Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Women need to start helping to lessen the "empathy gap."

For those unaware there is a term going around the Interwebz and the manosphere called "the empathy gap." The idea that there is a gap between women and men when it comes to empathy. That women have their own selves as a primary. They have in-group preferences towards other women, but, lack empathy for what men go through. Which is something that one can see easily in this world. Thus the growing MGTOW and broader Men's Human Rights movements. 

The gap is real and one sees it a lot when they are a man. Women will seem empathetic at first, but, as soon as you need them to be the shoulder to lean on for you they will not care. They will rant about how you need to listen to their feelings and treat you like dirt. I have experienced this with pretty much any woman I have dated in the past. Tell them your needs and they do not give a fuck about you.

This is what has gotten me so considering going MGTOW and shrugging off women like the strike from "Atlas Shrugged." It is not easy, however, I like any man that likes women have to face my evolutionary psychology. That as a bisexual man I LOVE the opposite sex, LOVE in all capitals. It is not as some think MGTOW do not hate women. Many of us love women whom we have respect with and those NAWALT Unicorns when we find them. 

What we find disgusting is the way most women around treat most men around. With a lack of empathy for their issues. A lack of understanding what it means to be a man and what they go through in life. A lack of caring if a man is harmed, abused, emasculated, or otherwise treated like shit by women just for being a man. A lack of caring that men are considered monsters and women their victims. 

Men are not cared for when something horrible happens to them. One is not seen as fully human when you are a man. One sees it all the time; give someone a male victim and a female one only the female one will be thought of. Blame it on our Evo-Psychology that many women cling to their in group bias.Women need to start clinging to their evolved reason instead and help close the empathy gap with men. If they do not more and more men will say fuck you and just stop associating with women.