Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Michael J. Bailey and the Gender Fucked up model of bisexual/homosexual behavior among men

If we were to travel back in time to a more primitive place in time one can actually pinpoint one of the oldest ideas for the reason for men shagging other men. The idea was simple that all men that engage in same sex behavior do so because of a major gender fuck up in their brain. There is a reversal of the sexes if you will and this person is literally playing the woman as a means of survival within his sex life. He is a different almost 3rd Gender/Sex altogether made up of the constitutions not of mere men, but, of women covered up in a mans veneer. He looks like a man, but, inside he is essentially a woman's brain or a womanly brain with a mans body. The brain being basically female, but, the body being male. The mind is not like the body and from this comes non-heterosexual compulsion and identity.

This would seem to any sane person whom knows how biological sex is determined and then composed within a Mother's womb roll their eyes. Or at least to any person whom has read any sort of human biology textbook it would make them facepalm and maybe even hit their desk in rage. I can hear homosexual and bisexual fans of this blog screaming. "How dare so-called science say I am a basically acting out the symptoms of a disorder of sexual development by shagging another man!"
Well, if you think those days are gone I ask you to look at the so-called state of sexual sciences these days and you will find one of the leading so-called authorities on orientation and gender identity is in fact saying just that. In fact, anyone that endorses any of his work is saying just that and it is insanely unscientific.

The hypothesis of Michael J. Bailey for orientation is basically just that and it states that homosexual behavior in men is due to a reversal of the gender in the male homosexual brain. Or a reversal or fucked up error of sexual identity development due to Androgen's in the Mothers womb. That along with a never proven "Gay Gene" on a special form of a malformed Y chromosome which only gay males have given to them from their Father. Both combine to determine several things. One being that you will be born a cross-sexed child whom will grow up to the the most flaming gay around. The second being that you will be gay and are determined to be so. It is not only 100% true that every single stereotype of gay or even bisexual men is true. It is 100% because they are basically men with a fucked up sex inverted female brain. 

However, this is hitting a snag when brought into real life and it has never been shown nor duplicated using proper scientific method on a wide enough scale to prove at all scientifically significant. The truth is that most people with same sex behaviors are not even homosexual. The norm for humans is either exclusive heterosexuality or highly heterosexual with some either slightly or moderate levels homosexual/bisexual activities throughout the life time. This means that any sort of "genetics" or Womb Environment influences on homosexual activity is merely a predisposition to a possibility of homosexual/bisexual behavior not of removal of heterosexual possibility altogether. Unless of course this is only for the exclusive homosexual male. However, even if that were the case there is a serious error in this hypothesis that homosexuality or bisexual curiosity is an inherently feminine or sex reversed trait. 

Where does this leave all the non-stereotypical homosexual and bisexual men? It leaves them as erased and as not existing is where it leaves them with no science supporting they even exist within human male biology. It erases millennia of same sex behavior between very much stereotypical macho macho men like the great warriors of places like Rome and Greece. The history of human same sex behavior is as it is now one of bisexuality and a mix between heterosexual/homosexual behavior without any sort of erasure in the men of heterosexual procreative possibility. Most of them just like now went onto be in opposite sex couplings with their genes passed onto their own children. Most people with same sex behavior is in fact not homosexual, but, in the mostly heterosexual category. Most people even identifying openly as bisexual end up in mostly straight pairings as well, but, simply retain the bisexual identity label for themselves. As well, you would not know whom most these people would be just by looking at them from afar.

Let us move onto the exclusively homosexual male now and away from the majority of men all of whom enjoy the sexual company of the opposite sex. What can we know about such a person? Well, not that they are all sex or gender reversed at all. What about all the gay 6 packed policemen? The muscle bound gym bunnies? The bears? Or how about the existence of the Power Top that dominate their bottoms with a massive warrior passion that would make both Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele blush? The stereotype of homosexuality is just that a stereotype. Does it exist? Yes, for sure. However, Michael J. Bailey is biologically collectivizing all of the homosexual population as belonging to one very small subset of an already small subset of biological males that shag other men. Completely ignoring all of the others for the sake of claiming this is the primal cause of gayness in men.

