Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Monday, January 16, 2017
A MGTOW is not gay because he does not live for women nor is he a fag. Men are not walking utlities.
I want to start off by saying I know there are extremely nutty people whom use the term MGTOW for themselves and I am not saying there is not. There are legitimate things to be said about the "movement" with the name. However, I am not going to be talking about those people nor the "movement." I am going to be talking about the idea of MGTOW in general which is that men go their own way. Deciding not to be in a relationship with women, not having sex nor dating and shunning marriage. Which is all the term originated as meaning by it.
I recently saw the chat on a very famous Youtube channel in which the chat was nothing, but, a bunch of name calling. Basically calling the fellow whom was a MGTOW gay and a fag for his not even bothering to care nor wanting to have a woman in his life. Nor wanting to have sex with anyone and just living his own life. So, basically a man that is not with a woman or chasing women or caring is not a man? Is just cause to have slurs thrown at him because he has more important values in life to work towards?
This is just inane. Men do not lose their value or humanity because they have noticed things being stacked against them and choose to not participate in what a MGTOW sees as a rat race going nowhere. Not having sex with women does not mean you by default have sex with men. That is inane and stupid. It means you are not having sex period it is called "abstinence." When religious people do it they are often called "monks." It does not make you gay or a fag for not living your life with women as a center of it. It is simply putting yourself and what is best for you first. Which we all should.
I do not live in a Gynocentric mindset where my life is defined by the fact there is or is not women in it. I live in a Chriscentric mindset where I live for me, my bliss, my joy, my rational self-interest, my pursuing of my own happiness in life. Frankly, women I do not know already never enter my mind because they are not people I know and thus have no reason to be there. Nor do men I do not know enter my mind either. Strangers are well strangers, but, that seems obvious to most I would hope. I do not have an obligation to think about some random "women" nor "men" when I am living my life.
I am not myself currently in any relationship with anyone and nor do I have a want to get married anytime in the near future. This does not make me a fag or "gay" in anyways, but, it does mean I am sort-of MGTOW in my own way. In that I do not have any desire to get married nor to have children. Nor is my life built around the need for a woman; any woman because my duty is to some collective woman. My life is built around an individual called me and no one else. The idea that MGTOW is gay or fag is completely ludicrous.
I bring this back to the underlying view that men need to be somehow sacrificial to an alter of women to be worthy men. Or that somehow men are not of value and do not have basic human dignity absent women. All of which is both Gynotheistic in that they treat the female and feminine as a Goddess to which all males or the masculine must worship and live for to be worthy. It is totally bullshit and is a female oriented repainting of philosophical sacrifice making men into walking wallets and dildos. Something I find a lot of even well meaning people seem to still buy into.
Women like all men need to realize that respect is earned and not given like manna from the sky in a Garden of Eden. Which means for me to really respect you I need to know you and get to know you. Respect will be earned and not just dispensed like candy from a vending machine. This does not go by the genitals you have, but, is a general rule. This is real life and no woman is a goddess, queen or princess. They are all human. No man is a god, prince or king they too are human. We are all just walking naked 5the Apes and nothing more in the eyes of the broader existence we call The Universe and life itself.
Benevolence is not the same as respect and good will towards man-qua-man is not the same thing as respect either. One is a character trait related to ones view of humanity and how to treat people irregardless of respect. The other is something particular and earned by someone from someone over time. I have benevolence for humanity and all others outside myself. I do not have respect for everyone and I would even say I have lost respect for more people in life over time than I have gained it. So, I can say I have benevolence for others irregardless of gender, but, all people need to earn the later which is respect.
All people should be able to live for themselves no matter man or woman. All people should be able to decide if they have sex or no sex, or even want to try to have sex. All people should be able to pick to have relationships or none. All people should get to decide if they want married or to have kids. As well as whom they associate with. Or whom they disassociate with as well. People do not need to deal with each other. They get to decide based on "hopefully reasonable" metrics whom to deal with or not deal with. Whom to date or not. Whom to do business with or not. Et cetera.
That is what we call freedom people. Men get to be just as free as anyone else and get to decide whom to associate with. Whom to sleep with or not sleep with. Whom to do business with and whom they respect or have no respect for. In major situations even benevolence might need to be traded for pure righteous judgement which commands that one be completely unwavering in how evil another person or group of people might be. This is all part of not being a surf to others and their needs. Men either are free to choose or they are a surf to others be them other men or women.
If MGTOWS cannot be MGTOW then it means these men are slaves to all non-MGTOW and are living on a modern day plantation. With non-MGTOW of all stripes cracking the whip at them and making them stay in line. I am against surfs and I am anti-slavery. For this reason I would never criticize another man for wanting to go their own way and not have anything to do with women. I will and have criticize members of the "movement," and the "movement's" views. However, that is not criticizing the "going own way," but, the ides and that person that has those ideas.
I would never call a MGTOW gay or a fag for being MGTOW that is as I said inane. It means you support these people being surfs to all the people outside of their movement. Freedom means freedom of speech to say even some of the most nutso ideas. So, just because some say some very nutty things does not mean that the going your own way has anything to do with the other views. Freedom is freedom everyone that is peaceful has it or we are not living in a free society, period!