Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, February 5, 2017

I feel like a sane fishing swimming with irrational nutcases. The borders debate is like a Civil War.

Right now there is a huge debate among liberty lovers and proponents of the non-initiation of force. It is so fierce that being on either side can get you shouted down as either a Nazi or an International Communist depending on whom you ask. Of course, the word fascist comes out as well depending on what you support. I am referring to the borders discussion which has become an insane shouting match that is like an internal civil war. 

On one side is the Totally Open Borders policy which says that borders are basically nothing more than lines drawn on a map by a criminal gang called the Nation State and we should not have any sort of controls at all on borders. We should abolish borders altogether and anyone should be free to move anywhere. Not even vetting or background checks. All agents of the State in this view would no longer be able to be on the border. The border that does exist is to be removed. All border agents to be fired and to find employment in other areas of governance or in the private sector. 

On the opposite side of Total policies is the Totally Closed Borders policy. Which says the border does exist and that we are currently Beta Pussies on the border. Trump is right to build the wall and it should be enforced thoroughly. All illegals need to be removed from the US all of them and deported back to their home Countries. Whether they are let back in later or not with a legal immigration framework is itself a debate. Some say yes, but, only on consented invitation of the person whose property they will be using. Others say no, and, that some source Countries and individuals are too dangerous to ever let into the US or any free countries. 

There is also the Mostly Open Border view which goes as such. Border walls are a no, bans on immigration are not OK, and Borders are often an hindrance to freedom of movement. However, borders should exist as a way to stop violent and dangerous people AKA terrorists or criminals. However, that does not mean shutting down people's right to come to a Country. Instead all people should be checked for connections to terrorism and for histories of criminal behavior when applying to enter the Country. People whom are illegal immigrants should be if non-violent able to have a swift and easy legalization process and become citizens of the US and other Country of travel. 

There is also the view of people associated with the Ayn Rand Institute such as Yaron Brook. That the only immigrants that needed to be worried about are those that might be linked to Radical Islam. For this reason with an official Declaration of War the US can block Radical Islam affiliated places from arriving, however, Trumps pause is too broad ranging and could lead to being used to take away other peoples rights. While some Objectivists are actually A-OK with Trumps pause and see objections to be themselves not very objective.

This all brings on an even more universal and broad range question though. What is the role of borders, if there is at all in a free society and in a proper governing structure? Some libertarians say we can have no borders at all and declare a Country free. That if we even have as much as a quick, effective and thorough look into someone to make sure they are not a dangerous criminal or linked to terrorism it is a violation of ones inherent individual right to free movement. In fact, they call very real and concrete borders between say US and Mexico or US and Canada as being imaginary constructs on a map. An illusion and to not be even talked of in civil society. 

I find there is a word for saying things are not real that are it is a delusion. To argue that borders do not exist is insane and illogical. There are concrete real world actual physical boundaries between countries and they are not just drawn on a map they are concretely there. The question is what to do with them leave them open, closed, or neither choosing a different option that is not really one or the other. Neither do I think that those in the freedom movement that are for even Totally Closed Borders are doing so for evil reasons. That they are Nazis or Fascists as some are calling them. Nor does such a view mean you are a race realist or supportive of Alt-Right people. The Closed Border libertarian position is not inherently bigoted in anyway.

In the same vein open borders libertarians are not doing the bidding of some secret International Communist cabal trying to ruin the USA and bring in a New World Order as the insane conspiracy people among the Closed borders position claim. There is other options available like the Soft-Open Borders position or a Soft-Closed border policy that says people should be able to apply and granted if peaceful, but, be closed off of coming until extreme vetting. While also not supporting Trump's Border Wall schemes in anyway. I have major issues with the Border Wall, but, I still think that people coming from hot beds of ISIS and other terrorist groups should be vetted before coming into any Countries at this time. 

When I am say I do not support the wall I mean I think it is a horrendous idea that will not provide any help. It will be costing the Americans a ton of money and do nothing to help the already horrendous American debt. I do not think the Trump Administration is a bunch of Neo-Nazi Fascists for wanting one though, but, being stupid and idiotic. It is a case of being a bunch of morons that are not looking at all the facts. It is a case of being wrong, but, not of being evil. I have hear way too much of the Trump is evil rhetoric since the election. No He Is NOT! He has areas where he is a moron, but, he is NOT evil he IS WRONG! 

I think what liberty people need to concentrate on is that peaceful people are allowed to legally come and go between borders. Whether that is coming through a border closed off until the vetting or one that is mostly open with a more simpler background check is a war we need not be in. Hell, I am going to play Devil's Advocate and say Totally Closed Borders with invitations to come before arriving is not something that would be akin to the end of the Free World either. I am not saying I agree with that view, but, to argue that it is NOT EVIL to be for closed borders of any kind IF ONE has a legit and logical argument for it NOT based in hate To want Closed Borders for National Security or to say stop Illegals from using Welfare is not evil. It is a difference of opinion on a contentious subject.