Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Liberty lovers should stay clear of Libertarians politically that they have failed to vet.

I want to start off by saying I do not mean this within the context of someones personal life. I am friends with libertarians despite our disagreements. I am referring to aligning with people on a political level to bring about change. This also does not mean one cannot ally on a ad-hock basis with individual libertarians to put forth policies they agree with. However, this is a warning about the broader libertarian movement and to my chagrin a lot of the Capital L Libertarian Parties out there. That is the problem of accepting unreality as real. Accepting that philosophy and ethics does not matter when it comes to defense of liberty. That ones defense of liberty does not need to be based or grounded in objective reality or reason in some way. 

Again, I restate individual Capital L Libertarian members might not be like this and that you do need to vet them. Some Capital L Libertarians are Libertarian in party only and not actually in broader philosophy. Some Libertarian Party members are even Objectivists themselves. However, the broader movement as a whole is a horrid stew between those whom are immoral and those whom are amoral. Neither one of these things are good to associate with and only certain Libertarians will not bring toxic sludge to your life. For example; I know the leader of the Ontario Libertarian Party (on the way to being former at this time). He is a good fella and he is not one of the immoral or irrational ones. He is especially big against Anarchist factions in the party. 

However, even within Canada there are way too many immoral, amoral and even completely anarchistic Libertarians and the non-L Party affiliated libertarians with a "small l" are even more immoral and completely out of touch with reality. I am not against as I mentioned allying with well vetted Libertarians on issues with which Objectivists and Libertarians can agree. However, one should let irrational and amoral or immoral libertarians know you are not one of them or their movement. Even the good Libertarians should know where you stand and that it is only for political expedience of allied issues that you are working. Not working with them because you think they have a coherent worldview or defense of liberty minus reality in general. That support of said individual is not support of the broader movement or its intellectuals in anyway. 

Even if you were as a matter of expedience in your area to join your local Libertarian Party to get like-mind policies passed you should state your antithesis to the broader movement of "the lower case l" loons. You should tell people to stay away from any other Libertarian that might for example either be or be supportive of anarchism. You should tell people to vet their Libertarians in their area for understanding and knowing objective reality is real. They should test them for their level of actual rationality VS rationalization. Rationalization of the very much puddle of mess that is the libertarian position can lead one to assume one needs no actual philosophical bulk-work to underlay their views. Many a libertarian rationalizes the Axiom of the libertarian NAP. 

In essence Objectivism + Plus reason based Libertarians is the good, but, an Objectivist condoning or even supporting the broader movement of loons is not good. I used too have much more hope for more Libertarians out there, but, I have seen time and time again good people become part of the loony-bin and accept unreality as their new reality as they get deeper into the libertarian muck. The current leader of the Libertarian Party of Canada is an out and out Anarchist he has swallowed the poison pill whole his own reasoning mind will now pay the price of his poisoned mind. I am saying a strong vetting process is needed to pick which Libertarians are worthy of letting into your lives and into the Government. Unfortunately the number of reason based Libertarians seem to slowly be dwindling.