Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Jordan Peterson has officially gone insane

So, recently Jordan Peterson did a talk and he made it clear where he stance on matters of personal pursuit of happiness. He stated that he does not believe in living to try to obtain ones values, but, instead that ones place is to sacrifice like Jesus on the Cross. His Christianity showed in a very nasty way as he made statements that the only antidote to SJW types was to sacrifice yourself. That you have a choice to sacrifice yourself for a higher purpose or to sacrifice society to your needs. This is because he believes that there is no such thing as truly win/win. Something somewhere must need to be lost to gain something else. To the ultimate point of losing yourself for something more.

Jordan Peterson also has been clamoring on about Carl Jung as if he matters in modern psychiatry or psychology at all. He says to embrace the Dark side and Malevolence which is quite wrongheaded. He in a sense has started on a treacherous journey into pure delusion and insanity. He started out as being against being forced to use pronouns against his own will. He has since turned into a self-help pushing guru. In a word a mystic of the mind whom is just as bad for one's intellectual and mental fuel as the Social Justice nuts. He should be avoided in my opinion and people continue to endorse him as a genuine intellectual worth his salt at the peril of their own mind.