this science by so many of the manosphere claiming it is all cultural Marxism is inaccurate. What anti-feminists; whether Egalitarians or MGTOW, or what have you need to face is human nature. That what we need to do to deal with gynocentrism is to leverage our ability to reason and have self control. To make sure that we have things setup in a way in which we would adapt to a non-gynocentristic society.
I also see on the other hand some denying we have evolved adaptability, self-control, free-won't, free will, and/or any sense of reason. I find that just as disturbing as someone denying any other aspect of our psychology. Free will has evolved in our cognitive process just as much as instincts did. As long as you can chose not to listen to a desire. As long as you can have some sense of self-control and adapt to your environment you have a practical and reasonable version of free will. A non-magic brain biology form of free will.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Free Will is part of our Evolutionary Psychology and not against human nature
Earlier tonight I was listening to a podcast on YouTube from TL:DR about mating strategies, hypergamy, gynocentrism, female nature in general and male nature. As well as on how much is malleable or not. How much is changeable or not changeable? Or is there even anything to change?
I found myself following along with these sorts of questions as I listened to the podcast. I actually have a controversial view on this topic. I do not think that male or female nature can change. Men are men and women are women. Some men and women have different types of brain wiring, but, overall we are what we are. However, that is a great thing because that includes the part of male and female nature known as free will.
Men and women have the reality of that biologically evolved force called free will or as some would call it "reasonable self-control." We all have both evolved to have instincts in one part of our wiring and also the ability to adapt, and make decisions in that same evolutionary process. During the podcast it seemed to me that there was a continuing need to disprove free will. Or at least that is the way it seemed. It was more from the guest than TL;DR, but, it was coming through loud and clear.
They talked about if the nature was malleable or not, but, that is not something that matters. Our instincts could never change and free will/reason would still be there in that same evolutionary psychology. Evolutionary biology gives us a brain that is wired for some sense of adaptability. It is itself part of our male and female nature. The issues with most women is that they are not taught critical thinking and to reason like most men. Which means that girls grow up with instincts only and without working on ones ability to reason.
It could also be that women do have to work harder to be as reasonable as a man. If so, this would be a fact of nature and of this same evolutionary psychology. What it does not do though is erase free will. It only means that women need to work twice as hard to be as reasonable as the average man. I find that the issue people have with evolutionary psychology about biological determinism is complete balderdash. Everything your brain is doing is doing something biologically your brain even if it was rewired is biologically changing. It is still a biological act.
Our brain is our mind and it is us. Thus all this biological is 100% deterministic; as if fairly determined means something for sure will happen is again BS. The part of our biology which regulates reason and free will is there. One could even argue it is itself determined to be there as a biological and natural fact of human nature. So, where else would the things about us come from? Magic ether from the sky from some mystical Sky Daddy? No, from evolution by natural selection. Nowhere else!
Free will as we know it is real and must only be from one place. From our biology and nowhere else. So, what if biological determinism is real? Again, as long as free will is part of what is determined by biology. As long as we developed through evolution the least bit of self-control and the ability to choose we will be fine as a species. I know we have free will or at least choice. How? I could have chosen not to write this article and you chose not to read it. Or read it at a different time and do something else in this moment. That is all we need for the experience we call free will or choice to matter and be true!
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Thinking of going Same-Sex only MGTOW continud and the expectations of Female Hypergamy.
Last night I decided to take a quick peak or two at my Plenty Of Fish account that I have for women. I know I had said I was going MGTOW Same-Sex previously in on my site. I am not saying I have decided not to do this but, I decided to take another look for the hell of it. Nor have I finalized I am either.
I want to point out that is female nature as it exists these days and women's endless list of need this or that bullshit that I am thinking of leaving the dating pool. They claim all they want is a good man that treats them right, but, that is complete bullshit, total and utter bullshit.
They want much more than that as a partner and they fucking know it. If not consciously at least instinctively. They want not only a good guy, but, someone like this or that. With this or that, or exuding this or exuding that. They want their classical Gyno-worshipping type that literally work themselves to the bone to be what "women want." They want what their evolved psychologies and hypergramy wants. It is genetic.
The expectations of Hypergamy call for being a certain kind of man. One which often times is not even realistic and is presented well in the Romance Novel genre which is written by and for women. Females are naturally Gynocentric and Hypergamous in nature. Women that have escaped the mindset of Gynocerntrism and Hypergamy are doing so by being rational over instinctual and emotive thinking. Most women are not as rational as these NAWALT Unicorns which are very rare. (NAWALT =Not all women are like that)
Women that are fine with just having the good man they claim to want have overcome their Hypergamous nature. Or their good guy is actually a Nice Guy with an Edge. Or Beta with a bit of Alpha as some would say. They are not just the standard and every day nice guy at all. They also are nice with money; or nice with social status. Or something else that their instincts hop on the "yes" train for. Many men will attest to this and it is why so many men are fed up. Why many men actually decide to stop dating women.
