Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

I am getting tired of everything being "queered" to make the world more "diverse." Good People are cooler!

Recently I decided to remove my subscription to BisexualRealTalk due to a few things that were annoying me about the channel. It started with his video claiming "straight, white men have the most privilege, but, they also commit more suicide because they have lost some privilege to women." It got further inflamed when I watched his videos claiming Bisexuals are in fact greedy and we needed to stick to our own kind. It got even worse still when he claimed "Brokeback Mountain is a great work of bisexual cinema." It hit the final nail in the coffin when he championed Wonder Woman now being Queer.

Yes, Wonder Woman in the new movie of her own is Queer. Someone thought it was a good idea to fuck with her backstory and make her Amazonian years a Planet Lesbo from some old 50's Science Fiction flick. On top of this Captain America was thought to be possibly going to be in a relations with Bucky. Yes, seriously Bucky! Captain America; a shining example of manhood of a Godlike form and one sure fire heterosexual male was wanted to be turned into a "queer for Bucky." Oh, and he is not alone James Bond too was talked about being a bisexual possibly in a sequel. Yes, you heard me right, James Bond 007! Championed by Daniel Craig himself!

Please, if that day comes put me out of my misery. James Bond as a Queer Spy, no just no... Fuck no! That makes no sense! James Bond 007 a character from his own book series. Turned magically half gay out of nowhere like Fairy dust dropped on him. Captain America too is ludicrous. What next Peter Parker.... Uhm, actually, yes. Peter Parker being Queer is also a possibility coming down the pipe. SPIDER-MAN QUEER!? Peter Parker the man whom has entire character arcs around nothing, but, the death and destruction of the women he loves. Also, a red blooded heterosexual beacon of Nerd God-head and intelligent strength Queered!

This is horrific. Sorry, but, this is as horrible as Making the God of thunder Thor into a woman with a hammer. The meaning behind the story by the way is Greek God Myths not just some thing that you can fuck with. Just like Thor is an actual name for a person you cannot fuck with these precious characters and expect me to stay silent or support this nonsense. James Bond, Peter Parker, Cap and in ALL interpretations Wonder Woman is heterosexual/straight. Her "relation" to the women of Amazonia was always one of family, and sacred friendship, guardianship and protection. All of her lovers have been men. She was with both Superman and Batman at different times in comic history.

If you want a non-heterosexual character in a comic book or movie, or animated series be a fucking creative bloke and make up your own! Quite stealing all the straight characters and parading around their dead mangled corpses to the world. Calling that diversity and progressing. Come up with a newly written and well thought out non-straight character. Quit stealing from the majority of humans and calling it "justice." It is not, it is "injustice." You do not walk into a mostly straight club and say "you all start sucking these other guys or eating each others pussies for progress or we will toss you out of the club." Not, that is not wise nor is it justice in anyway.

Quit fucking with peoples characters they love because you are so hateful towards heterosexuality you need to destroy it. Quit saying to straight people you better become like us. You do not hear most straight people telling bisexual scale people nor Kinsey 7 homosexuals to become straight to be OK. So, why do you think it is OK to demonize straight people and their heroes? To make them like you to be accepted or you cannot accept them. You cannot empathize and even love them dearly without them having the same orientation as you. Funny, I thought that was what "GBLT" people wanted acceptance. The longer I live the more I think a sizable chunk want destruction.

Acceptance as some small demo of people within a much bigger demo of other types of people is not enough. GBLT "community" wants to destroy "heteronormativity" so bad it does not care whom or what it destroys in the process. They want to destroy this myth called "heteronormativity." This ghost that heterosexual attraction in some degree; even the most smallest on the Kinsey scale is not the norm of our species. When in fact it absolutely is; most people like the opposite or both genders they just do. To some extent. It is this hate for all things even a little bit "straight" that helps to fuck with bisexuals.

This negativity is why I stopped doing anything with community and cannot stand Pride movements. It is a cesspool of negativity and hate towards the heterosexual community disguised as a fight for acceptance. BisexualRealTalk and his video on keeping to your own kind reminded me of that. Bisexuals should never date or even fuck straight people nor gay people. We should keep to being with other bisexuals because "bisexuals are cooler." Fuck you! Straight is great, Gay is Yay! Bisexual is the best of both worlds! Worse of all the host is like 70 into women. Dude! What if a straight chick said "stick to your own kind, do not date those gross bisexual men?" How would you feel then? Huh! Hypocrite!

Dude! You are Mostly Fucking straight! You are saying to stay away from a good deal of yourself in others because it would be greedy? What the fuck? How is falling for a woman whom is Straight greedy? Hmm. is not love is love the old slogan of the bisexual person!? I do not hate you I am not thinking of you in the negative way you think of straights or gays. No, I am sad for you! You have so much scorn because you hate inside. At least it seemed that way to me. Why would you not say for people to just get out and meet people no matter where they are on the spectrum? Dude, dude, not cool!

Bisexuals are NOT cooler dude! Good people regardless of orientation or gender are good people; are cooler. It does not matter that they have one once of bi in them. It does not matter to their ability to be cooler than you. Fuck dude! Every straight person I know is cooler than your hateful pro-segregation mouth! Stick to your own kind sounds like something a KKK member would fucking say! Dude! Please seek help for your hateful heart. I am really sorry for you! That you have become this hateful! I really am! You are the very reason community does more harm than good. Does more damage than any straight person ever will or could! You and the hero/idol thieves belong together in one stinking fucked up hateful envious pie.