Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
The reaction to The Orlando Mascare is showing a lack of priorities and virtue signalling.
With the recent Orlando massacre why Islam needs to be stopped has come to the forefront of our media. However, the media is ignoring it and so is the very group that was targeted. GBLT people are not reacting how they should to this disaster. Instead of doing what they should do which is rally all over against ISIS and the Islamist views that drove him to do this in said groups name. Instead we have hashtags such as #loveislove. Which does nothing to FIX the fucking problem!
The Western world has a problem and it needs to fix it before it keeps getting attacked by this horrid ideology and Death Cult. Instead the West has reacted in a way in which it dare not even say its name. The United States had less then the amount of people killed here in Pearl Harbor and they dropped a bomb on those that attacked the innocents on that day. Yet, in 2016 the worst Mass Shooting on US soil and what is the National Security of the USA doing? Is Obama going to given an ultimatum to all those Countries supporting Islamic Jihad on The West?
Is he going to say stop supporting the terrorism on The West or we can make sure you will never again? Is he going to be up to doing what is needed? The USA should have given an ultimatum to those Countries which supported the Islamic terrorist groups a long time ago. They should have said to Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan; the likes of these Countries. Should have said to either stop funding them or else. Or else remember what we did to the Nazis? That is what our Nations should have said and then pulled out all the stops to squash the evil that is Islam wherever it might rest and wait to attack the West.
Instead of that we had bullshit Islam is not the issue nonsense which is completely unreasonable. This is making me sick on the inside to see the Leftists and others say this has nothing to do with Islam. Instead they are using this as another excuse to go after peoples guns or to throw their other agendas around. Or claiming as the shooters Radical Islamist Father did it was simply two men kissing. No, the reason the shooter was so disgusted was because his Quran said it was a cardinal violation of Islamist ideology and religion. Due to this he thought it was his duty to kill the homosexual population in Orlando. 75 Million People within Islam in pew research polls fully support the death penalty for homosexuals.
We need to fix this shit and take out the enemy that is wanting us dead. That enemy is a Fascist movement called Islam and its global ideology of Death Cult madness. We need to have leaders that have the balls to face off against the enemy and do something to Eliminate the problem. You should not use prevention when you have the cure. We have the cure it is to eliminate the Radical Islamist threat in the most quickest and fully way possible. We need leaders whom are going to be able to defend The West and not be weak on National Defense. We need to take out Islam and do it now! Or else we will keep getting more Orlando's!