Well, I will not apologize for not being of highest social status. I will not apologize for not having a gaggle of entourage around me. I will not apologize for not being your human wallet or your utility. For not being your personal soldier. For not being a walking baby maker. For not being your personal bodyguard. For not having some rad car that you can go driving in. I will not apologize for sometimes being vulnerable. I will not be able to be your perfect man of your dreams because he does not exist!
It is these unreal expectations that have pretty much made me come to the point of dumping women as partners and as a companion. Men are so much easier to please and want for so much more simpler things in life. They do not have Hypergamy, but, a lot are still Gynocentric unfortunately. Most women are not those rare Unicorns that can be simple and easy in a good way like men. Hypergamy and evolutionary psychology affects things and makes them push towards a Gynocentic and shit test point of view.
Luckily; my manhood is not determined by if I am laying women. Nor is it determined by me dating women or being in relationships with women. Neither is yours either. All men are in charge and control of their own manhood and their masculinity. It is an internal thing and not something dictated and imposed on you by the females in this world. Nor is it dictated or imposed on you by being in a current relationship with another man. Nor is it determined by other people in general. As Allen Fritzen says be a "Grab Your Balls Man." Own it, be it, do it, and fuck what others think!
Do not let others Gynocentric and feminine centered views try to tell you you are less than a man. Only because you are single, or are not providing for someone. Or for not protecting others at the expense of your own life and being a sacrificial animal to a goddess called vagina. Or for not sacrificing to other men as gods of the penis. Be you, do you, love you! You are a man! You have Balls and a Penis. Own it! Own you and you own your balls! Be you and you have balls!
Being a Man Going His Own Way is not evil; but, a wonderful thing. It is individualism put forth in the Male gender. It is men no longer being utilities, but, fully human individuals. Some MGTOW individuals might be nutso, but, the idea of MGTOW itself is not. Which is men looking out for themselves and their own good for once. Not for the good of a tribe, a village or for the good of anything else. Only for themselves and those they personally value. That might be a platonic woman or a group of bros.
However, it begins with you as an individual man grabbing those balls and taking a stand. Taking a stand for men and their rights. Taking a stand against basing a world not on reason, and facts, but, instead on Gynocentric instincts evolved in an old environment. It means letting yourself be the guide for your manhood and not others. Which means being able to say NO to women and their needs if it means it is self-destructive to your life and self-debilitating. Including no to dating them at all if they refuse to use reason as their guide to life.
MGTOW at its heart is that, even if some nutsos have taken the idea to mean something completely different. In fact, in the original MGTOW Manifesto it never mentioned not marrying really. It simply talked about literally men going on strike against the current system more or less. However, I agree some take it to a dark place. These people do have their right to be as resentful and hyperbolic as they want though. I do not want to live in a PC SJW, Safe Spaced world. I want to live in reality and that is the reality.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
If man needs help he is not a man? Fuck you all that think men are only utilities!
Today I was watching Steven Crowder; a show I usually highly enjoy despite not always agreeing with it. In the middle of a perfectly good episode with the likes of Dr. Christina Hoff Summers I ended up finding a Gynocentric bullshit segment about men. Steven seems to think if you need help and cannot take care of yourself it removes your mancard.
What a bunch of fucking nonsense. A man does not lose his masculinity if he needs help from someone else. Sometimes people need a helping hand. Just because one should strive to be independent does not mean in temporary times of trouble they lose their gender. Just because a man is in need of help. Just because he cannot be a provider for some reason does not mean he is not a man.
Men are not removed of their mancard based on their ability or non-ability to take care of others. One does not stop being a man due to not being able to afford to provide for others. A man needs to look after themselves first. Sometimes they might need help in looking after themselves and that does not make their manhood worth less. Does Steven and people like him think the 90% of homeless that are men are not men?
You do not lose your balls and cock because you have moments of vulnerability. Men are humans; we are naked upright standing apes. We are not invulnerable Supermen from Krypton. We are just as human as women are and the idea that not always being strong is emasculating is bullshit. You do not lose your mancard just because you are not always sitting with 100s in your bank. Or if you do not know how to fire off a weapon (protector and provider often goes together).
Men are not utilities we are humans. We are not wallets we are humans. We are not moist robots we are human beings. I will say it again; men are human fucking beings you Gynocentric fucktards. That do not see men as anymore than providers and protectors of women. Devoid of individual needs, merits and worth. Men 's rights are human rights now get used too it! You pieces of unsympathetic shit!
