Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The negativity within the MHRM is the same that is in the Social Justic Movement and GBLT.

I have been listening to HoneyBadgerRadio for sometime now and most of the time it is fine. However, sometimes I come across something that makes me uneasy in some of their commentary and something I have seen elsewhere. That is a string of negativity within the MHRM (Men's Human Rights Movement.) Not the sort of women hating stuff feminists blame it for though. Instead a self-negativity and victim complex similar to the feminist movement, SJWS and GBLT people.

All of these groups are made up of people with a self-loathing and victim complex. People whom think the entire world is out to get them and they are powerless. That somehow there is some Universal Satan stopping them from getting things done. This self-loathing causes an insecure outrage and an external hate towards others or systems they do not understand. They are filled with people that always talk about how "the man" is keeping them down like old hippies. Both these types of Men's Right activist and anti-MRAS are just as toxic. Not all MRA's, but, only certain ones.

For men for example with depression being told that somehow there is a Universal Feminist Agenda that will stop them from being free is going to cause them to be worse. That is a toxic message and men are being told they are somehow weak against the World. Which is not true. Men are strong, triumphant, courageous, masterful, and are at their best when living from a place of Pure Value Driven Masculine Positive energy. I fear Jack Donavan had a point when he warned the MHRM if not taken the right way could make men as in learned helplessness as feminism does for women.

It does no good to have men go out into the world with a view that the Universe is Malevolent and out to get them at every turn just for being men. That is hates masculinity and men. Or any men for that matter no matter what your expression. By having men think such in such a toxic way with garbage in you are going to get garbage out. Negativity is never good at all! Even if in the name of a good cause. One should not be filing men with the idea the world views them as evil or that the world outside is evil and they are the one good thing. We should be approaching MHRM causes with a positive approach. With an approach of the Universe does not hate you for it determined you to be a man!

I am not getting all New Age here. Nature evolved men to have male brains and existence is not against men. Nature wants men to be themselves and to express themselves their way. In all places; from bedroom to boardroom. Positive masculine energy driven like a fusion engine by The Universe and existence is from that Universe, from that existence and not hated on the level of our species. Men need to be shown how to tap into their inner man of value in any situation. All of us men can be men of value; unless you are seriously nuts. Men should be told about how to express themselves authentically and powerfully. How to be a powerful storm of masculine prowess and value laden strength.

None of what I said above requires a "higher power," non-material or any sort of second-handed view. None of it requires abandoning reason or rationality. None of it is emotionalism or requires the belief in things based on Faith. I am an atheist there is no supernatural and no god. However, that does not mean one does not need to be really serious about airing on the Optimist side and Positive Attitude, or The Benevolent Universe. The opposite leads to panic, fear and irrationality itself. Benevolence is important to the Universe and existence. Mindsets are in an integral way the basis for self-regulation in all aspects of life.

I am not a victim as a man whom is not in the middle of being a victim. Whomever is an individual man whom is being victimized is, but, they are not me. We need to both treat male victims as much more serious and stop the empathy gap, yes! We also need to stop telling men because THEY can BE Victims they are thus A Victim of an entire system that hates them. Or that the Universe just because it has major Gynocentric elements is against men or hates men. Men do not need their own "Patriarchy Theory" to be serious about male suffering and the imbalances in society. Sorry, SOME MRA's, but, Gynocentrism is part of human nature. It is not imposed on nature it is inside our nature.

That does not mean men should now or should have ever been seen as walking utilities, wallets or dildos, or baby fluid makers for women either. Admitting something is in nature and is not imposed on people and thus not part of some Illuminati like Conspiracy against males is not to say being degraded is good. However, to be mad at it or the Universe for existence view on men is just nothing, but, toxic shit. It is garbage in and produces garbage results like people whining instead of fighting for their own life and their love of it. The world needs Positive Strong Men and this is not doing them any good. The world needs them because men need it for themselves.

This world can be harsh and only a Positive Approach to life can give the proper results. Masculinity is positive by nature as are most men. Deep inside all men can be a positive light for good! Any that are too forgone and evil were made evil. I firmly believe evil men are made evil and evil women are too. Something happened it is an output of being given a horrible input. This comes from someone whom also believes that Biological Determinism is true as well as existence of free will. So, I am not saying that no one just might have bad genes or something. However, most men and women whom are evil are made that way. This is a benevolent universe and perhaps that "belief" is this atheists "faith," or "spirituality." minus any supernatural bullshit or after life crap.