Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Sunday, June 5, 2016
I will never allow you to shame me for being a man! I am proud to be a man because I am one hell of one!
This month is Pride Month in a lot of places for the endless alphabet soup of half made up sexuality groupings. By that I mean the endless letters that used to just be gay, bi, lesbian and transgenders. Now it is like an ongoing never ending diatribe including not only real sexual preferences and orientations, but, also made up shit like non-binary, genderqueer claptrap. Frankly I am not a fan at all of the Pride community or the GBLT whatever community. Even though I am unashamedly bi myself.
Well, this year I have decided to celebrate a different type of Pride altogether I am proud to have an X and Y Chromosome. I am proud to have a penis and testicles. I have Male pride this year and I am not ashamed. I do not hate my orientation in fact far from it, but, I am proud to be a man whom is bisexual. I would never want to be anything else. I should not feel the need to whip myself with chains for being a white male in this world. I bring great value by being alive and existing in the world.
I am proud to be a man and that is important to self-respect/acceptance as a bi male. I have no hate for men of any kind. I feel no shame that I have had other partners of my same sex and that I love male sexuality. There is nothing to be ashamed of in loving men and also being proud of yourself as a man. Making pride about more than just your orientation and about your whole being as a person. Happy Male Pride to me! Happy man whom happens to be bi pride to me.
I refuse to punish myself internally for being whom and what I am. On any level at all with all aspects of myself as a person. Happy Male pride to me! (No that is not an anti-woman thing.) Happy Male pride to me! Men are good, men are great and men make the world go round! I am happy to be me! I am more than fine I am great! Happy male pride to me! Happy male whom happens to be bi.