Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Manhood, Masculinity, Manliness : A re-orientation and review of masculine vs feminine

When I began this blog back in the end of last March and going into April I presented a very detailed explanation of masculine vs feminine. A very detailed outlay of manliness and manhood in general vs what some people think is manliness. In this post I am going to do a review of what masculine is vs feminine. What manliness in fact is VS not being manly. What manhood means in general.

The definition of masculine is as follows; having qualities appropriate to or usually associated with a man.  Of or relating to men or boys; male. Characterized by or possessing qualities traditionally attributed to men. Or things associated with a masculine brain/mind/spirit. 

The definition of feminine is as follows; Of or relating to women or girls.Characterized by or possessing qualities traditionally attributed to women, such as demureness. Effeminate; womanish. Or things associated with a feminine brain/mind/spirit. 

The definition of manliness is as follows; Of, relating to, or characteristic of men, especially when considered traditionally masculine, as in being courageous or direct. 

The definition of manhood is as follows; The state or time of being an adult male human. The composite of qualities, such as courage, determination, and vigor, often thought to be appropriate to a man. 

I want to point out to you that nowhere in these definitions taken from the Merriam -Webster dictionary do you see being a Football playing jock or anything. Not that I think jocks are bad people, but, I just want to point that out. Someone whom is a Comic Book geek or a Science Nerd could just as easily fall into this definition. Someone whom wears glasses with Pink frames (wink wink) falls into this definition too. There are things to do with masculinity that is so much more than surface level cues. I am all man, I am masculine as fuck, I am also someone that has had NSync and Backstreet Boys on my Youtube playlist.

I want to point out that so many of the surface and superficial bullshit out there bandied about to do with masculinity is not listed in the very definition of masculinity itself. That does not mean there are not any masculine or feminine things objectively. There absolutely is, but, superficial nonsense is not where those objectively masculine vs feminine things are. There is very much an inner core and life to masculine traits that exists. A=A and masculine = masculine, but, that does not = what everyone thinks it does. 

Masculinity VS femininity in a person is to do with ones mind/brain/spirit. It goes so much deeper than just the surface level BS that people take for the truth of the matter. It is made up of fundamental spiritual values at the core of a man and his being. Men; all men no matter whom they bed can have masculinity at their core. As long as they are in align with their Inner masculine core as a man. Something that can be accessed through serious introspection and realizing your inner nature as a man in our species. 

Have you as a man ever felt compelled deep from within to protect someone else? That is your manhood speaking, your masculine brain firing off testosterone soaked circuits to do your natural "job" so to speak. It is the primal part of your maleness talking to you; your evolutionary psychology and part of what makes you a masculine entity/spirit/brain/mind. Protection is a masculine spiritual virtue and value traditionally speaking. Men have traditionally for obvious reasons been the protectors of their tribe and it is from Sexual Dimorphism.

Have you as man ever felt compelled to provide for someone else; more than likely a woman or someone younger than you? Once again that is your masculine brain firing off primal urges to provide for women and children in your tribe from back in the days of Hunting and Gathering. So, wanting to provide for others is in fact an extension of misfiring in a way of looking after your woman and your offspring. This is a good misfiring because we can use it as a form of benevolence and good will towards others despite not being kin. 

These are only two of the many biologically masculine things that lie in all men; irregardless of whom you bed all men. By virtue of going through puberty and being drenched in testicle juice this is whom you are deep at a primal and evolutionary level if you are a male human being. Does this mean no women protect or provide for others? No, but, women that are doing this are showing for whatever reason to be displaying masculine tendencies and traits. Or as I call them Manly Women of Honor. Applaud them and give them a shout they rock!

What I think we really need is a re-orientation back to the true orientation and meaning of masculine. Away from the superficial BS spread by feminists and also equally BS spread my MGTOWS whom claim that wanting to protect/provide for women is a social construct. We also need to remove the collectivism inherent in both the feminist outlook and so many of the "brotherhood" people in the MRA. Both feminism and elements of the Men's Human Rights movement are just as collectivist. Philosophical altruism is underlying both movements. Men's drive to do men things is an individual drive. Neither all women nor other men as a collective hive mind are entitled to those drives. 
We also need to remove the idea that Pick Up Artists are somehow the only real men. Or that masculinity is the same as being able to get chicks left and right. Men need to be able to be happily masculine without a single woman around. Masculinity is not a performance it is a truism about men and the way our minds work. Let individual men celebrate as they so choose a re-orientation back to what it really does mean to be a grown ass man and not what idiots on both sides of the isle want men to be. Let us all just be ourselves; relish in the joys of being a man and all that means. In what it means to be ourselves. Just be ourselves irregardless of how others want to label us this or that.