Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Globalism is Good and Protectionism/Nationalism is evil ; Truedau and Trump courting disaster

During Trumps presidential campaign one overarching thing was prominent and that was a hatred for something called Globalism. In this vein Trump sounds a lot like those wacked out conspiracy theorists that talk about the takeover of the world by some Globalist entity known as The New World Order. What was it though which Trump means by this nebulous term such as globalism?

In truth globalism can have multiple sorts of meanings it can mean more than one thing. One definition is simply support of globalization and internationalism VS nationalistic protectionism. The other definition is something a lot more sinister the removal of Nation States existing in favor of an Authoritarian Global Government which sacrifices ones human rights to itself. However, which one is it that Trump was running against?

One could not be sure when he was running it could have been either definition that he was using. It took having evidence of which he was referring to in order to be able to be sure in a first handed way. However, now that we have seen his actual agenda and its policies one can no longer question that he was referring not only to the Global sacrifice of human rights. Instead he was referring to an odd combination of all kinds of Globalism mixed together with no real rhyme or reason behind them.

The biggest casualty in Trumps agenda is the very foundation of the Capitalism his own party used too traditionally give lip service too. For he is absolutely against the free crossing of goods and services across global borders for the sake of trading between Nations. He is not talking about the absorption of power into a Global Government based around some New World Order State. He is talking about something that is supported by all thinking economists on either side of the debate. He is against Globalization and that is what he means by globalism.

This is a serious mistake Globalization is good and it should not be fought by either philosophical left or right of the compass. It is a truth a fact of economics even the most mixed economies that freer trade the better the people in the Nation. We now have an interconnected world as well, so, to interfere and disrupt this intricate web by say using Tariff's or erecting other barriers to trade will be a calamity. The outlook is bleak for both the US and all the other Allies now joining in on the trade war we now appear to be in.

I hear some of you screaming at me, but, what about our jobs? What about them free trade actually makes room for locally better job opportunities as the jobs no one wants become the outsourced work to other Countries in other parts of the world. These jobs then help to rise the tides and the boats on them for the poorest among the human species in far off Countries. No expense hits us that is worth ending the effects of this Global Capitalism. Global Capitalism is the answer to Global Poverty and also stops wars because people that trade tend to not go to war.

How about the effects on me personally? I hear you say in an ever so self interested way. Well, good question as self interest is a virtue. However, have no fear you will continue to get better prices for all your good and services traded over borders. It is an economic known not just an assumption that free trade makes prices go down and supply go up. As good and services are traded back and forth. As different people all over the world trade with each other to mutual advantage and mutual benefit. Free Trade across borders is a moral outgrowth from your right to exchange your wealth for your own mutual advantage for your own gaining of your values. If you can trade why cannot others across border lines? They have all the same human rights as you do.

When Hillary Clinton was revealed to be supportive of the world being a Global Market with Borders being mere stops on a world wide connected Globe of trading partners with borders being nothing, but, security stops for matters of National Security I cheered. That is exactly the world I want to live in an interconnected Global Capitalism. Not just Capitalism (here I mean free economy not cronyism and corporatism and lobbyists) for me, but, Capitalism for all. Capitalism is the only truly moral social system. Even mixed economy people tend to agree removing all markets would be a Statist nightmare. On the International Stage people that tend to be very much for mixed economies are on board that more Capitalism Internationally is a proper social system for raising the boats of other Nations.

It is unethical to say I have no right to pursue my own self interest and human flourishing. I am born in another Country that is more poor and I should be determined to live in an undeveloped squalor for life. Not due to some Altruistic impulse, but, due very much from an understanding of the fact that if you have the human right to attempt to flourish, so, do humans in other Nations. Borders do not remove a humans individual rights to life, liberty and property. They have a right to have access to international trade between their Nations and yours. Individuals and groups like Corporations in one Nation do not all of a sudden lose their right to win/win trades because they are behind a Border whether walled or without walls..

You have no right to say to a peaceful person in another Country that they do not get the chance to pursue their happiness and to leave poverty because they do not live within your borders. People in other Countries that are not harming others should be let to trade with whom they want to trade. Provided neither side of the trade is engaging in activities that are harming others or their property. All people that are not engaged in harm should be allowed to associate and deal with whomever they decide to. This does not stop where Borders exist. To me it is not just economical, but, moral. A matter of recognizing human rights are not Nationalistic constructs, but, Universal and Global they are International and should exist in all Nations on Earth in an ideal end scenario.

This includes the right to trade among Nations as they see fit provided they harm no one else or their property. Essentially as long as they themselves are not engaging in infringing those same International Individual Human Rights of other people in their activities. I am pro-Globalization and Globalism of Individual Human Rights and of the corollary the social system that allows that to happen which is Capitalism in other words the system that allows the existence of a free market. I am all for a New World Order. One of a replacement of some freedom and some oppressive regimes with Global Human Rights including the right to own and dispose of your own wealth/property as one or a voluntary group of people sees fit. I am for the replacement of an Old World of some liberty and some serfdom in the Globe with a Globe of International Freedom and Human Flourishing.

I am in favor of a removal of old systems of some freedom and some serfdom. Some rights acknowledgement and some infringement of rights. For a Global System of Freedom, Liberty, Equality before the law and Justice for all. In this sense I am for a New World Order, but, I am not in favor of a globe of more serfdom. A New World Order need not be a bad thing it is all about the philosophies and ideas behind the New World and what that New World Order does/stands for. If it is a New World based on the recognition of humans as having inherent rights and those rights being defended under law internationally then I am on board the New World Order train.

Sorry, Mr. Trump I am a Globalist and I supported your tax cuts as well as regulation reform. Globalism is not the enemy of Republicanism they go together and are both supposed to be for freedom of the individual VS the power of The State. Globalism is not your enemy you whom consider yourself US conservatives and Republicans. Do not listen to Trumpism it preaches against some of the most fundamental Republican values you claim to represent and is leading you to a nightmare of literally Global proportions. Do not blame your imaginary Globalist enemies nor the Democrats for your downfall on the Global Stage your own compromising your old virtues for replacement by unprincipled blowhardism was your death on the political stage. You are your own worst enemy and you are the immoral ones for not speaking up and sanctioning your own destruction at the hands of Emperor Trump.