Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Showing my Objectivist Pride is the hardest thing in the world.

This month is GBLT Pride month in a lot of places throughout the Western World. Many people will be celebrating their orientation through festivities around the world. However, for me there is something that I find much harder to be open about with people than the fact of an accident of reality called being bisexual. Which is that I am an Objectivst and that is frowned upon in our society. 

This is not me playing the victim card I am not someone with a victim mentality nor do I suffer from learned helplessness. However, it is very true that Objectivism is both misunderstood and hated among the masses due to those misunderstandings. Like people thinking selfishness is evil and not the ultimate good. Thinking selfish means to lie, cheat and steal is good. When it is completely self-destructive and not self-interested at all. 

So, this Pride season I make a vow to myself and my virtues. A vow to my values and against this worlds vices of rampant psychopathic altruism. I am going to fly my Objectivist Freak Flag high and not be ashamed of having virtues in my life. I know this will make even more of the "community" loath me, but, I do not give two fucks. I know organized "Pride" will never want me again and I do not want it either. I AM AN  OBJECTIVIST AND THAT IS NOT AN EVIL THING! I have much to be Proud about in being an objectivist and nothing to loath. No sense of unearned guilt shall fill my heart or mind. 

What is an Objectivist you ask? It is following the principles and philosophy that goes as follows; 

  1. Metaphysics: Objective Reality
  2. Epistemology: Reason
  3. Ethics: Self-interest
  4. Politics: Capitalism 

Some people hold a school of thought which considers "benevolence" as separate from justice called "open objectivism." Others consider this to be wrong and try to show that benevolence is a part of a virtue of justice and are called by "open" objectivists to be "closed." As if those whom consider benevolence as built into a proper just action are somehow "closed minded, dogmatic and cult like." 

Which I completely disagree with and I would/do argue benevolence is a very important part of any real justice in society. Thus that "open objectivism" is something that was not needed, but, instead it simply needed to be explained to be inherent in a definition of justice. Thus I find "closed" to be a straw-man attack against anyone whom has integrated rightfully and properly benevolence as a form of overall a just view of the universe. 

Another way to summarize Objectivism is the following from the blog Objectivist Answers; 

  1. Observe and think. Work to understand the world. Learn what is true. Form valid abstract principles and apply them. Your life fundamentally depends on this.
  2. Live for your own sake, producing what you need, rather than considering the happiness of others to be of primary importance. Like and love only those whom you choose to. Love is not a duty. That others are unhappy is not necessarily your problem.
  3. Promote and work towards a society and government which actually allow people to live for their own sake. Such a society requires the recognition of individual rights, including the right of property. Such a society has permitting happiness as its highest goal, rather than remedying unhappiness. Men must be free to be happy. Some men will be happy first. Such happiness must be protected, by government, from those who would forcibly destroy it.
  4. Recognize and admire those who innovate and live well, rather than attempting to rationalize or indulge a desire to cut them down and take what they have earned. Life is not a zero-sum game, where happy people only become so by making others unhappy. Equality of income, or of outcome, is not a value. By letting people succeed in life, we increase the possibility our own future success.
Another great way to understand Objectivism is to read Ayn Rand's "Objectivism On One Foot." I would also like to provide you with a link to the excellent article "The Beauty of Ayn Rand's Ethics" by the amazing Objective Standard. There is also The Objectivism Wiki which will provide more of a framework for the philosophy I live by as well. 

This is also the reason I am Anti-Feminist because I am anti-collectivist in general. I am an individualist and against collectivism in all its forms. Which includes anyone that might be in the manosphere that calls for some sort of collectivism about men as well. Individualism needs a a resurgence in our culture and collectivism needs to be fought on all fronts. It is one of the main issues with GBLT people and the community around them is so poisonous. It is pure collectivism and thus starts with a toxic idea and that toxin manifests in the real world.

