Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Forging a path to a personally liberated manhood and a liberated masculinity.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

I have been doing a lot of meditation this weekend and also sleeping a lot as well. Tomorrow is Monday and I will be back to work once more. I am embracing my true self; which is the powerful and amazing man that is Christopher Murphy once again lately. I am turning from worrying over stupid things and be ensnared in a cage within myself. I have been liberating myself once more to be myself the most me I can be. Learning to relax once more and just live life the best it can be.

I am liberating myself once more to be the most Christopher I can be without resistance. This is me; and me is a beautiful and powerful work of masculine art! I am an amazing and articulate man. I am smart, funny, sexy, sweet (not a Mr. nice guy though), and can be assertive when needed. I am a great man I can trust myself. Completely; I can trust myself completely. For I am a very high valued positive force in the world.

I have not felt anxious since Thursday night and that is a good thing. I have been relaxed all weekend and been basking in just living. Basking in just being Christopher Murphy and gracing the world with my presence. My being is a beautiful, magnificent and gorgeous man of a man! I am free to be me because "me, "I," is an awesome, powerful and majestic masculine being of tremendous worth! I have nothing to fear in the world from just being me at all times and in all things. To be a liberated man possessing a liberated masculinity.

My manhood is mine and mine alone. Only I can live this manhood and no other man. For only I can live this life as me. I am liberated to be free to think, feel and act my own way. While still not being any less manly than I am. For everything I do I do manly. For I am a liberated man, a very manly as fuck liberated masculinity. All I owe any others is basic decency and non-initiation of coercion. Not everyone will like me. Not everyone will be able to take this beacon of masculinity in all his glory. Some will hate me because they are jealous. Others will be blind to the beauty that I am. However, their blindness says nothing about me and my worth.

This does not mean that I am liberated "From Masculinity," as feminists and other misandric groups would like, but, the total opposite. I am in fact liberated in my masculinity, my manliness and my self-love/pride. I will never ever stop being masculine for others for it is at the core of me. However, masculinity does not equal being chained to needing to be some best of the best man. Nor does it mean that I am less manly because I am still single. I do not need to be in a relationship or getting pussy left and right to be masculine, and manly. A man's manliness, masculinity and value does not come from women. It comes from within ourselves first and foremost.

I am liberated in my masculinity because loving 50 Shades does not make me any less manly. Nor does having the Gideon Cross series of novels either. Nor does having Pink glasses or anything like that. Watching Murder She Wrote and not Rambo on the weekend does not equal being effete. I have said it before and I will say it again. These things are meaningless to being a man, to being masculine and/or to being a being a man of value. I walk, talk, sit (even if I did still cross my legs like I did when I was younger) and have sex like a man.

More men need to take a liberated masculinity mindset on life. Liberated from needing to be perfect to be manly. Free to be just the best us and to see us as being perfect just as we are. Manliness is not perfection and perfection is an illusion. The most manly thing you can do is love yourself as you are and not give a fuck what anyone wants or thinks of you. Manliness is making yourself the core of your world; followed by those you make your high values in life. I love the man in the mirror and I love this body I see. I love the mind behind the head between my ears. I will say it again and again.

Loving me is the most manly thing I can do. The most important thing is to love myself first before anything else. Love and embracing my inner fire in this man comes first and foremost. I love me! I love Christopher Matthew Murphy! I am me and I am free! I will not stand down in this! The world is mine and my oyster. I will not go softly into the good night! I will strive and thrive on. For I am more than enough and I am more than worthy. I am liberated to be me and be all that I am. To be all that I can be. Instead of striving for perfection always being perfectly, authentically me at all times.


Being a man of value and valuing yourself. The importance of the self in a happy life.

In this day and age the term selfishness is used for a lot of things attached to the negative things in our experience. Selfishness is considered the same thing as self centered and not caring about anyone else. It is coined to be another word for greedy or being an asshole. It is coined as the driving force for all the evils of the world. The driving force behind depressions and recessions. The driving force behind being a dick and walking over others. Not a one person seems to use it as just another word for self-interest and being a rational animal. That strives to have pleasure and not pain in life.

