Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Monday, May 16, 2016

Evo-Psychology is very real and explains a lot of things. To deny it is a modern day denial of human nature itself.

"Evolutionary psychology is a theoretical approach to psychology that attempts to explain useful mental and psychological traits—such as memory, perception, or language—as adaptations, i.e., as the functional products of natural selection."

Something becomes very clear the more you hear crazy ideas. That is that there is a vast swath of the population that is simply illiterate when it comes to human nature. Some people just need to cling to the bullshit idea that humans are blank slates and that evolutionary psychology is not accurate. People whom think rightfully so that creationism is bollocks actually treat the human brain like it has no link to the way we got here. Nor to our evolved past in general.

They utterly lack any idea of a logical conclusion on this matter. If we got to where we are through means of evolution in every other area of our body why would not our brain? Where else would our brain, any instincts, mating choices and so much more be from, but, evolution and biologically driven by evolutionary pressures. Including psychological adaptations; which come from that same evolved underwriting systems in male and female natures. As well as in human nature in general.

Evolutionary Psych is a very real science and not some BS excuse to separate women and men from each other. Male and female natures are different to each other, but, they are not opposites. They evolved to be complimentary, but, different and to have different sexual roles. Which through sexual dimorphism includes a great deal of what makes up the two genders and their sex roles. Males evolved to be females protectors, providers and traits that go with those roles.

This is why most men are the way they are and females have their own evolved traits as well. This is also where Gynoentrism and hypergamy comes from. It is what drives Social Justice Warriorism and ultimately the fucked up special snowflakes; especially the women. It is in turn men's natural nature to be protective and providing that helps push through feminism in the academia and the courts. What lets feminism pass all kinds of BS lies based on BS stories. Men want to believe women due to their hard-wiring.

Women too want to believe women based on their own female natures. Evolutionary psychology does not explain everything, but, it does explain a lot. The utter disregard of this science by so many of the manosphere claiming it is all cultural Marxism is inaccurate. What anti-feminists; whether Egalitarians or MGTOW, or what have you need to face is human nature. That what we need to do to deal with gynocentrism is to leverage our ability to reason and have self control. To make sure that we have things setup in a way in which we would adapt to a non-gynocentristic society.

I also see on the other hand some denying we have evolved adaptability, self-control, free-won't, free will, and/or any sense of reason. I find that just as disturbing as someone denying any other aspect of our psychology. Free will has evolved in our cognitive process just as much as instincts did. As long as you can chose not to listen to a desire. As long as you can have some sense of self-control and adapt to your environment you have a practical and reasonable version of free will. A non-magic brain biology form of free will.