Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Pride is an individual thing and thus is destroyed by any collective "fake-group pride." True Pride is Individualistic!

Around the world this month is the beginning of a summer of Pride months within the free world. I too am celebrating my own form of pride, but, not the collectivist fake "GBLT pride." I have been getting too down on myself lately with my external circumstances and internalizing that I have not done enough. That there is so much more to do and could be doing, but, that I was not doing enough. 

Truth is I need to realize I am doing all I can do. Even if I am not perfect no one is and mastery does not mean forgetting we are only naked 5th apes walking upright in a modernized concrete jungle called life as it is. I have done much to be better and master my job for example. My QA is much higher with even getting 90s now. All from doing my best at mastering being my best support rep I can be. 

I am proud that I was able to make a higher QA and not being a failure anymore. However, my failings at my scores were simply openings to do better. I need to realize just because I am not the best at an external thing all the times does not mean I lost my merit or my worth of value as a human. Or as a worker or as a potential future lover/boyfriend or even husband for someone. It does not mean I as a person am lesser than I used too be. I am an intellectual superhero after all! (Nod to a recent article on Objectivist myths, ha ha) Although, I am smarter than the average bear and I think that is to be proud of.

I am proud that I have a roof over my head which I pay for myself. I might get some assistance now and than, but, I try my best to always get all my bills paid. I do that from being a productive person and I am productive. I do not slouch and I do not think I should live off the labor of others like someone's slave master. I want to be as independent as possible at all times and it would be immensely immoral for me to ever ask anyone else to sacrifice for my sake. I do this and should have pride for this. I have individual pride for all my accomplishments in life and have real concrete self-respect for this; the true source of an objective level of self-esteem VS narcissism.

I have a great deal of proper pride in myself for all these right reasons and because I am a great man. For this reason I can have pride for being a great man! This great man just HAPPENS TO GO BOTH WAYS and it is for this reason I have Pride this "GBLT Pride" season. It is NOT BECAUSE I AM BISEXUAL, but, BECAUSE I AM A GREAT MAN THAT IS BISEXUAL THE GREAT MAN COMES FIRST! If I was an immoral fuck up that went around harming other people I would have nothing to be proud about. If I was someone that lived in delusion and if I was an irrational nut pride would be unwarranted. If I had no character I would not really be having anything to be proud about. 

It is not ones orientation, ones sex/gender or ones race which one should be judged by, but, by the content of their character. Their character and how they live in the world as an individual. From this individualistic act of being a good man or woman. Of being a good person with a good character and moral reasoning. From this is where Pride, authentic pride comes from and just happening to be falling into anyone demographic does not give you that. Pride is an individualistic act and goes counter to what "community" and collectivist "GBLT-fake pride" stands for. Which is a fake group identity based pride which requires no effort and for no one to have any character at all. In fact; in my experience having the exact opposite of the character to be proud about.