However, the very meaning behind the word selfishness is just that very striving force. It means that you live first and foremost for striving for your own personal happiness in life. That you in fact nurture oneself and look after yourself as a primary driver. What is so wrong with such a thing? We all need to do this at different times in our life; even if one tries to run from thinking one is "being selfish." However, most of us run from living our entire life in this mode. Why though?

Why do we run so much from "being selfish?" If one is not being a dick or a cunt about it why does one need to or why should one run from "being selfish?" I think it is time to take back the term selfish from the dicks and cunts. One needs to grab the proper definition of selfish back and celebrate reasonable, rational and enlightened selfishness as a basis for a virtuous life of value. I am selfish when I work on myself; my mental state and work on showing how great of a man I am. I am selfish when I am just myself around others and do not give a fuck what they think.

I am selfish when I am trading value for value with my neighbors, friends, co workers, family and sexual partner or partners. I am selfish when I work to make the money to live instead of not caring about myself, not caring about the self not even trying to work. I am selfish when I am feeding my intellect with the brain food; nurturing the mind to be the most well fed mind it can be. As opposed to letting it collapse like unused slop by not feeding it information. Letting it become airhead and dumb to the world. I am selfish when I accept my hetero-flexible nature and not selflessly pretending to be something I am not.

I am being selfish when I smile because I am happy instead of letting the world crush me. I am selfish when I am thinking I deserve to have the right to be happy. I am selfish when I fall in love with someone and they love me in return. I am selfish when I refuse to let anyone mislabel me for something I am not for any reason whatsoever. When I am selfish as you can see I am hardly harming others nor am I self-centered or thinking I am a man alone on an island. Yet, I am selfish in all of these things and not ashamed to say I am a selfish man and I not going to be put into some sort of guilt trip.

What I wish for is that every man would allow themselves to be a little more selfish. Nurture the self; what is the best actions for you. In the long term after much thought and rational inquiry. Much searching, much internal self-reflection and figuring out what you need/want in life. Then acting to gain what that is. Doing what makes you happy provided you are not sacrificing others to yourself. Anymore than you should sacrifice yourself to them for their whims and wishes. I am not saying for people to be dicks or cunts. I am saying to live a life based on a principle of trading values for values.

Being a man of value means knowing your own value. Knowing it objectively as a truth and not a subjective might be sort of thing. You cannot be a man of value which is trading value for value. If you do not know deep inside; on a personal level within your own mind your own value. That you are of value and you are a value as a person. You then from there can go from seeing the value in yourself to aiming to achieve your external values you wish to seek. Whether it is platonic, romantic, material or purely libido driven lustful drives. All values must begin with self-value or in the end no external values can be worth it for you will never be truly happy until you are happy with yourself.

Being a man of value is a very, very selfish thing. Not all men of value realize this or even will acknowledge this is the case. Often people will mistake benevolence for pure altruism. When it is not pure altruism and it is a form of benevolence instead. The man of value again begins with reason, purpose and self-esteem. With having a personal pride, but, not a narcissism. Being a person of value in general is very selfish. Whether you are a man or a woman. Selfishness; real nurturing and loving the self, the ego and doing what is best for you. Doing what is pursuing your own happiness; provided you are not initiating coercion or harm against others or their property. Also, provided you are not guilting others into self-sacrifice for you.

Nurturing the self is good; whether you want to use selfishness as the name for that or not. Just call it rational-self interest without the word if you wish. However, nurturing the self needs to be embraced by us all. Not because I am some dogmatist, but, because this world is going crazy from sacrificing to each other. People are forgetting it all begins with nurturing, accepting, embracing and loving oneself first. From there comes everything else. It all starts with realizing "perfect" is an illusion and so we are all perfect just as we are. Provided we are a good person and we are not being a dick or a cunt. Not all people are good people. Judgement is important and so is morals. However, perfection outside of being a good person is an illusion. Embracing selfishness or enlightened self-interest is the answer and break from running that illusionary race to be "perfect."

