Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Showing my Objectivist Pride is the hardest thing in the world.

This month is GBLT Pride month in a lot of places throughout the Western World. Many people will be celebrating their orientation through festivities around the world. However, for me there is something that I find much harder to be open about with people than the fact of an accident of reality called being bisexual. Which is that I am an Objectivst and that is frowned upon in our society. 

This is not me playing the victim card I am not someone with a victim mentality nor do I suffer from learned helplessness. However, it is very true that Objectivism is both misunderstood and hated among the masses due to those misunderstandings. Like people thinking selfishness is evil and not the ultimate good. Thinking selfish means to lie, cheat and steal is good. When it is completely self-destructive and not self-interested at all. 

So, this Pride season I make a vow to myself and my virtues. A vow to my values and against this worlds vices of rampant psychopathic altruism. I am going to fly my Objectivist Freak Flag high and not be ashamed of having virtues in my life. I know this will make even more of the "community" loath me, but, I do not give two fucks. I know organized "Pride" will never want me again and I do not want it either. I AM AN  OBJECTIVIST AND THAT IS NOT AN EVIL THING! I have much to be Proud about in being an objectivist and nothing to loath. No sense of unearned guilt shall fill my heart or mind. 

What is an Objectivist you ask? It is following the principles and philosophy that goes as follows; 

  1. Metaphysics: Objective Reality
  2. Epistemology: Reason
  3. Ethics: Self-interest
  4. Politics: Capitalism 

Some people hold a school of thought which considers "benevolence" as separate from justice called "open objectivism." Others consider this to be wrong and try to show that benevolence is a part of a virtue of justice and are called by "open" objectivists to be "closed." As if those whom consider benevolence as built into a proper just action are somehow "closed minded, dogmatic and cult like." 

Which I completely disagree with and I would/do argue benevolence is a very important part of any real justice in society. Thus that "open objectivism" is something that was not needed, but, instead it simply needed to be explained to be inherent in a definition of justice. Thus I find "closed" to be a straw-man attack against anyone whom has integrated rightfully and properly benevolence as a form of overall a just view of the universe. 

Another way to summarize Objectivism is the following from the blog Objectivist Answers; 

  1. Observe and think. Work to understand the world. Learn what is true. Form valid abstract principles and apply them. Your life fundamentally depends on this.
  2. Live for your own sake, producing what you need, rather than considering the happiness of others to be of primary importance. Like and love only those whom you choose to. Love is not a duty. That others are unhappy is not necessarily your problem.
  3. Promote and work towards a society and government which actually allow people to live for their own sake. Such a society requires the recognition of individual rights, including the right of property. Such a society has permitting happiness as its highest goal, rather than remedying unhappiness. Men must be free to be happy. Some men will be happy first. Such happiness must be protected, by government, from those who would forcibly destroy it.
  4. Recognize and admire those who innovate and live well, rather than attempting to rationalize or indulge a desire to cut them down and take what they have earned. Life is not a zero-sum game, where happy people only become so by making others unhappy. Equality of income, or of outcome, is not a value. By letting people succeed in life, we increase the possibility our own future success.
Another great way to understand Objectivism is to read Ayn Rand's "Objectivism On One Foot." I would also like to provide you with a link to the excellent article "The Beauty of Ayn Rand's Ethics" by the amazing Objective Standard. There is also The Objectivism Wiki which will provide more of a framework for the philosophy I live by as well. 

This is also the reason I am Anti-Feminist because I am anti-collectivist in general. I am an individualist and against collectivism in all its forms. Which includes anyone that might be in the manosphere that calls for some sort of collectivism about men as well. Individualism needs a a resurgence in our culture and collectivism needs to be fought on all fronts. It is one of the main issues with GBLT people and the community around them is so poisonous. It is pure collectivism and thus starts with a toxic idea and that toxin manifests in the real world.

I am not ashamed to be an Objectivist I am proud of it. Why am I proud of this? It is a personal accomplishment to be one as it is an individual thing. It is something that comes from my philosophical work and introspection. Thus it is a matter of personal pride to be an objectivist in a world of irrational insanity. So, I will not pray to the collectivist altruist god on my knees. I will stand up proud, tall and confident in this being the man I have grown up to be. I am a great man, I am of value and I am enough. Thus I will not sacrifice and I will not be ashamed for being virtuously selfish. To take a phrase from "community," I am Objectivist I am here and I am not going anywhere!