Thursday, May 5, 2016
I Love the Alpha M. Project
Recently I ran across a web series called Alpha M. Project which is a Men's Makeover series. I loved that it was a positive look at masculinity. You have men being shown what brings out the best in them in their style, fashion and fitness. However, you do not ever have the sense that these men are made to change the core of whom they are in order to unlock their inner Alpha.
Instead the host helps them bring out the best in themselves and that is their Alpha M. The best within them and showing it off is their Inner Alpha and not putting on games and pretending. I found it like a breath of fresh air to not see makeovers be solely relegated to the domain of some stereotypical "queen." It is not only queer eyes that can see good style.
The host in this show is both exuberant, bright and cheery, but, also makes no excuses for it. Yet, he also is very open about masculinity being good and not making a character of himself. I like that he is both not a monotone low energy person and also does not think it impacts his manhood. He owns his manhood he is a Grab your Balls man; fashionista and all. It is the very making of an Alpha to just be yourself and not think about what others want.
I love that Alpha M. provide men with tips and tricks on unlocking their Inner Alpha without becoming someone that they are not. As well as the people involved in the makeovers not becoming douches too. It is a very common myth and mistake to think Alphas are douches. In fact, most people that emulate douchery in the name of being Alpha are being Fanboys of masculinity. Not embracing it at all.
I highly recommend Alpha M. Project to all of my readers and to even the non-readers. It will be a great treat and is always good for some stress free entertainment. It is a great example of what an Alpha Male is VS what people think it is. PS: It has nothing to do with being up to your eyes in poon either. In fact, the most Alpha Male would be one that does not "need" poon at all. It is the last thing on his mind and he is not controlled at all by his desires towards his preferred sex or either sex.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
I am tired of running around like a Mouse in a Maze to appease Female Nature
Lately, I have been introspecting on what I really want out of the rest of my life. What do I want and what do I need. What do I not want and what do I wish to avoid. My story has been told on one of my first posts on this site. Anyone that has read that post knows about my 4 or 5 years of being someone that avoided relationships with women at all costs. It was told that I had done so do to having a change in my internal sense of identity. Due to what I had been told by others.
Those were my Gay Days and I had forsaken women as partners due to not thinking I could be with them. Due to not having any attraction; I thought to them. Lately, I have been wondering if it would not be less of a headache to just say fuck it about women again. Not because I am not attracted to them; I most certainly am. However, due to the rat race that is trying to "please" women. The mouse maze of appealing to "female nature:" and "Hypergamy" are very taxing to me.
It seems like I can be everything most women say they want and yet get nothing in return for my effort. I can be all those wonderful things they want and yet the reaction is mute. I can even be my most confident and amazing self and yet I get nowhere with women. Not because of anything wrong with me, but, because female nature is a hypergamous and gynocentric mess. I used too think it was just due to Radial Feminist BS. More and more though I am thinking it is their good old "evolutionary psychology." It stops them from having interest in me and thus I get nowhere.
I am thinking my best bet for a partner is to turn inward. To turn towards;; literally my fellow man. To be my mate and companion; not jut my bro. The Male Brain does not have any real Hypergamy that scientists can find. Which make sense as hypergamy is linked to selection of genes from a female centered point of view. Men mean what they say when they tell you what they want. Women say they want one thing while their evolved brain wants something else entirely in their men.
With men at least I know where I stand. I have lots of experience with my own sex and being what other men find attractive. Not so much I will admit with women. However, even if I had tons of experience with women. I have this nagging feeling women around here still would just pass me by or blow me off. I am not what they want. What they want is a perfect being that does not exist. A non-existent bullshit made up man that Hypergamy wants.
What am I saying? I can hear you asking. Well, I am thinking of becoming a MGTOW; in lifestyle and not in stereotype. What that means is a "Man Going His Own Way." A man whom forgoes all relations with women; no marriage, no dating, no nothing, and possibly not even an ounce of sex. I am not "going Gay" as such. I still have an attraction to women as straight MGTOWS do. I, however, am getting so tired of being the best of my best and it not being enough for the Harpies in this world.
Living a life that concentrates on myself only and does not give any quarter to what any woman ever wants from me. Living for me and me alone. Not living for myself with a back nagging that I might find the one Unicorn Woman someday. Living as if I might NEVER be with another woman; no woman might ever want me back and saying "fuck you too ladies." Giving Female Nature a major dose of Karma and letting what goes around come around. You do not want to even give me a chance; I am not going to even give one quarter of caring if any woman does.
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