I am not ashamed to be an Objectivist I am proud of it. Why am I proud of this? It is a personal accomplishment to be one as it is an individual thing. It is something that comes from my philosophical work and introspection. Thus it is a matter of personal pride to be an objectivist in a world of irrational insanity. So, I will not pray to the collectivist altruist god on my knees. I will stand up proud, tall and confident in this being the man I have grown up to be. I am a great man, I am of value and I am enough. Thus I will not sacrifice and I will not be ashamed for being virtuously selfish. To take a phrase from "community," I am Objectivist I am here and I am not going anywhere!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Similarities between Male Bi-Erasure and The Pussy Footing about Islam in GBLT communities.

OK, now hear me out this is going to not make sense until I explain it a bit for you my readers. There is this thing called Male Bi-Erasure and it is a real, genuine thing that is out there. The idea that Bisexual males are a myth and that they do not exist. That bisexual females do, but, men do not go both ways. You are either gay or straight as a male and nothing else. It is most fierce from the gay community itself. At least that is the experience of a lot of Bi males. 

There is also an equally erased type of individual and that is the GBLT person whom supports winning this war Islam is bringing to our doors. With defeating with as much defensive force as necessary the Islamic threat. Say something like Saudi Arabia needs to have an ultimatum or Iran is one of the largest supporters of ISIS type groups and get called "Islamaphobic." For simply stating something that most people aware of Middle East politics knows is true. You are erased just like Bi males are. 

There is another similarity, however and that is the continued silence of both groups whom never speak up. Never want to deal a blow to the pecking order and say "actually, I like women too I am not gay, but, I am GBLT." They do not want to upset the apple cart. I have even heard some Bi Males flogging themselves verbally by talking trash about "straights," when they have a side that is as "straight" as in into women as any heterosexual is. Both individuals are too afraid to be a lion to be a canary in the coal mine to speak up for themselves and the Western Values they support. 

Well, I say it is time for a two-tier coming out! A two-tier lions roar! Bi males need to speak up and take a stand defending attraction to women as not being icky. They also need to stand up for being pro-classically liberal Western Values. In unison none Bi people with similar views on Islam also need to speak up. The "community" needs the lions to shake things up and roar. Enough being collectivist and passive sheep. Too many Bi males are content with being silent and too many GBLT in general are silent on Islam. I say let us have a reformation of what it means to be GBLT and have GBLT in turn demand a reformation of Islam. 

The reaction to The Orlando Mascare is showing a lack of priorities and virtue signalling.

With the recent Orlando massacre why Islam needs to be stopped has come to the forefront of our media. However, the media is ignoring it and so is the very group that was targeted. GBLT people are not reacting how they should to this disaster. Instead of doing what they should do which is rally all over against ISIS and the Islamist views that drove him to do this in said groups name. Instead we have hashtags such as #loveislove. Which does nothing to FIX the fucking problem!

The Western world has a problem and it needs to fix it before it keeps getting attacked by this horrid ideology and Death Cult. Instead the West has reacted in a way in which it dare not even say its name. The United States had less then the amount of people killed here in Pearl Harbor and they dropped a bomb on those that attacked the innocents on that day. Yet, in 2016 the worst Mass Shooting on US soil and what is the National Security of the USA doing? Is Obama going to given an ultimatum to all those Countries supporting Islamic Jihad on The West?

Is he going to say stop supporting the terrorism on The West or we can make sure you will never again? Is he going to be up to doing what is needed? The USA should have given an ultimatum to those Countries which supported the Islamic terrorist groups a long time ago. They should have said to Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan; the likes of these Countries. Should have said to either stop funding them or else. Or else remember what we did to the Nazis? That is what our Nations should have said and then pulled out all the stops to squash the evil that is Islam wherever it might rest and wait to attack the West.

