Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Thinking of going Same-Sex only MGTOW continud and the expectations of Female Hypergamy.
Last night I decided to take a quick peak or two at my Plenty Of Fish account that I have for women. I know I had said I was going MGTOW Same-Sex previously in on my site. I am not saying I have decided not to do this but, I decided to take another look for the hell of it. Nor have I finalized I am either.
I want to point out that is female nature as it exists these days and women's endless list of need this or that bullshit that I am thinking of leaving the dating pool. They claim all they want is a good man that treats them right, but, that is complete bullshit, total and utter bullshit.
They want much more than that as a partner and they fucking know it. If not consciously at least instinctively. They want not only a good guy, but, someone like this or that. With this or that, or exuding this or exuding that. They want their classical Gyno-worshipping type that literally work themselves to the bone to be what "women want." They want what their evolved psychologies and hypergramy wants. It is genetic.
The expectations of Hypergamy call for being a certain kind of man. One which often times is not even realistic and is presented well in the Romance Novel genre which is written by and for women. Females are naturally Gynocentric and Hypergamous in nature. Women that have escaped the mindset of Gynocerntrism and Hypergamy are doing so by being rational over instinctual and emotive thinking. Most women are not as rational as these NAWALT Unicorns which are very rare. (NAWALT =Not all women are like that)
Women that are fine with just having the good man they claim to want have overcome their Hypergamous nature. Or their good guy is actually a Nice Guy with an Edge. Or Beta with a bit of Alpha as some would say. They are not just the standard and every day nice guy at all. They also are nice with money; or nice with social status. Or something else that their instincts hop on the "yes" train for. Many men will attest to this and it is why so many men are fed up. Why many men actually decide to stop dating women.
Well, I will not apologize for not being of highest social status. I will not apologize for not having a gaggle of entourage around me. I will not apologize for not being your human wallet or your utility. For not being your personal soldier. For not being a walking baby maker. For not being your personal bodyguard. For not having some rad car that you can go driving in. I will not apologize for sometimes being vulnerable. I will not be able to be your perfect man of your dreams because he does not exist!
It is these unreal expectations that have pretty much made me come to the point of dumping women as partners and as a companion. Men are so much easier to please and want for so much more simpler things in life. They do not have Hypergamy, but, a lot are still Gynocentric unfortunately. Most women are not those rare Unicorns that can be simple and easy in a good way like men. Hypergamy and evolutionary psychology affects things and makes them push towards a Gynocentic and shit test point of view.
Luckily; my manhood is not determined by if I am laying women. Nor is it determined by me dating women or being in relationships with women. Neither is yours either. All men are in charge and control of their own manhood and their masculinity. It is an internal thing and not something dictated and imposed on you by the females in this world. Nor is it dictated or imposed on you by being in a current relationship with another man. Nor is it determined by other people in general. As Allen Fritzen says be a "Grab Your Balls Man." Own it, be it, do it, and fuck what others think!
Do not let others Gynocentric and feminine centered views try to tell you you are less than a man. Only because you are single, or are not providing for someone. Or for not protecting others at the expense of your own life and being a sacrificial animal to a goddess called vagina. Or for not sacrificing to other men as gods of the penis. Be you, do you, love you! You are a man! You have Balls and a Penis. Own it! Own you and you own your balls! Be you and you have balls!
Being a Man Going His Own Way is not evil; but, a wonderful thing. It is individualism put forth in the Male gender. It is men no longer being utilities, but, fully human individuals. Some MGTOW individuals might be nutso, but, the idea of MGTOW itself is not. Which is men looking out for themselves and their own good for once. Not for the good of a tribe, a village or for the good of anything else. Only for themselves and those they personally value. That might be a platonic woman or a group of bros.
However, it begins with you as an individual man grabbing those balls and taking a stand. Taking a stand for men and their rights. Taking a stand against basing a world not on reason, and facts, but, instead on Gynocentric instincts evolved in an old environment. It means letting yourself be the guide for your manhood and not others. Which means being able to say NO to women and their needs if it means it is self-destructive to your life and self-debilitating. Including no to dating them at all if they refuse to use reason as their guide to life.
MGTOW at its heart is that, even if some nutsos have taken the idea to mean something completely different. In fact, in the original MGTOW Manifesto it never mentioned not marrying really. It simply talked about literally men going on strike against the current system more or less. However, I agree some take it to a dark place. These people do have their right to be as resentful and hyperbolic as they want though. I do not want to live in a PC SJW, Safe Spaced world. I want to live in reality and that is the reality.