How does Michael address this? With a very Social Justice Wonk idea of internalized femphobia. According to Michael the reason some non-stereotypes exist is due to them pretending to be more manly than they are when really they all want to be little Shirley Temples just bursting out in Tutus. The gym bunnies do not love working out because they really do. They do not want to get ripped because they love having muscles and definition. No, they only want to do it to hide they really want to give up the barbells for a Barbie Pink purse and high heels on Friday Nights. Anyone whom says they do not identify or feel womanly in the least or effeminate is told they are lying to themselves and the world. He does believe in Lipstick Lesbians though because he has gone on record stating that women are able to be sexually flexible and thus have a broader range of expression and identity to them.

It is really all tied back to an underlying belief of Michael's which is not even scientific nor factual. Which is that absolute hard determinism with no sense of free choice is the norm for human nature. That free will does not exist and the mind is impotent. That reason does not exist and that no one can be rational. That all thought is programmed life long by your genes and womb environment with no ability to choose anything including attending his lectures. He is an insane quack with 0 credentials prior to claiming to have found the "Gay Gene," which he did not , but, he gets lauded as doing even in mainstream news. He is not a scientists he is as much of a quack as Deepak Chopra or some New Age Guru. In fact, he is downright cult-like claiming no evidence could ever prove his views wrong and that his horribly disproved hypothesis is the theory in science for sexual orientation.

He was one of the loudest voices against The New Atlantis report on Sexuality and Gender Identity because all the sources other than his sheds doubt on the existence of a "Gay Gene." As well as showing that there is very little evidence that homosexuality is some sort of disorder of sexual development in the womb as his hypothesis paints it to be. It also said that 80-90% of all same sex acts occur between people women and men that are not homosexual, but, some level of heterosexual by the time longitudinal studies have followed the same individuals into their thirties. Which means that it is far from clear cut to be "deterministic" to be "born that way" for most people. Far from it, for it is only a part of their overall determination of sexual identity as they age. This does not mean none of it is nature, but, as the American Psychological Association has stated;

There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a bisexual, gay or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles; most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.

Notice what they say above no "scientific" findings have emerged which permit one to say what actually determines homosexuals of the exclusive kind, or bisexuals that are life long two team players to emerge. With the recent flurry of evidence that most humans have some potential to commit acts without mental instability or in-congruence of heterosexual reproduction this actually shows the APA were right to not sign off on the "Gay Gene" theory. The truth is we have no scientific theory of exclusive gayness, or bisexuality or even why some mostly life long heterosexuals engaged for a time in homosexual experimentation or experience. We definitely do not have a Scientific theory that states gay men and lesbian women have the brains opposite from their bodies. 

This does not mean the hypothesis of people like NARTH or Exodus International of the Ex-gay movement have any legit basis nor backing of their origin of orientation ideas either. It means that the "Gay Gene" hypothesis and "gay Brain" hypothesis based on Gender or Sex inversion has not been backed or found to be true by any credible scientist anywhere. In fact, in a 2017 paper of homosexual, heterosexual and gender dysphoric brains the differences were so small between the heterosexual and homosexual brains studied that there could scarcely be considered a difference in their brains at all. Considering how blending in both groups tend to be when you remove the stereotype population this makes perfect sense. It also explains how so many people whom have had same sex behaviors in their past can change naturally over time without any in-congruence or mental anguish and come out the other side of the possible teams heterosexual.

The idea that gay, lesbian or even once bisexual now heterosexual is a matter of a reverse sexual psychology due to biological sex inversion harms the very people that use the idea as their defense for rights. For it says gays and lesbians are born genetically defective and they are of such a low value, such a fucked up genetic mess that their own Mother's find them to be parasitic and begin releasing Androgen's in levels depending on that fuck up. This is the literal Bailey idea. That boys with this gene make the Mom release an atypical and female brain creating level of Testosterone which makes their brain like women, but, their body/genitals male. Basically, all gay men have a Trans brain without the Dysphoria.

