Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Free Will is part of our Evolutionary Psychology and not against human nature

Earlier tonight I was listening to a podcast on YouTube from TL:DR about mating strategies, hypergamy, gynocentrism, female nature in general and male nature. As well as on how much is malleable or not. How much is changeable or not changeable? Or is there even anything to change? 

I found myself following along with these sorts of questions as I listened to the podcast. I actually have a controversial view on this topic. I do not think that male or female nature can change. Men are men and women are women. Some men and women have different types of brain wiring, but, overall we are what we are. However, that is a great thing because that includes the part of male and female nature known as free will. 

Men and women have the reality of that biologically evolved force called free will or as some would call it "reasonable self-control." We all have both evolved to have instincts in one part of our wiring and also the ability to adapt, and make decisions in that same evolutionary process. During the podcast it seemed to me that there was a continuing need to disprove free will. Or at least that is the way it seemed. It was more from the guest than TL;DR, but, it was coming through loud and clear.

They talked about if the nature was malleable or not, but, that is not something that matters. Our instincts could never change and free will/reason would still be there in that same evolutionary psychology. Evolutionary biology gives us a brain that is wired for some sense of adaptability. It is itself part of our male and female nature. The issues with most women is that they are not taught critical thinking and to reason like most men. Which means that girls grow up with instincts only and without working on ones ability to reason. 

It could also be that women do have to work harder to be as reasonable as a man. If so, this would be a fact of nature and of this same evolutionary psychology. What it does not do though is erase free will. It only means that women need to work twice as hard to be as reasonable as the average man. I find that the issue people have with evolutionary psychology about biological determinism is complete balderdash. Everything your brain is doing is doing something biologically your brain even if it was rewired is biologically changing. It is still a biological act. 

Our brain is our mind and it is us. Thus all this biological is 100% deterministic; as if fairly determined means something for sure will happen is again BS. The part of our biology which regulates reason and free will is there. One could even argue it is itself determined to be there as a biological and natural fact of human nature. So, where else would the things about us come from? Magic ether from the sky from some mystical Sky Daddy? No, from evolution by natural selection. Nowhere else!

Free will as we know it is real and must only be from one place. From our biology and nowhere else. So, what if biological determinism is real? Again, as long as free will is part of what is determined by biology. As long as we developed through evolution the least bit of self-control and the ability to choose we will be fine as a species. I know we have free will or at least choice. How? I could have chosen not to write this article and you chose not to read it. Or read it at a different time and do something else in this moment. That is all we need for the experience we call free will or choice to matter and be true!