Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The beauty of enlightened and positive self-interest AKA Proper Self-Love and Self-Esteem.

In the last couple of articles I have talked about positive attitude and how important it in our lives. Especially how it can be used to remove the toxins in various communities. One was on just about being positive in general and the other was about various movements. I contended that being positive was highly important. However, I do want to point out I was not meaning in the sort of delusional new Age way or as in never having a negative thought, nor to become your own thought police. 

It would be against what is best for an individual to be delusional about the world and think your life is great if there is nothing, but, horrors. Nor is it smart to be about to fall off of a mountain and keep driving thinking "positivity" will make you float to safety in the air like magic. So, one should not think I support the idea of the positive being able to do anything like a genie in a magic lamp. That does not mean that one should dwell in the negative either. 

Ultimately life is about the pursuit of our own personal self and his/her happiness. Which means what is really needed is a rational and positive self-interest. An enlightened self-interest which is based on proper self-love and self-esteem. I want to add in positive because people often assume self-interest or selfishness means running over others and being self-centered. To not care about others or the world outside yourself. Of course this is not what someone whom is following their rational (and positive) self-interest acts like nor thinks like. I would argue that in order to succeed in life one can never get to true happiness through irrational and negative means. 

The irrational is in fact negative because it is not something that is good for the self. It is not good to have you be able to follow your pursuit of happiness. You need to follow positive and rational self-interest to have positive outcomes. Positive self-interest or positive/enlightened selfishness is at the core of all ability to pursue ones happiness/joy and bliss in life. Ones bliss, joy and happiness being followed is the true meaning of life. It is human flourishing that is at the core of human existence on this Earth and in The Universe. 

We all need to become comfortable with being selfish and following that bliss in life. We need to pursue it with positive, rational self-love and self-esteem. A positive and rational self-interest. An enlightened and mindful selfishness that nurtures the self, but, not at the expense of others. Instead in a world in which we are all engaged in peaceful and free value laden relations with other people through win-win mutual-ism. In which I am not sacrificing to other and others are not asking of sacrifice of my bliss to them. Sacrifice is parasitic, whereas enlightened self-interest and selfishness is a beautiful mutually beneficial world for all. 

It is in fact at its very bedrock a positive Universe filled with people engaging in value enriching associations. In which we all are harmonious with our neighbors, friends, family (provided they do not ask for sacrificing your wills), strangers when appropriate and overall the very nature of the positive itself. We need to stop asking other people covertly or direectly to sacrifice their bliss for us and also stop sacrificing our bliss to them. We need to nurture ourselves in love, compassion, gratitude and joy. We need to nurture our minds in reason and knowledge. We need to live for those wonderful human values that all of us have and can strive for when left free from the parasites of the toxic.