Instead of that we had bullshit Islam is not the issue nonsense which is completely unreasonable. This is making me sick on the inside to see the Leftists and others say this has nothing to do with Islam. Instead they are using this as another excuse to go after peoples guns or to throw their other agendas around. Or claiming as the shooters Radical Islamist Father did it was simply two men kissing. No, the reason the shooter was so disgusted was because his Quran said it was a cardinal violation of Islamist ideology and religion. Due to this he thought it was his duty to kill the homosexual population in Orlando. 75 Million People within Islam in pew research polls fully support the death penalty for homosexuals.

We need to fix this shit and take out the enemy that is wanting us dead. That enemy is a Fascist movement called Islam and its global ideology of Death Cult madness. We need to have leaders that have the balls to face off against the enemy and do something to Eliminate the problem. You should not use prevention when you have the cure. We have the cure it is to eliminate the Radical Islamist threat in the most quickest and fully way possible. We need leaders whom are going to be able to defend The West and not be weak on National Defense. We need to take out Islam and do it now! Or else we will keep getting more Orlando's!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Pride is an individual thing and thus is destroyed by any collective "fake-group pride." True Pride is Individualistic!

Around the world this month is the beginning of a summer of Pride months within the free world. I too am celebrating my own form of pride, but, not the collectivist fake "GBLT pride." I have been getting too down on myself lately with my external circumstances and internalizing that I have not done enough. That there is so much more to do and could be doing, but, that I was not doing enough. 

Truth is I need to realize I am doing all I can do. Even if I am not perfect no one is and mastery does not mean forgetting we are only naked 5th apes walking upright in a modernized concrete jungle called life as it is. I have done much to be better and master my job for example. My QA is much higher with even getting 90s now. All from doing my best at mastering being my best support rep I can be. 

I am proud that I was able to make a higher QA and not being a failure anymore. However, my failings at my scores were simply openings to do better. I need to realize just because I am not the best at an external thing all the times does not mean I lost my merit or my worth of value as a human. Or as a worker or as a potential future lover/boyfriend or even husband for someone. It does not mean I as a person am lesser than I used too be. I am an intellectual superhero after all! (Nod to a recent article on Objectivist myths, ha ha) Although, I am smarter than the average bear and I think that is to be proud of.

I am proud that I have a roof over my head which I pay for myself. I might get some assistance now and than, but, I try my best to always get all my bills paid. I do that from being a productive person and I am productive. I do not slouch and I do not think I should live off the labor of others like someone's slave master. I want to be as independent as possible at all times and it would be immensely immoral for me to ever ask anyone else to sacrifice for my sake. I do this and should have pride for this. I have individual pride for all my accomplishments in life and have real concrete self-respect for this; the true source of an objective level of self-esteem VS narcissism.

I have a great deal of proper pride in myself for all these right reasons and because I am a great man. For this reason I can have pride for being a great man! This great man just HAPPENS TO GO BOTH WAYS and it is for this reason I have Pride this "GBLT Pride" season. It is NOT BECAUSE I AM BISEXUAL, but, BECAUSE I AM A GREAT MAN THAT IS BISEXUAL THE GREAT MAN COMES FIRST! If I was an immoral fuck up that went around harming other people I would have nothing to be proud about. If I was someone that lived in delusion and if I was an irrational nut pride would be unwarranted. If I had no character I would not really be having anything to be proud about. 

It is not ones orientation, ones sex/gender or ones race which one should be judged by, but, by the content of their character. Their character and how they live in the world as an individual. From this individualistic act of being a good man or woman. Of being a good person with a good character and moral reasoning. From this is where Pride, authentic pride comes from and just happening to be falling into anyone demographic does not give you that. Pride is an individualistic act and goes counter to what "community" and collectivist "GBLT-fake pride" stands for. Which is a fake group identity based pride which requires no effort and for no one to have any character at all. In fact; in my experience having the exact opposite of the character to be proud about.  


Feminism is a destructive mythology akin to any other Fundamentalist Religion

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

As an unashamed bisexual male I DO worry about the Decline of Western Civlization and the spread of Islam. Why does the "GBLTQIA+" lobby not?