Monday, October 10, 2016

Retaliatory Force/Aggression/Violence is a moral good. Why I am not the Peacenick I was in my youth.

When I was younger I thought violence by its very existence was a bad thing. I thought we would should or could all hold hands and sing lovely songs to each other with anyone of any view. When I was young I thought that the Military and the Police were all horrid people using violence against "innocent people who ain't done nothing wrong." When I was younger I thought that all aggression was wrong and I thought that to use aggression ever was evil and vile. That is not my view now. I have grown discernment and also grew a brain.

One of the things that I have seen be labelled "toxic masculinity" is violence and aggression. Well, this will tackle the naive idea that violence is evil or a moral horror head on. Not just when it comes to men, but, also humans in general. I think it is naive to not distinguish moral from immoral violence. Due to the fact that violence coming from anyone or any group can be either the most vile evil or the most tremendous good. It depends on the context of the violence and aggression. For example; someone breaks into my home and my family is inside. I take my hand gun and shoot the intruder before he can harm any actual innocent people.

The above example is violent, it might be even lead to the shot persons death if a serious enough wound. However, it is a heroic act and not to be vilified. I have saved innocent lives by removing the predatory force going after them. In this instance not only is violence an option, but, it is the best option to swiftly take out the predator and save my innocent family from harm. At one time I would have called even that a vile and horrid thing. I would not take into context whom shot and what for. However, that is a crucial thing that needs to be taken into account.

I now see violence for what it is. Measured violence with the appropriate amount of aggressive force as a form of self-defense is not only an option it is often the best and most noble/moral option in situations where other options are not an option. A man whom is violent and aggressive with a thug is a person to be admired and not a person to be shamed as being toxic. He is a person of high value indeed he is the true definition of a hero. To defend yourself and others using violence is noble because the person whom tried to attack the innocent is a savage. Initiatory Force/Aggression/Violence/Coercion is evil absolutely. However, retaliatory and defensive violence is an absolute good.

Morals are not Greys, but, black and white. Is it moral? Yes or no? There is no maybe, it is either immoral or moral. I am not talking about "will you fuck the neighbor tonight?" I mean, actual moral questions, is it OK to rape, steal, pilfer, murder, assault, harass and so on? The answer had better be NO or sign yourself up for fucking prison and get out of "civilization!" Is it OK to destroy your life? You can, but. it is still not morally acceptable to me. This is why defensive violence needs to be seen to a man or woman of a true moral code as virtuous and an absolute good.

We are animals and we will always have the possibility of being violent. This is why one needs to morally define when that is right or wrong,. good or evil. We are not some noble savages that are not filled with the possibility of aggression and violence. We are animals and like all animals we can be peaceful or brutal, but, what is the target. We need to as a civilization make sure those more brutal instincts are targeted towards those whom wish to harm other innocents and their property. By doing so we help to raise to the forefront of our Angel's of Our Better into the picture.

We need to eliminate immediate threats and predators in our mists. This is not saying we have a rule of men by men, but, far from it. It is very obvious I am not talking about being anti-rule of law or anti-innocent until proven guilty. Far from it a rule of law helps work out and determine in a lot of ways what is defensive and what is initiatory. Law codes are needed for a civilized society even Murray Rothbard an Anarcho-Capitalist talked about the need for an objective law code minus any States.

However, if someone can be proven to be defending themselves violence and aggression is a very noble thing. Can be a virtue and a tactical necessity for life to continue to exists in this species. People whom deride masculinity as being violent and thus toxic need to ask themselves one question. What would you do if someone tried to attack your family? Your friends? Your wife or husband? Would you just stand around doing nothing watching them violate them? Or would you want to stop their suffering by killing the savage that attacked them. My answer would be you attack my wife/husband/kids/house prepare to leave in a body bag!

