Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Forging a path to a personally liberated manhood and a liberated masculinity.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

I have been doing a lot of meditation this weekend and also sleeping a lot as well. Tomorrow is Monday and I will be back to work once more. I am embracing my true self; which is the powerful and amazing man that is Christopher Murphy once again lately. I am turning from worrying over stupid things and be ensnared in a cage within myself. I have been liberating myself once more to be myself the most me I can be. Learning to relax once more and just live life the best it can be.

I am liberating myself once more to be the most Christopher I can be without resistance. This is me; and me is a beautiful and powerful work of masculine art! I am an amazing and articulate man. I am smart, funny, sexy, sweet (not a Mr. nice guy though), and can be assertive when needed. I am a great man I can trust myself. Completely; I can trust myself completely. For I am a very high valued positive force in the world.

I have not felt anxious since Thursday night and that is a good thing. I have been relaxed all weekend and been basking in just living. Basking in just being Christopher Murphy and gracing the world with my presence. My being is a beautiful, magnificent and gorgeous man of a man! I am free to be me because "me, "I," is an awesome, powerful and majestic masculine being of tremendous worth! I have nothing to fear in the world from just being me at all times and in all things. To be a liberated man possessing a liberated masculinity.

My manhood is mine and mine alone. Only I can live this manhood and no other man. For only I can live this life as me. I am liberated to be free to think, feel and act my own way. While still not being any less manly than I am. For everything I do I do manly. For I am a liberated man, a very manly as fuck liberated masculinity. All I owe any others is basic decency and non-initiation of coercion. Not everyone will like me. Not everyone will be able to take this beacon of masculinity in all his glory. Some will hate me because they are jealous. Others will be blind to the beauty that I am. However, their blindness says nothing about me and my worth.

This does not mean that I am liberated "From Masculinity," as feminists and other misandric groups would like, but, the total opposite. I am in fact liberated in my masculinity, my manliness and my self-love/pride. I will never ever stop being masculine for others for it is at the core of me. However, masculinity does not equal being chained to needing to be some best of the best man. Nor does it mean that I am less manly because I am still single. I do not need to be in a relationship or getting pussy left and right to be masculine, and manly. A man's manliness, masculinity and value does not come from women. It comes from within ourselves first and foremost.

I am liberated in my masculinity because loving 50 Shades does not make me any less manly. Nor does having the Gideon Cross series of novels either. Nor does having Pink glasses or anything like that. Watching Murder She Wrote and not Rambo on the weekend does not equal being effete. I have said it before and I will say it again. These things are meaningless to being a man, to being masculine and/or to being a being a man of value. I walk, talk, sit (even if I did still cross my legs like I did when I was younger) and have sex like a man.

More men need to take a liberated masculinity mindset on life. Liberated from needing to be perfect to be manly. Free to be just the best us and to see us as being perfect just as we are. Manliness is not perfection and perfection is an illusion. The most manly thing you can do is love yourself as you are and not give a fuck what anyone wants or thinks of you. Manliness is making yourself the core of your world; followed by those you make your high values in life. I love the man in the mirror and I love this body I see. I love the mind behind the head between my ears. I will say it again and again.

Loving me is the most manly thing I can do. The most important thing is to love myself first before anything else. Love and embracing my inner fire in this man comes first and foremost. I love me! I love Christopher Matthew Murphy! I am me and I am free! I will not stand down in this! The world is mine and my oyster. I will not go softly into the good night! I will strive and thrive on. For I am more than enough and I am more than worthy. I am liberated to be me and be all that I am. To be all that I can be. Instead of striving for perfection always being perfectly, authentically me at all times.