Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Masculinity is a Gender Identity and not a Performance. Men, masculinity and Modern societies.

I am currently working on my research for the debunking of the latest videos about Toxic and Fragile masculinity. During this research I have come across a disturbing trend. A disturbing trend of Gender and expression being called a performance. The idea that no gender expression is innate to a person. The idea that masculinity is not tied to a man's healthy Gender Identity and expression of his biology. The idea that masculinity and femininity is some sort of cultural construct with and they are not tied to the gender identity of the person. This is not scientifically nor psychologically accurate at all. 

One being masculine is them adhering to being themselves. If you are a masculine man you are being a man. If you are feminine woman you are being a woman. Not that some people do not match these definitions. However, those are the exception and not the norm. Extreme non-conformity is often due to issues with gender identity and not because gender identity is not tied to biological gender for most people. Or it could be due to abnormal processes in the womb. The norm is masculine men and feminine women, even Tomboys are not completely masculine they have a feminine side. 

The same can be said of men as well. All men, even ones with feminine interests will often be masculine at the same time on other metrics of measurement. Most people are Gender Concordant; meaning they match on some metrics conformity to their biological genders universalized evolutionary psychological traits. Even androgynous men still have a masculine side and the same for these same women with their feminine side. The idea that masculinity is a performance that is thought on and then acted out like being on a stage is dangerous to men everywhere. 

It gives license to trying to change then through social engineering. Men, all men regardless of their partners are masculine animals most of the time. Gay gym bunnies are not fairies and they are Kinsey 7 homosexuals. The idea that a whole host of men are not masculine is not true. Non-conforming men are the exception and not the rule. Even in this regard not conforming in some interest or the other is not the same as effeminacy in a man. The fact that someone is not a jock does not make them less masculine. 

Masculinity is the natural order of men; as the old saying goes Mother Nature is a Tyrant and not an Anarchist. By trying to make men fem we are ruining the natural order of Nature itself. Men are masculine biologically for a reason they have a role that way in nature. A lot of the chaos in men's lives these days and women's comes from the modern societal push to rob men of their natural gender identity traits. I would not be surprised of this push is not messing with many a man causing them to have Discordance with their being because they are told to be other than a man. 

If trans people with gender identity disorders react badly to outside people pushing them into an Identiy; CIS people being pushed to be not them would also cause distress. Every time a mother pushes their Son to play with Dolls and not trucks instead of letting them be boys it is telling boys being a boy is bad. Which could then cause distress with the fact they want the masculine toys as they are a boy. Unless your Son or Daughter shows they want to be Non-conforming you should not push it on them. It can cause great harm to the developing child's thought process about themselves. 

There have been tragic experiments in raising boys to be girls. They have ended in suicides or near suicides and it should never have been attempted to begin with. Boys whom had horrid circumcisions and lost their penises or had them mutilated were for a time tried to be turned into girls thanks to the Social Construction theory of gender. Each one has decided to end it all or came close to it because they know they are meant to be men and were messed with from a young age. Masculinity is a Gender Identity it is not a Social Construction or a performance. It is innate, it is biological and evolutionary psychology. It is us! Leave us alone! 

Modern societies need to get back to being able to be proud of the actions of good men. Masculinity personified in a righteous man should be admired. It should not be shameful to use violence in self defense of others. It should not be seen that all Military men are "Empire Scum." It should not be seen that protection and provision for another person is somehow "oppressing them." It should not be seen that men leading are bad providing they are leading to the right place. It should not be seen that masculinity should be scorned. It should be loved and considered to be the necessary thing it is in our nature. 
Masculinity is not fragile, but, strong and tremendous. Courageous and brave, heroic even. It is beautiful and amazing. It is to be all that you can be. To shoot for the stars and not let the clouds fill your head. It is not toxic, but, the antidote to this Pro-Radical Feminist society filled with Misandry and Gynocentrism on acid. Masculinity is the bomb! It rocks! It is King and it is the Pride of the Pack! Love it in yourself men! Embrace and love it! It is Mother Nature's dictates and believe you me she is one crazy ass Bitch you do not want to cross!