Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Similarities between Male Bi-Erasure and The Pussy Footing about Islam in GBLT communities.

OK, now hear me out this is going to not make sense until I explain it a bit for you my readers. There is this thing called Male Bi-Erasure and it is a real, genuine thing that is out there. The idea that Bisexual males are a myth and that they do not exist. That bisexual females do, but, men do not go both ways. You are either gay or straight as a male and nothing else. It is most fierce from the gay community itself. At least that is the experience of a lot of Bi males. 

There is also an equally erased type of individual and that is the GBLT person whom supports winning this war Islam is bringing to our doors. With defeating with as much defensive force as necessary the Islamic threat. Say something like Saudi Arabia needs to have an ultimatum or Iran is one of the largest supporters of ISIS type groups and get called "Islamaphobic." For simply stating something that most people aware of Middle East politics knows is true. You are erased just like Bi males are. 

There is another similarity, however and that is the continued silence of both groups whom never speak up. Never want to deal a blow to the pecking order and say "actually, I like women too I am not gay, but, I am GBLT." They do not want to upset the apple cart. I have even heard some Bi Males flogging themselves verbally by talking trash about "straights," when they have a side that is as "straight" as in into women as any heterosexual is. Both individuals are too afraid to be a lion to be a canary in the coal mine to speak up for themselves and the Western Values they support. 

Well, I say it is time for a two-tier coming out! A two-tier lions roar! Bi males need to speak up and take a stand defending attraction to women as not being icky. They also need to stand up for being pro-classically liberal Western Values. In unison none Bi people with similar views on Islam also need to speak up. The "community" needs the lions to shake things up and roar. Enough being collectivist and passive sheep. Too many Bi males are content with being silent and too many GBLT in general are silent on Islam. I say let us have a reformation of what it means to be GBLT and have GBLT in turn demand a reformation of Islam.