Yes, you will end up shot if I were able to get a hand gun or even stone cold dead. You will not leave unharmed. Is that brutal? Is that aggressive? Damn fucking straight it is! I should be brutal about it! So should you! If you have the means to stop someone else from being attacked and you do nothing to stop them; even just calling 911, you are helping continue their being a victim. You are part of the problem and not part of the solution. Get out of the way with your naive little peacenick views and let those whom will step in step in to help such people.

If you see evil happening and you do not stop it. You are letting evil continue and not fighting it. True evil; not bible belt shit. Good people need to be willing to fight or evil wins. This is a truism and it is accurate. We are animals and the good people need to be animals in defense of the innocent. Sometimes' that requires bullets, knives, pepper spray or even your own fists. This is why Police when they are doing their proper job are a moral good. Military when doing it's proper job is an absolute good. Why prisons are good! It is also why personal self-defense and retaliatory violence is an absolute good.

This is something I disagree with "community" and "Pride" on big time. They are all peacenicks whom are anti-gun, anti-self defense and ant-military, anti-war at all times. Whereas I think there is Just Wars, I think the Canadian Military when doing its proper job is a moral good. I think that most Police officers are not evil scum. Some using excessive force is not all. In fact, I am glad they are willing to shoot to kill if they need to to save innocent lives. I think that guns are good in the right hands and that criminals never listen to gun regulations, and thus "gun control" is useless. (All the major Shootings have been in Gun Free Zones.)
I fully support the view of the "Pink Pistols" that armed gays do not get bashed.

I think that aggression, violence in the right hands keeps it from being in the wrong hands. Or at least keeps the wrong hands at bay. Most of the time those hands are male and it is men that do this fighting. For various reasons; most being the biological differences between the sexes. If masculinity has aggression and violence built into it we should all be thankful it does because it means it is a built in protection system against the savage and predatory animals; in our species and without. We should all be admiring this trait that the Tyranny of Mother Nature has embodied in males of the Animal Kingdom, including our own species.

This does not mean one goes around picking fights or being a bully douche. It means that when the going gets tough the strong and courageous protectors; historically men get brutal in times of need. I see no problem with with at all. I think if the peacenicks got their way we would be in a less peaceful world and not a more peaceful one. In order to be acting in the Angel's of Our Better nature we need mechanisms to fight the Devils of our Worst nature in the guise of the savages. If you are sweet, but, also willing to protect those whom matter with extreme force if need be pat yourself on the back. You are not a douche you are a hero!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Masculinity is a Gender Identity and not a Performance. Men, masculinity and Modern societies.

I am currently working on my research for the debunking of the latest videos about Toxic and Fragile masculinity. During this research I have come across a disturbing trend. A disturbing trend of Gender and expression being called a performance. The idea that no gender expression is innate to a person. The idea that masculinity is not tied to a man's healthy Gender Identity and expression of his biology. The idea that masculinity and femininity is some sort of cultural construct with and they are not tied to the gender identity of the person. This is not scientifically nor psychologically accurate at all. 

One being masculine is them adhering to being themselves. If you are a masculine man you are being a man. If you are feminine woman you are being a woman. Not that some people do not match these definitions. However, those are the exception and not the norm. Extreme non-conformity is often due to issues with gender identity and not because gender identity is not tied to biological gender for most people. Or it could be due to abnormal processes in the womb. The norm is masculine men and feminine women, even Tomboys are not completely masculine they have a feminine side. 

The same can be said of men as well. All men, even ones with feminine interests will often be masculine at the same time on other metrics of measurement. Most people are Gender Concordant; meaning they match on some metrics conformity to their biological genders universalized evolutionary psychological traits. Even androgynous men still have a masculine side and the same for these same women with their feminine side. The idea that masculinity is a performance that is thought on and then acted out like being on a stage is dangerous to men everywhere. 

It gives license to trying to change then through social engineering. Men, all men regardless of their partners are masculine animals most of the time. Gay gym bunnies are not fairies and they are Kinsey 7 homosexuals. The idea that a whole host of men are not masculine is not true. Non-conforming men are the exception and not the rule. Even in this regard not conforming in some interest or the other is not the same as effeminacy in a man. The fact that someone is not a jock does not make them less masculine. 

