Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sex differences are real; there is a male and female brain. No that does not mean All Gender assumptions are true.

Recently it has come to my attention that some people mistake not making gender assumptions to mean there are no sex differences between the average man and the average woman. This would be a big mistake and the fact that Countries with some of the highest amounts of equalization in the society still have massive gaps in different areas between the sexes proves it is incorrect. There is clearly a brain that gets created generally from XX or XY chromosomes combined with the hormones released based on this during brain formation in the developing fetus. Certain differences between the sexes in even the most just society no doubt come down to certain differences that having a different brain gives the average male or female.

Agreeableness for example is one of the things found in cross cultural studies of men vs women. Women tend to on average be more agreeable and men not so. This means that even if you change the cultural environment women still tend to be more agreeable than men. This explains why less women tend to speak up in request for things like pay raises. Or are less likely to argue in board meetings and let the others verbally joist (mostly men). This does not mean women are determined to be more agreeable as a woman can learn to be more assertive just as much as men can learn to be less assertive and more agreeable. However, it does show that if girls are not taught how to be more assertive they will tend to be more agreeable than a boy will be when they become a man.

This shows differences within how the female brain and the male brain develops over time. Both within the womb and without of it. We can also see this in cross cultural research on work preferences between the sexes as well. Women and men tend to pick different jobs even in Countries with the highest amounts of equalization legislation on the books. In fact, counter to what Radical Feminists would have you believe in Countries where things are equal under the law and in opportunity women/men splits in job types is even more extreme. The more you allow both sexes to be themselves without outside pressure forcing them to be either the same or different it is the differences that become quite apparent in the case of occupations.

Richard Lippa did a survey of men and women that crossed several Countries and all of them seemed to show the same sort of split. A split that is coherent with what we see in new born babies between the sexes as well. Boys tend to look not at people, but, at things when first born. On the other hand girls tend to look at people. Following this when you test babies play preferences. Babies as in before socialization in any particular direction the play differs across sex lines. Boys play with things classified again as more object oriented and girls with more social oriented.

Sometimes boys and girls do differ in this, but, these are the people whom show differences in general temperament altogether as they get older from the norm for their sex/gender. Individual temperaments sometimes not matching the norm does not mean there is no norm it does not negate the majority that a minority exists that differs from the majority. Also, those with this difference are not as some would assert and have asserted signs or signals of being future homosexuals or bisexuals.

The vast majority of children born with individual temperaments outside the norm turn out to be the norm sexually for their sex and are heterosexual. A homosexual or bisexual orientation can come from how one is nurtured on top of said individual differences once this child develops their Erotic Codes in puberty. For more on the American Psychological Associations view on the development of abnormal and atypical sexual attractions click here. Nor does individual temperament differences mean your brain is not male or female.

It does not mean that you are trapped in the wrong body nor does it mean you will be someone suffering from Gender Identity Disorders or Dysphorias as you grow up. The vast majority of cross-sex playing or temperament children grow up to be body/brain congruent and not gender identity confused. The norm for our species is own sex identifying and opposite sex arousing. That is the natural norm for the human species it is how procreation happens and how our species keeps existing. I only bring this up as this article is all around sex and sex differences.

This detour is because it explains the differences in jobs found by Richard Lippa in his research. It showed that women tend to take people jobs and men less so. This makes sense the more social jobs like Social Workers for example would be something someone with a brain geared towards people things would want to work at. Whereas jobs geared around the object related would attract most men. This would be why careers such as programming are filled with men and not as many women. We can see that this core temperament if you will is linked to the job by also seeing the reverse. Those men that are actually different and unique in their temperaments take social jobs and women unique in their temperaments take object oriented jobs. This is very much the case in Dr. Lippa's research on the matter.

This means that most women and most men have core differences that bearing a unique and different from the norm temperament difference does affect your urges, desires and instincts if you will. However, we also have evolved the ability to be a rational animal (by choice) and we have free will. So, just because someone might be born with an instinct or urge does not mean that it is good to listen to said instinct. One needs to think, think, think, and be rational when picking a career. So, not everything to do with career choices is merely some deterministic instinct following either. The point is that there is some level of influence based on your biology being male or female. Brain differences do exist they are not made up from the "Patriarchy."

This does not mean one should assume anything particular about any given man or woman that you meet based on these generalizations found within nature and within the data we have. It simply means the differences are real and not imposed on people. Males are males and females are females. There is a male nature and a female nature. That does not mean we do not learn things on top of this nature. It does not mean we should listen to said nature either. We need to think, think, think about if any particular instincts or desire that arises is good for us to act on or self-destructive to act on.

We also need to think about how our actions will affect those around us. It is a fallacy to say just because something is Natural it is good. In the end Free Will and Seizing the Reins Of Your Mind helps us rise above or embrace depending on the context our First Nature in the development of our Character and our Second Nature if you will throughout the course of our lives.