This is Pride time for a lot of places in the world and I normally do not talk about my orientation on here. However, I needed to get something off my chest about the whole Progressive Queer politics BS I mentioned before. This time in regards to the notion that Islam is some oppressed group. Which is complete BS!

Islam is a religion of destruction and devastation that goes around the world spreading it's hatred of the Non-Muslim all around them. Praying and arming itself intellectually and physically for the destruction of the Western Civilization and culture. It hates people being free and the defending of ones individual rights. It supports murdering anyone that goes against Sharia Law and it is unashamed to say so on their own TV stations. Let alone in the Haddith and the Quran.

Yet, so-called GBLT rights lobbies and so-called Human Rights groups are all talking about Islam and its followers as part of some "progressive stack." No, Islam is not a victim in anyway at all! However, if the West keeps electing Islam Sympathizers like Obama, Hillary, Sanders or our own Trudeau we will keep being the victims we have been for ages now. The West like most men does not want to admit it could be a victim. Trudeau is the ultimate sympathizer and also the least willing to admit The West and its men could be victims of anything. 

Well, as an open and unashamed bisexual male I am not going to be a Western Pussified man on the topic of Islam. Islamic threats to our freedom and individual rights need to be as eliminated as any other threats to individual rights. SJW's of either sex/gender within the West are denying this issue and denying the need for eliminating this threat. This is a real threat and as long as we treat the threat as some misunderstood Religion of Peace we will be in danger. The intellectual defense of Islam by most GBLT groups and their SJW-kin is going to be The West's own downfall. 

One of the things a Rights Respecting and true governance needs to do is the use of as much retaliatory force as is needed to eliminate the threats to people's individual rights. Which means unlike SJW Faggots; yes I said Faggots of either sex, I am all for eliminating this threat. Which means the use of retaliatory force to eliminate it and protect the individuals in the West. The West is in danger and even the NAP for you Objectivists/Libertarians will be in rubble if we do not eliminate these threats. 

The Islamist religion does not stand for peace, but, instead for the destruction of the possibility any freedom for anyone. This includes the freedom to be GBLT absolutely and it is a clear case of the good vs the evil. Islam is the evil and The individual whom is peaceful is the good. Which means that Islam is an enemy of any GBLT person anywhere. The fact that "community" and "Pride" is silent on how horrid Islam is and the real threat it is in favor of adding them to a progressive stack is just one more reason for all Rational GBLT individuals to not have anything to do with either "collective Pride" or so-called "community." 

I stand proud as an individual aware of and on the side of good against evil. I stand proud to know the truth of Islam and to not be silent about it. I refuse to be a waffle and be limped wrists when it comes to defending the individual from the collective Death Cult of Islam. When it comes to defending all that is good in Western Civilization and being against all that is evil. I stand proud in the fact that I will not call Islam a victim and instead call it the threat it is. Call it the inhumane culture and spread of brutality that it is. Islam is not a victim it is very much the victimizing party. The West is only defending itself by wanting to rid the threat of Islam from our midst. 


Sunday, June 5, 2016

Letter to a "community" that I want nothing to do with on what "pride" means to me.

Imagine if you will being all in on what you thought was a value to you only to find that it was not a value, but, completely a sacrifice. You were like a sacrificial animal for a tribe that did not really want you and instead were everything they feared. You had put your heart and soul into helping them only to find you should have been helping yourself all along.

This is in short how I would best define my experience with so-called "GBLT Pride." One of the most phony and narcissistic false forms of pride I have ever had the unfortunate displeasure to be a part of. I have never met so much tribalism, collectivism, anti-out group barbarism in one place before. Such a cesspool of hate in one demographic of people anywhere else before. Even more than my days as a Christian (UGH). 