Masculinity is the natural order of men; as the old saying goes Mother Nature is a Tyrant and not an Anarchist. By trying to make men fem we are ruining the natural order of Nature itself. Men are masculine biologically for a reason they have a role that way in nature. A lot of the chaos in men's lives these days and women's comes from the modern societal push to rob men of their natural gender identity traits. I would not be surprised of this push is not messing with many a man causing them to have Discordance with their being because they are told to be other than a man. 

If trans people with gender identity disorders react badly to outside people pushing them into an Identiy; CIS people being pushed to be not them would also cause distress. Every time a mother pushes their Son to play with Dolls and not trucks instead of letting them be boys it is telling boys being a boy is bad. Which could then cause distress with the fact they want the masculine toys as they are a boy. Unless your Son or Daughter shows they want to be Non-conforming you should not push it on them. It can cause great harm to the developing child's thought process about themselves. 

There have been tragic experiments in raising boys to be girls. They have ended in suicides or near suicides and it should never have been attempted to begin with. Boys whom had horrid circumcisions and lost their penises or had them mutilated were for a time tried to be turned into girls thanks to the Social Construction theory of gender. Each one has decided to end it all or came close to it because they know they are meant to be men and were messed with from a young age. Masculinity is a Gender Identity it is not a Social Construction or a performance. It is innate, it is biological and evolutionary psychology. It is us! Leave us alone! 

Modern societies need to get back to being able to be proud of the actions of good men. Masculinity personified in a righteous man should be admired. It should not be shameful to use violence in self defense of others. It should not be seen that all Military men are "Empire Scum." It should not be seen that protection and provision for another person is somehow "oppressing them." It should not be seen that men leading are bad providing they are leading to the right place. It should not be seen that masculinity should be scorned. It should be loved and considered to be the necessary thing it is in our nature. 
Masculinity is not fragile, but, strong and tremendous. Courageous and brave, heroic even. It is beautiful and amazing. It is to be all that you can be. To shoot for the stars and not let the clouds fill your head. It is not toxic, but, the antidote to this Pro-Radical Feminist society filled with Misandry and Gynocentrism on acid. Masculinity is the bomb! It rocks! It is King and it is the Pride of the Pack! Love it in yourself men! Embrace and love it! It is Mother Nature's dictates and believe you me she is one crazy ass Bitch you do not want to cross! 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

I am getting tired of everything being "queered" to make the world more "diverse." Good People are cooler!

Recently I decided to remove my subscription to BisexualRealTalk due to a few things that were annoying me about the channel. It started with his video claiming "straight, white men have the most privilege, but, they also commit more suicide because they have lost some privilege to women." It got further inflamed when I watched his videos claiming Bisexuals are in fact greedy and we needed to stick to our own kind. It got even worse still when he claimed "Brokeback Mountain is a great work of bisexual cinema." It hit the final nail in the coffin when he championed Wonder Woman now being Queer.

Yes, Wonder Woman in the new movie of her own is Queer. Someone thought it was a good idea to fuck with her backstory and make her Amazonian years a Planet Lesbo from some old 50's Science Fiction flick. On top of this Captain America was thought to be possibly going to be in a relations with Bucky. Yes, seriously Bucky! Captain America; a shining example of manhood of a Godlike form and one sure fire heterosexual male was wanted to be turned into a "queer for Bucky." Oh, and he is not alone James Bond too was talked about being a bisexual possibly in a sequel. Yes, you heard me right, James Bond 007! Championed by Daniel Craig himself!

Please, if that day comes put me out of my misery. James Bond as a Queer Spy, no just no... Fuck no! That makes no sense! James Bond 007 a character from his own book series. Turned magically half gay out of nowhere like Fairy dust dropped on him. Captain America too is ludicrous. What next Peter Parker.... Uhm, actually, yes. Peter Parker being Queer is also a possibility coming down the pipe. SPIDER-MAN QUEER!? Peter Parker the man whom has entire character arcs around nothing, but, the death and destruction of the women he loves. Also, a red blooded heterosexual beacon of Nerd God-head and intelligent strength Queered!