However, not a single look at homosexual and heterosexual male brains reveal a sex inverted brain let alone a female brain in a mans body. Gay men and lesbian women are not people with the same brain as folks with Gender Identity issues. That is just not the case not a single credible study has found it to be so. What he is saying essentially is Trans you have a opposite mind to your body and are dysphoric over the difference. Gay men and women have the same brains without the Dysphoria. They have grown up with the same brain, but, are congruent with their body instead. However, their acting like the opposite sex, their interests of the opposite sex and so on are because their mind/brain is their opposite of their body's sex or gender. Which is ludicrous and dangerous. It makes it seem like there is an equivalence to having the mental and medical condition of GID or Gender Dysphoria and gayness. You are one stone throw away from calling Gayness a mental illness, but, in politically correct. wording.. "the Mom messed with the brain" 

I resent Michael Bailey for more than just his views on gayness though. His view on gender non conforming children in general is troubling. He thinks it is all a sign of future orientation or GID issues and he says so quite loudly. It is no secret he has engaged in studies of men for example looking over childhood videos and picking apart the littlest thing as a sign of being "born homosexual." Even to men that state they are bisexual and not gay. He admits to not believing any of the participants whom come to him to be tested that deny they are homosexual, but, match the characteristics of a pre-gay child. He has stated himself if someone says he is bisexual or even mostly heterosexual and the one test with men he does makes them erect even an inch more than when he shows them a woman he thinks he is proving they are gay. This is silly beyond belief and not at all scientific. He will then include said people in the category of pre-gay child and gay adult male. Despite their self identification to him in the study he will remove them from the category and switch them around.

What this means is anyone whom is not truly homosexual, but, whom for them the men in the study does happen to be the odd man out that makes them rock hard he calls them homosexual and his experiment proven. There is no bisexual or mostly heterosexual men in his studies because he first ignores them and then erases them from existing in his studies; thus erasing any sexual plasticity in male human minds. Then he claims that men in his study are all gay and that his studies prove pre-gay child is a proper term and will become gay men. However, the studies of gender non conformity and even people whom have suffered in-congruence between sex/gender and came out the other side congruent is not the homosexual population. It is 85-90% heterosexual which means it is not the life long unchanging homosexual that sees this pattern. Which given that non-heterosexual for most humans means a form of bisexual this means that most people that did have such an issue and then stabled as it were have some extent of heterosexual attraction. This is according to information taken from the one Non Bailey involved study which was done in 2012.

So, if you remove the bias what seems clear is that there is no causal link between even brains that might experience GID like symptoms when younger and exclusive adult homosexual attraction. Far from most pre-gay children turning out to be gay most children period turn out to be some form of heterosexual even if a mixed bi-possibility form of one. The majority of humans just turn out like this and again why some do not we do not know and might never actually completely know due to the complex nature of the issue. What we do know is it is not a "gay" as in exclusively homosexual gene. Nor does such a gene make sense to anyone that understands how important breeding is to our species and evolution evolving a deterministic form of a "born this way"exclusive one way ticket to ending the spread of men's seed literally makes no sense.

However, a combination of a bunch of things that in some people leads to an adaptation of exclusive homosexuality which once adapted unless it naturally changed as a different form of adaptation later are 100% bonified for life gays makes much more sense. This would explain why some people do go from identifying as 100% homosexual to some level of bisexual. Which does happen by the way. There are even some whom naturally change from 100% homosexual to eventually 100% heterosexual, but, again it is not through will and is the least likely to occur. However, in the longitudinal studies about 18% of exclusive homosexuals in wave 1-3 by Wave 4 were 100% complete heterosexual in their orientation if you add both the 8% men and 10% women together. They re-adapted differently once through their 20's into their 30's from whatever caused them to adapt in the other direction until their thirties. These were not ex-gays and the people that did the study denounced forced or therapeutic change practices like the ex-gay movements.     

I need to point to this data to show the "findings" much as The New Atlantis stated and Michael ain't no sexual plastic or fluid men Bailey denied. Admitting that there is much more evidence that gayness is an evolutionary adaptation and not "born this way determined to be," is not an anti-gay statement. It is a statement of the facts as we currently have them. It does not mean there is not some combination of nature and nurture for those whom end up acquiring this adaptation either. For one could end up adapting this way due to that combination of all kinds of factors mentioned by the American Psychological Association. However, one thing is for sure we have no "gay genes" that we have ever actually legitimately found to this point. Nor do we have some definitive atypical "gay brain." It is all a narrative spun by quacks that think to shag another man must mean a genetic difference from other men and must mean you are less than male. If anything it is the most demeaning thing a gay man could hear. You are not part of a brotherhood of men of value; no, you are a sexually disordered freak that belongs shoved aside and put in a "no specific gender box."