The parades which are so-called inclusive and for showing the wonder of diversity. Yet, every single Party banner is the same and a single Progressive Conservative presence would be looked at as a Trojan storming the gates. Crashing through the castle walls of your little echo chamber bubble where you hear nothing, but, the same voices. Supposedly believing in free speech, but, not believing in it from the wrong person. Do not you dare bring a Libertarian banner and except to be respected as a person whom is not some real world Devil. 

Oh, do watch out for that thing called "appropriate views," for the individual is just a cog in your machine. He does not have inherent value; only the community matters. The collective matters and that you agree with them on everything. Do you not dare be anything other than extreme left or you  are your Satan. You are the evil one prying around to corrupt the pure and the meek. You are a fallen angel and will be thrown out. No, even worse you will be erased and forgotten like 1984's memory hole. 

All of the time you put in to help when you thought it was a value will be gone. You did not support us they will think and toss you out. You like women too? You will get over that they said. I was just on the fence; going through a phase or confused. I was not one of them anymore I was part "breeder" too. I was now part everything they preach hate about. I was half-straight white male. To the depths of hell with you. Tossed out like a parasite bug on the street. Who knew being for "individual rights" would cause such heat. 

You are so fucked up it is beyond compare; I have been treated better most my life by the straights (that is right stop for a minute and just stare). It is very apparent since I left all of your double standards. I used to vent about them back in the day in secret. About all the BS I was seeing within your makeup. Someone is welcome as long as they have a hive mind. As soon as they are an individual their neck is on the line. Don't you dare have a different point of view. Unless you want the Pink Noose around you. 

It has been years since I considered myself part of you and I still do not. You will never get me back I am me and not you. I am an individual I am not a collective Borg. Now I never want anything to do with you. Frankly I am more than happy to just go my own way. In fact, it is for those whom are too blinded to the truth that I am sad that they stay. You are as much a Cult to me as my days in Christiandom. Your worldview is filled with hate for the majority population throughout this land.

Of course it is not reserved just for those whom are half "breeds." Simply not have the same value and you are no longer good as your little tools. Dare to question orthodoxy of your creed and be tossed out and made to beg upon your needs. You are filled with nothing, but, clique mean girl hate. You are like high school, but, even worse. You are yourselves some of the biggest bullies I have ever had the misgivings to assist. You supported causes with flags with mass murdering fists. 

You do not want an inclusive and better world. You want a world where you are what makes it turn. You want the universe to be all yours. You want everyone to act like you are all Queens. The truth is I have seen how you can be and you are nothing but fiends. Your toxic collectivism will be your undoing and you will long for the individualism you were eschewing. I do not want to seem full of myself, but, it is the motor of the world that you are undoing. 

You are a cult, a tribe, a collective hive mind of evil. Yes, I said evil anyone that promotes collectivism is evil and all the leaders of your movement do. From the Feminatzi's to the simple way you treat so-called allies. You say you are fighting hate, but, it is all you are spewing. You have become an anti-intellectual movement, again a cult and one that is part of a group of others helping to destroy that which you preach. I have no need for you and that is a relief. 

Now, I need to end this on a more positive note. As I said I do not need you and it turns out I never have. I would have been fine on my own with my real friends and "family" all along. I never needed you and I never will. I have my own people that do not require me to submit. I have people that I can disagree with without having someone throw a fit. These people are not you and nothing like you. There is no gossip, no BS, no erasure and no being sacrificed too death. 

Really I never needed you all along. Everything I ever needed is in the mirror looking back at me. I needed to embrace and respect the "half breeder" that is me. I needed to see that I was fine just as I was as me. I needed to accept that I did not need to conform to your stereotype to like men. I needed to just keep being whom I had always been. I had to realize I needed to live for me. I was going to be whom I was going to be. 