This is horrific. Sorry, but, this is as horrible as Making the God of thunder Thor into a woman with a hammer. The meaning behind the story by the way is Greek God Myths not just some thing that you can fuck with. Just like Thor is an actual name for a person you cannot fuck with these precious characters and expect me to stay silent or support this nonsense. James Bond, Peter Parker, Cap and in ALL interpretations Wonder Woman is heterosexual/straight. Her "relation" to the women of Amazonia was always one of family, and sacred friendship, guardianship and protection. All of her lovers have been men. She was with both Superman and Batman at different times in comic history.

If you want a non-heterosexual character in a comic book or movie, or animated series be a fucking creative bloke and make up your own! Quite stealing all the straight characters and parading around their dead mangled corpses to the world. Calling that diversity and progressing. Come up with a newly written and well thought out non-straight character. Quit stealing from the majority of humans and calling it "justice." It is not, it is "injustice." You do not walk into a mostly straight club and say "you all start sucking these other guys or eating each others pussies for progress or we will toss you out of the club." Not, that is not wise nor is it justice in anyway.

Quit fucking with peoples characters they love because you are so hateful towards heterosexuality you need to destroy it. Quit saying to straight people you better become like us. You do not hear most straight people telling bisexual scale people nor Kinsey 7 homosexuals to become straight to be OK. So, why do you think it is OK to demonize straight people and their heroes? To make them like you to be accepted or you cannot accept them. You cannot empathize and even love them dearly without them having the same orientation as you. Funny, I thought that was what "GBLT" people wanted acceptance. The longer I live the more I think a sizable chunk want destruction.

Acceptance as some small demo of people within a much bigger demo of other types of people is not enough. GBLT "community" wants to destroy "heteronormativity" so bad it does not care whom or what it destroys in the process. They want to destroy this myth called "heteronormativity." This ghost that heterosexual attraction in some degree; even the most smallest on the Kinsey scale is not the norm of our species. When in fact it absolutely is; most people like the opposite or both genders they just do. To some extent. It is this hate for all things even a little bit "straight" that helps to fuck with bisexuals.

This negativity is why I stopped doing anything with community and cannot stand Pride movements. It is a cesspool of negativity and hate towards the heterosexual community disguised as a fight for acceptance. BisexualRealTalk and his video on keeping to your own kind reminded me of that. Bisexuals should never date or even fuck straight people nor gay people. We should keep to being with other bisexuals because "bisexuals are cooler." Fuck you! Straight is great, Gay is Yay! Bisexual is the best of both worlds! Worse of all the host is like 70 into women. Dude! What if a straight chick said "stick to your own kind, do not date those gross bisexual men?" How would you feel then? Huh! Hypocrite!

Dude! You are Mostly Fucking straight! You are saying to stay away from a good deal of yourself in others because it would be greedy? What the fuck? How is falling for a woman whom is Straight greedy? Hmm. is not love is love the old slogan of the bisexual person!? I do not hate you I am not thinking of you in the negative way you think of straights or gays. No, I am sad for you! You have so much scorn because you hate inside. At least it seemed that way to me. Why would you not say for people to just get out and meet people no matter where they are on the spectrum? Dude, dude, not cool!

Bisexuals are NOT cooler dude! Good people regardless of orientation or gender are good people; are cooler. It does not matter that they have one once of bi in them. It does not matter to their ability to be cooler than you. Fuck dude! Every straight person I know is cooler than your hateful pro-segregation mouth! Stick to your own kind sounds like something a KKK member would fucking say! Dude! Please seek help for your hateful heart. I am really sorry for you! That you have become this hateful! I really am! You are the very reason community does more harm than good. Does more damage than any straight person ever will or could! You and the hero/idol thieves belong together in one stinking fucked up hateful envious pie.