Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, June 22, 2018

Trump is not a Rightist and he is no Republican either

Before I go ahead with writing this article I need to provide definitions on what I mean by rightist and what I mean by Republican. By a Republican I mean someone whom is in favor of a government limited to the functions vital of a functioning free society. Specifically, limited to the use of defensive force against those whom are harming others and their property. With all of the proper limits, checks, balances and separations of powers. By rightist I mean in favor of the elimination of the initiation of a breaking of consent among society. To me to be "right" is the equivalent of being an Auberon Herbert "voluntaryist" or in the modern day equivalent to be for Capitalism.

Whom is on the right? Auberon Herbert based "volunatryists," Constitutional Republicanism, Classical Liberalism, Capitalism, better and consistent Right-Libertarians (fiscally responsible/socially tolerant types VS actual libertarianism philosophy or movement which is an ammoral and immoral mess). It also includes anyone that would consider themselves a radical for capitalism.

I find the best way to illustrate what I mean by The Right is the below chart/spectrum which shows what I consider leftist vs rightist and why you might actually be on the right on some issues in my definition.


In my view pro-same sex marriage legalization is on the right as it is for granting choice to consenting adults to own and use their bodies as they see fit. It is removing force from peaceful peoples lives. However, at the same time so is being pro-choice on abortions as it is about removing force on peoples lives. It is leftist to be pro-government using force in peoples lives. So, anyone that claims to be "right-wing," but, then is for adding more initiation of coercion that person is to the left or even depending on how much force the extreme left on that issue. A lot of you would be on The Right to me in social or personal issues, but, most more to the left on using force in the economy through taxation, regulations and the like. This places you in the degrees of leftism which is considered the moderate middle of modern Liberalism (as opposed to Classical Rightist Liberalism) or modern Conservatism.

I needed to setup the above opposition of views to show why I contend that Trump is not a Rightist and he is not a Republican in any sense of the actual definition. He is anti-Free Trade and pro-Tariffs which means that he is against the Global system of individual rights and thus anti-Capitalist. He has much more in line with classical Fascists and even certain forms of Socialism than he is a Capitalist. He is for initiating coercion into the lives of peaceful "illegal" immigrants whom he does not feel have the individual human rights the government is supposed to defend as their core reason for existing. Individual rights belonging to humans does not stop because they entered your Country through your borders. 

In fact, if he was President in 1920's USA Ms. Rand would be rounded up and deported back to her very likely death in ironically of all places Russia. (Ironic, given how much Trump admires the Communist Dictator Putin.) This is because her way of getting here would not be allowed and she would be deemed illegal in his definition these days. What the US needs is a truly Rational and Reality based means of immigration.

I am in favor of Open Immigration for anyone that is not carrying an infectious disease, is an actual criminal (like the actual gangs of sex traffickers and such) and those whom are connected to/receive funds from organizations connected to or are themselves terrorists or terrorist material. This does not mean no screening at all and absolutely no border control. It means that you have one easy to access and easy to get screened for, and easy to cross border for new citizens to come through Openly VS Closed off borders.

In matters of trade I am for full Unilateral Free Trade globally for all. Capitalism is not a local thing, but, a universal and global thing. It is in essence of the system a Globalist or Globalism system of unfettered lassiez-fair trade across borders. Individuals and groups of individuals get to engage in consensual trade between each other for mutual benefit to mutual advantage, in win/win mutual exchanges or you are not in Capitalism. You get to hire workers from anywhere as well and that is part of trade. Free Trade and Open Immigration are corollary to one another. Labor should be open to as much of  Unilateral Unfettered Lassiez-Fair trade as goods or services are. 

This ironically is also the position Mike Pence used too have before he became Vice Presidential Candidate and then VP with Trump. He used too be much more Capitalistic in that sense, was for TPP and NAFTA for example. The point is that Trump is not a Capitalist if anything he is a Crony and he is actually well modeled in the villains in Atlas Shrugged. Whom used lobbying and pull, connections between the State and Economy to get their way over consensual trade between individuals. He is not as some have called him an Ayn Rand Hero he is someone Ms. Rand would hate and she would be rolling in her grave.

Finally, I need to erase any sort of conclusions you might be making based on a flawed view of what I mean by Capitalism. I do not mean Corporatism, Lobbyism, Cronyism, et cetera. What I mean by Capitalism is not even just the existence of Capitalists either. Capitalism is a form of social system with a distinct identity and character which separates it from all other ISMS. It is in essence consensualism or Voluntaryism. It is a free society it is a true market free of any sort of coercion backed monopolies or anything of the like.

Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned.

The sort of social system I support does not really exist fully anywhere in any Country at this time nor in anytime in history. Capitalism is not a Conservative idea no matter how Conservatives steal and hijack the term for their own intruding into peoples rights for the sake or religion or tradition or family values. Capitalism is not a system of yesterday, but, as Ayn Rand said is the "Unknown Ideal." The ideal setup and system which has not yet been fully put into practice anywhere on this Earth. It is a forward looking system. In fact, it was the system and vision of the world of the Classical Lassiez-Fair Liberals. Of a world united in Individualism, Individual Enlightenment thinking and Individual Rights. This is what I mean by Capitalism; this is what I mean by The Right and those whom are of The Right and what a True Constitutional Republican would be defending too.

 In a capitalist society, all human relationships are voluntary. Men are free to cooperate or not, to deal with one another or not, as their own individual judgments, convictions, and interests dictate. They can deal with one another only in terms of and by means of reason, i.e., by means of discussion, persuasion, and contractual agreement, by voluntary choice to mutual benefit. The right to agree with others is not a problem in any society; it is the right to disagree that is crucial. It is the institution of private property that protects and implements the right to disagree—and thus keeps the road open to man’s most valuable attribute (valuable personally, socially, and objectively): the creative mind.

This is what it means to be fully of The Right it means to be for this view of the world. Trump has a malevolent sense of life he sees not opportunity not for win/win solutions, but, only the win/lose. There is no understanding of the need for greater philosophy either. He is a dead end road of pure pragmatism and populism with no sense of underlying principles or code of virtues to guide what he wants in life. He is an amoral at best and grossly immoral at worst human being. He is the kind of savage one dare not meet in a black alley on their own without a weapon to defend you. For he has no underlying code other than to trample others. This is not the code of a proper business man it is the code of the Highway robber, the code of the irrational whim worshiping mystic and a horrific second handed mentality.

Trump is as far from reality, reason, morality and rights as a President could get and he admires dictators of all stripes; look at his gushing over North Korea and Putin previously. This is not a good day for the American Dream and I fear where this is leading the West. USA please wake up you voted in a Wolf in Sheep clothing better snap out of it well you can. Before your Country is changed so fundamentally the World does not recognize Lady Liberty because she is dead in the name of Making America Great Again (for the Cronies.)