I needed to speak up sooner and say my piece. I needed to reach for cutting through the crap I had seen. I needed to say your internal politics was all wrong. That you are in fact as filled with hate as those you accuse. Even if they just have a slightly different view. It is nothing, but, projection of what you are back on you. If Karma was real than no wonder the world is treating you like a bitch. Well, I refuse to be stolen from to pay for your stitch. 

You made your bed now you need to sleep in it. Your collectivism nightmare will show for what it is one day. When it does be prepared to see the real devil is an outward projection of the bile within you. Luckily your poison did not rot my brain. I still have my pride and that you could never slay. It is not what you called "pride." This is the real thing! This is not some special snowflake safe space. This is the pride that dared not say its name. I am about to say it prepared to be stayed.

I am proud of myself and all I am, but, not because of my orientation because it means nothing in the end when I leave this land. I happen to have the second largest form of male sexuality. That does not make me special it makes me a man. That is right I am a Proud man! I am proud to be an individual man! Fuck whom I fuck! Your hate on the out group will not stand! You heard me an individual 29 yr old man! And I would be 100% even if I was born Straight now talk to the fucking hand! Your pride does not come from what you do in bed or whom you love. Pride comes from your accomplishments and your character; where it lands. 

If you are an evil bitch, or bastard there is no reason to feel pride. Pride is not automatically given or obtained. Your earn your pride as an individual person from proper self-respect and being a good person. This does not take having any orientation it can be within anyone. All this collectivizing over whom we love or fuck needs to end. We are individuals and your worth based on your orientation it should not dissend. People should be judged on their merits not their reproductive parts. Yes, Pride is even wonderful in the tons of Straight White Men!

Pride is a consequence of self-respect and not being a snowflake. Not basing your worth on an external collective group. It does not mean you are perfect you are an upright walking 5th ape. Although so many of you are "Cognitive Creationists" on your end. It means that I do not need you nor any label or descriptor outside of Chris and living a virtuous life to make me proud.. That is all anyone needs to feel real pride. Not like a special snowflake being coddled into learned helplessness nice and tight. 

I have me and that is the beginning of it all. It all starts with I; I love me, I am good enough and I am of value. I do not need you and your toxic stew..I will never go near you again. Not ever even if you were right over the bend. Even if you offered an apology. At this point it is not enough for me. For you are enslaving helpless minds everyday. To your bullshit collectivism and evil ways. This is good bye from me my friend. Now to my bed I need to attend. 


I will never allow you to shame me for being a man! I am proud to be a man because I am one hell of one!

This month is Pride Month in a lot of places for the endless alphabet soup of half made up sexuality groupings. By that I mean the endless letters that used to just be gay, bi, lesbian and transgenders. Now it is like an ongoing never ending diatribe including not only real sexual preferences and orientations, but, also made up shit like non-binary, genderqueer claptrap. Frankly I am not a fan at all of the Pride community or the GBLT whatever community. Even though I am unashamedly bi myself.

Well, this year I have decided to celebrate a different type of Pride altogether I am proud to have an X and Y Chromosome. I am proud to have a penis and testicles. I have Male pride this year and I am not ashamed. I do not hate my orientation in fact far from it, but, I am proud to be a man whom is bisexual. I would never want to be anything else. I should not feel the need to whip myself with chains for being a white male in this world. I bring great value by being alive and existing in the world.

I am proud to be a man and that is important to self-respect/acceptance as a bi male. I have no hate for men of any kind. I feel no shame that I have had other partners of my same sex and that I love male sexuality. There is nothing to be ashamed of in loving men and also being proud of yourself as a man. Making pride about more than just your orientation and about your whole being as a person. Happy Male Pride to me! Happy man whom happens to be bi pride to me.

I refuse to punish myself internally for being whom and what I am. On any level at all with all aspects of myself as a person. Happy Male pride to me! (No that is not an anti-woman thing.) Happy Male pride to me! Men are good, men are great and men make the world go round! I am happy to be me! I am more than fine I am great! Happy male pride to me! Happy male whom happens to be bi.