Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Saturday, May 7, 2016
If man needs help he is not a man? Fuck you all that think men are only utilities!
Today I was watching Steven Crowder; a show I usually highly enjoy despite not always agreeing with it. In the middle of a perfectly good episode with the likes of Dr. Christina Hoff Summers I ended up finding a Gynocentric bullshit segment about men. Steven seems to think if you need help and cannot take care of yourself it removes your mancard.
What a bunch of fucking nonsense. A man does not lose his masculinity if he needs help from someone else. Sometimes people need a helping hand. Just because one should strive to be independent does not mean in temporary times of trouble they lose their gender. Just because a man is in need of help. Just because he cannot be a provider for some reason does not mean he is not a man.
Men are not removed of their mancard based on their ability or non-ability to take care of others. One does not stop being a man due to not being able to afford to provide for others. A man needs to look after themselves first. Sometimes they might need help in looking after themselves and that does not make their manhood worth less. Does Steven and people like him think the 90% of homeless that are men are not men?
You do not lose your balls and cock because you have moments of vulnerability. Men are humans; we are naked upright standing apes. We are not invulnerable Supermen from Krypton. We are just as human as women are and the idea that not always being strong is emasculating is bullshit. You do not lose your mancard just because you are not always sitting with 100s in your bank. Or if you do not know how to fire off a weapon (protector and provider often goes together).
Men are not utilities we are humans. We are not wallets we are humans. We are not moist robots we are human beings. I will say it again; men are human fucking beings you Gynocentric fucktards. That do not see men as anymore than providers and protectors of women. Devoid of individual needs, merits and worth. Men 's rights are human rights now get used too it! You pieces of unsympathetic shit!